- 32
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_RNASPLICE:RNASPLICE:EDGER_DEU:SUBREAD_FEATURECOUNTS (SRX12134688)', Caused by: Process `NFCORE_RNASPLICE:RNASPLICE:EDGER_DEU:SUBREAD_FEATURECOUNTS (SRX12134688)` terminated with an error exit status (255)
#151 opened by tud03125 - 12
#150 opened by torres-HI - 1
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_RNASPLICE:RNASPLICE:RMATS:CREATE_BAMLIST_SINGLE (1)' caused by: No such variable: bam -- Check script '/home/tud03125/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/rnasplice/./workflows/../subworkflows/local/../../modules/local/' at line: 20
#152 opened by tud03125 - 5
AWSmegatests are failing
#144 opened by FriederikeHanssen - 10
Miso error
#134 opened by BulutHamali - 2
Implement IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
#148 opened by jesseangelis - 1
Spare memory for samtools issue
#145 opened by bc2zb - 0
DRIMSEQ_DEXSEQ_DTU_SALMON:DRIMSEQ_FILTER not working with special characters in sample names
#140 opened by fhausmann - 3
Merged genes output
#139 opened by SergioManzano10 - 11
#126 opened by IanCodes - 0
RNA splice output
#138 opened by SergioManzano10 - 7
- 4
Error in SUPPA: Clustergroups are assigned incorrectly
#131 opened by spraeger - 2
sashimi_plot error
#111 opened by GimenaA - 3
- 1
Error single-end execution
#130 opened by fcastillo1 - 3
MISO error
#119 opened by ZeinBader - 2
Error: suppa_split_file.R Input_file must contain samplesheet samples.
#122 opened by Mridul-Chaudhary - 5
The processes for splitting files are running very slowly with large numbers of input samples
#120 opened by amizeranschi - 2
EXITING because of FATAL ERROR: Genome version: 20201 is INCOMPATIBLE with running STAR version: 2.7.9a
#117 opened by petemeng - 2
Empty output for BAM+rMats
#105 opened by Qingru44004 - 1
- 1
DEXSeq-DTU Stager pScreenAdjusted
#108 opened by bio-info-guy - 7
contrast file problem?
#112 opened by marwa38 - 2
Missing rMATS arguments
#107 opened by adomingues - 4
STAGER error: subscript out of bounds
#99 opened by paolo-kunderfranco - 1
make contrasts file names consistent with those of the differentialabundance pipeline
#106 opened by adomingues - 5
#98 opened by DwinGrashof - 1
- 6
STAGER error: subscript out of bounds
#83 opened by paolo-kunderfranco - 1
example contrastsheet.csv missing
#93 opened by Kevin2197 - 4
- 19
test profile: miso_index failure
#90 opened by heathfuqua - 14
SUPPA cluster events error
#71 opened by paolo-kunderfranco - 2
The pipeline should be able to infer strandedness from FASTQ (i.e. allow "auto" for strandedness in the CSV)
#84 opened by amizeranschi - 10
Error with when running with multiple contrasts: <filename>.bam not found in .rmats files
#85 opened by amizeranschi - 2
The default --miso_genes are invalid when --gencode is specified and cause the pipeline to fail
#78 opened by amizeranschi - 10
#69 opened by paolo-kunderfranco - 21
- 1
- 4
MISO_SASHIMI looks in NXF_HOME subdirectory instead of working directory for output files
#75 opened by dkoppstein - 2
- 7
ERROR ~ No such variable: Exception evaluating property 'out' for nextflow.script.ChannelOut
#70 opened by amizeranschi - 2
dexseq: stager.R: subscript out of bounds.
#44 opened by gl9797 - 2
check_contrastsheet not identifying headers even though they're present
#63 opened by expansion-bioemformatics - 2
prepare_genome gencode
#60 opened by tijeco