In silico directed evolution of peptide binders with AlphaFold
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- almeida85
- amarsh1University of Warwick
- biochristmas
- bipiniiith
- bsungwooSeoul National University
- chenyinlin1
- DavidLiSU2024
- ddemonte0306University at Buffalo
- donegaciMachine Learning Engineer @ Epsilico
- eagleqx
- EfstathiosNikolaosVlachos
- engelbergerDataRoot
- hgbrian
- hugecaddSimcere
- inter1965
- jkwang93Zhejiang University
- johnnyp117
- johnnytam100University of Tokyo
- jongseo-parkSouth Korea
- JustinDoItTianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- KYQiu21Max Planck Institute for Biology
- Licko0909
- LLei2Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- pharmozyme-rperez
- rnaimehaom
- rocke2020Shanghai
- shivashankarv
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- tencerjoCalifornia
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- wendaoPeking University
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- ZINClickUniversitĂ del Piemonte Orientale