
Gazebo+PX4-SITL implementation problem

giorgiovaccarino opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm having trouble implementing faster on a Gazebo+PX4 SITL simulation.
I have my world and a Iris model.
I implemented a controller in python (option 2 of the architecture) but when I subscribe the /goal topic I get:

[ERROR] [1633099445.913813448]: Client [/Extars_Supervisor] wants topic /goal to have datatype/md5sum [snapstack_msgs/Goal/29f7a5b62089bdabd9ea1780f356bc8b], but our version has [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped/d3812c3cbc69362b77dc0b19b345f8f5]. Dropping connection.

I have deleted the workspace and recompiled several times but to no avail.
On the whole disk as a Goal message definition I have these in my workspace:


Does anyone have an idea?

Hi @giorgiovaccarino,

Could you check if you have any other node (apart from FASTER nodes) publishing the goal topic? I.e., run rostopic info /goal (or rostopic info /SQ01s/goal if you are using a namespace).

It should say that there only FASTER nodes are publishing to that topic, and that its type is snapstack_msgs/Goal

Let me know if this helps!

There must be some problem with namespaces in my configuration that I can not understand for now.
To continue with the simulation I have renamed the topic /goal in /goalx and I can go on.
Thanks, I close this issue and open another one soon to ask for information about the yaw contained in the Goal message.