Annotation-agnostic differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data via expressed regions-level or single base-level approaches
- 790675356
- aaronjfisherStatistician at Foundation Medicine (F2IL)
- aehr2@Communisystems-Care-GmbH
- alphahmedUniverity Of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- arturochian
- bjmtTSL
- brentpUniversity of Utah
- caramirezalHealth Data Science Unit, Heidelberg University
- cashoesVancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- clemencebarnjak
- dalerNational Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
- ddiezOsaka University
- dnbaker@langmead-lab
- dpolychr@ochre-bio
- drejomCalifornia, USA
- GuannanThe Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- hammer
- jmw86069Integrative Bioinformatics
- jrfMayo Clinic -- @MCGAIL
- ktalik@get-chat
- lcolladotor@LieberInstitute
- letaylor
- lianosSan Francisco, CA
- MolGen
- nelloreOregon Health and Science University
- nicholas-owenUniversity College London / ARC - Advanced Research Computing
- pld@onaio
- rorykBranford, CT
- seaskyshy
- shanmdphdCollege of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
- slowkowMass General Brigham
- Smudgerville
- sridhar0605St Louis, Missouri
- stephenturner@colossal-compsci
- ttricheVan Andel Research Institute
- xiongxu