ROS-Industrial core communication packages (
Pinned issues
- 9
Support for ROS2
#253 opened by gtan039 - 8
industrial_trajectory_filters: unexpected values for some resampled points (moveit trajectory)
#250 opened by kobesdu - 0
#286 opened by alexmolera - 1
How to send real-time joint trajectory to the real robot by robot_industrial client. For example, using moveit servo to generate trajectory, how to guarantee the robot receive the newest joint trajectory.
#284 opened by caimingxue - 0
- 1
TriState.msg TRUE & FALSE duplicated error
#281 opened by moliqingwa - 2
how to connect multi robotic arms via the robot_tcp address using industrial robot client? I dont know how to send different robot_tcp address. Thanks
#280 opened by caimingxue - 9
- Portability on ROS1 Noetic.
#278 opened by giordy-sudo - 2
is "dv = current_vel+last_vel " should be modified to "dv = current_vel - last_vel" in industrial_robot_simulator package file
#277 opened by dbdxnuliba - 4
- 1
industrial_robot_simulator for ROS Noetic
#273 opened by karl-exwzd - 11
Noetic release
#256 opened by TheDelus - 1
catkin_lint packages
#194 opened by VictorLamoine - 0
- 5
TcpClient won't re-establish connection if physical connection is unplugged, then restored
#238 opened by PGlaubitzWork - 18
Implementation of simple_message_hw_interface
#176 opened by rsinnet - 5
- 3
robot_client: JointTrajectoryStreamer does not send TRAJ_STOP if in IDLE state
#175 opened by gavanderhoorn - 16
- 6
Enable debug messages of industrial_robot_client
#257 opened by jediofgever - 1
- 3
catkin_make not working for ROS
#252 opened by ishaniis - 3
- 4
- 1
build error on industrial_trajectory_filter
#245 opened by shenyan0712 - 0
pkg version nrs seem to have diverged between release and devel branches
#224 opened by gavanderhoorn - 2
Trying to read data from sensor_messages/jointstate topic and reusing it to send command to robot
#237 opened by SunnyKatyara - 2
- 8
skipped tests make build status: unstable
#149 opened by gavanderhoorn - 4
tcp server makeConnect() blocks forever
#177 opened by jrgnicho - 12
- 3
- 2
Joint names do not match
#230 opened by manujtrehan - 0
Incorrect logging output
#228 opened by gonzalocasas - 3
- 3
Compilation Error while running catkin_make
#227 opened by rahulmdh - 5
Melodic support
#220 opened by atyshka - 4
industrial_utils: using 'default joint names' when parameter cannot be found is a bad idea
#180 opened by gavanderhoorn - 7
JointRelayHandler calibration offsets support?
#218 opened by krebsalad - 8
- 2
Melodic support
#213 opened by jorgenfb - 2
Add roslaunch testing to pkgs with launch files
#179 opened by gavanderhoorn - 12
Joint trajectory action in Industrial Robot Client does not initialize joint names
#181 opened by srsidd - 1
- 7
Controller and industrial-robot-client out of sync for empty trajectories
#154 opened by simonschmeisser - 5
Tests fails with catkin build on ROS Kinetic
#173 opened by VictorLamoine - 12
How to create user-defined message
#178 opened by Booooooosh - 3
- 7
- 10
Cannot build kinetic-devel with catkin_make
#168 opened by VictorLamoine