
qeustion about No module named 'skill_chaining'

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Dear Sir
I had tried install ViSkill, in Ubuntu 18.04, as web instruments. But
(1) I cannot find that file as

4.Then add one line of code at the top of gym/gym/envs/__ to register SurRoL tasks:
directory: anaconda3/envs/dex/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
import surrol.gym

So, I add line "import surrol.gym" in ~/anaconda3/envs/viskill/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/envs/__
Is it correct?

(2) then, I try
python SurRoL/surrol/data/ --env BiPegTransfer-v0 --subtask grasp

it show me the error of below.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "SurRoL/surrol/data/", line 13, in
from skill_chaining.components.envrionment import BiPegTransferSLWrapper
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'skill_chaining'

It looks it cannot identify the skill_chaining. Did I make something wrong? I will be very appreciated if you would kindly figure out the solution.

Thank you very much.

Hi, Jaujie,

(1): Yes. That is correct.
(2): Have you run the command 'pip install -e .' before you run this command?

Yes, and I had rebuild again.
I also try find ~ -name 'skill_chaining*', and it shows


There is no for import? I also check your web file, but I also cannot find it. Did I miss something?

Yes, and I had rebuild again. I also try find ~ -name 'skill_chaining*', and it shows


There is no for import? I also check your web file, but I also cannot find it. Did I miss something?

Hi, I have the same error here. Have you found a solution to this?

I just found out that the code is a bit wrong. In the file "SurRoL/surrol/data/", line 13, in
from skill_chaining.components.envrionment import BiPegTransferSLWrapper
we need to change it to
from viskill.components.envrionment import BiPegTransferSLWrapper
then it should work.

Thanks for catching it out! I used the original name of this repo here, which would work on my local computer. I will fix it soon.