
Help needed finding the parameters/variables

Ganeshgng opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear @jtorde,
Can you please help me find the topics/parameters relevant to the
flight times, Distances, MIQP Whole Traj, Cvx. Decomp. Whole Traj?
Is fig 6: plot using rqt_multiplot_plugin?


Hi @Ganeshgng,

The results in Table I, II, and III were obtained recording in a rosbag the /SQ01s/goal topic, and then computing the distance and the total time from that topic. Once you have the rosbag recorded, you can read it using either the rosbag API or the rosbag function of Matlab.

To obtain the times in Fig. 6, you can log the timing values in a txt (see this for example), and then plot them in MATLAB.

Hope this helps!

Hi @jtorde ,
Thank you for the reply, I was expecting you for a long time,
I made some progress on your advice, I have recorded the rosbag file, and trying to compute the distance and time using the matlab, I confused that what formula should I use for jerk-controlled model, To be clear Here(in rosbag recorded (/SQ01s/goal) I have all the coordinates and velocity, acceleration that quadrotor travelled, the trajectory which is a 3D bezier curved right?

Is it possible for you to share the code to compute the distance travelled, time taken by quadrotor? It will help me to apply and evaluate in different worlds, performance of FASTER.

Thank you for the replies @jtorde. I learned many things through your research.