Import Human Model in Gazebo
MarcoCaianiello opened this issue · 3 comments
If i try to import one of the urdf file in Gazebo, only the Pelvis link spawn.
In line 9 there is the following comment:
To open this model with Gazebo replace the null masses, inertias and dimensions of the 'fake links f1 and f2
I have changed all the values and now all the links spawn correctly. Despite that, the robot is unstable (See Video).
Hello Marco, how did you change those values? I am having problem to understand how to replace them. Thank you in advance.
Hello Marco, how did you change those values? I am having problem to understand how to replace them. Thank you in advance.
Hi @ne-ak, I think changing it with something like
<mass value="0.0001"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<inertia ixx="0.0001" iyy="0.0001" izz="0.0001" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyz="0"/>
for all the link that have currently mass=0, might work (if it doesn't you can try to use 0.001