Bioinformatician at Human Technopole, Milan. Previously a postdoc at @wurmlab groug at QMUL and at the Holland group at Oxford Uni.
Human TechnopoleMilan, Italy
roddypr's Followers
- bhallerCornell University, Stick Software
- bmpvieiraLifebit
- digrigor@WormBase
- florentynamubeezimagoolaUK
- gawbulDr Stephen P. Moss
- giuliafois
- hannesbecherUniversity of Edinburgh
- ilevantis
- IsmailMUCL Cancer Institute
- JoscolganJGU Mainz
- jzohrenMax Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
- lauracarpen
- lrsantiagoThe Institute of Cancer Research
- manwensu
- Nazrath10RQueen Mary - University of London
- PeterMulhairUniversity of Oxford
- sallyivensLondon
- yannickwurmEvolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics
- Zaf4
- zhangdmccnu