- 1
Logger child not publish in /rosout
#1407 opened by halejo-as - 1
SystemError `PyCFunction with class but no METH_METHOD` during normal ROS operations
#1400 opened by apockill - 2
No way to set rosout QoS for a Node
#1368 opened by rg-gravis - 6
Race condition in `MultiThreadedExecutor`
#1393 opened by felixdivo - 0
- 0
- 9
- 4
[Feature] Static Type Checking With ament_mypy
#1257 opened by InvincibleRMC - 5
- 5
Troubling: calling `spin_until_future_complete` on one service causes another service's callback to not be called
#1398 opened by zkytony - 9
Wait Set Index Too Big
#1381 opened by gkuppa24 - 0
- 3
Why are tf updates slower with ReentrantCallbackGroup in rclpy compared to the default callback group?
#1388 opened by Tacha-S - 1
- 4
`rcl_shutdown` is not thread-safe when used in both `signal_handler` and `Context.__exit__`.
#1352 opened by YuanYuYuan - 2
High CPU load when setting `use_sim_time` to `True` and subscribing to `/clock`
#1378 opened by Tacha-S - 1
- 11
[Memory leak]: rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(action_client, future) causing program to grow in memory
#1371 opened by chanhhoang99 - 0
- 8
KeyError in ActionServer._execute_goal
#1236 opened by rafael1193 - 2
- 2
- 11
:farmer: Humble TestClient.test_service_timestamps failing consistently in Connext
#1347 opened by Crola1702 - 0
Callback Groups Leak Memory
#1356 opened by jpfeltracco - 5
async wait/sleep implementation
#1234 opened by russkel - 8
context.on_shutdown is never called
#1287 opened by firesurfer - 5
High-Latency networks: "generator already executing" when calling a service
#1351 opened by mmatthebi - 1
ROS2 Iron: Action Servers Become Unresponsive After Modifying Collision Checking
#1337 opened by Infraviored - 11
- 2
I found that there is no clock_type file in the rclpy directory under my ros2 directory.
#1327 opened by lijianfromearth - 1
Added optional TimerInfo to timer callback
#1265 opened by fujitatomoya - 2
Flaky `get_node_names_and_namespaces` shows it's own node name but duplicated
#1320 opened by saikishor - 1
Make nodes, publishers, subscriptions, services, clients, action servers, action clients Python context managers
#1280 opened by clalancette - 2
- 2
Logging with `rclpy` to file misses messages unless accompanied by a consistent stream
#1315 opened by alberthli - 22
- 4
Memory leak in ActionServer. ```taken_data = self._handle.take_goal_request```
#1300 opened by holesond - 4
Async tasks are processed in LIFO not FIFO
#1303 opened by jpfeltracco - 1
[Bug] error when node created with rclpy.node.Node
#1301 opened by sasilva1998 - 6
Rate object's destroy() does not destroy the underlying Timer object, leading to CPU usage explosion
#1278 opened by 2lian - 2
- 1
- 2
- 4
Executors mishandle invalid waitables
#1284 opened by mhidalgo-bdai - 9
aarch64 cross compiling
#1282 opened by XQSwx - 3
- 1
- 2
Feature Request for MultiProcessExecutor
#1229 opened by Schteve-Earl - 1
#1224 opened by Someone22333 - 5
[design question] get_parameter exception choice
#1222 opened by haianos