- aellaboudy
- alexlee-gk
- alipunjani
- amiltonwong
- animesh-gargGeorgia Institute of Technology
- ankush-me
- apoorvas
- berenson
- bsklaroff
- dementrock
- dragonwarrior
- EdsterG
- fofanafi
- gkahn13
- goehringFreie Universität
- jamessha
- jeffmahlerAmbi Robotics
- jhcloos
- jonkim93
- justicelee
- karts25Zipline International
- mdlaskey
- michalwolsNew York
- mnarayanPasteur's Quadrant
- mtaysonfrederick
- ppnathanUC Berkeley
- ptirupatUCF
- ralben10001
- samarjeetNational Institute of Health
- sameeptandonStanford, CA
- sdmillerFyusion, Inc
- sflc6
- shhuang
- siddarthsenIntuitive Surgical
- ttblue
- waynemystir