
我在 github 上 star 过的项目整理

Awesome Stars Awesome

A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed

Total Updated

🏠 Contents


Name Description Author Stars
1 pixi-whitealbum 白色相簿2(ホワイトアルバム2) deepred5 23
2 indent-string Indent each line in a string sindresorhus 77
3 drawio Source to www.draw.io jgraph 14747
4 fx Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer 🔥 antonmedv 9231
5 number-precision 🚀1K tiny & fast lib for doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations precisely nefe 1876
6 butterfly 🎉JavaScript Diagramming library which concentrate on flow layout canvas alibaba 264
7 creepyface A Javascript library that makes your face follow the pointer. 🤪🖱️👆 4lejandrito 356
8 flowy The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨ alyssaxuu 4939
9 evil-huawei Evil Huawei - 华为作过的恶 evil-huawei 7367
10 unstated State so simple, it goes without saying jamiebuilds 7114
11 itsy-bitsy-data-structures 🏰 All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures jamiebuilds 7601
12 decision-tree-js Small JavaScript implementation of ID3 Decision tree lagodiuk 227
13 antd-dayjs-webpack-plugin ⏰ Day.js webpack plugin for antd ant-design 72
14 fkill-cli Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform. sindresorhus 5829
15 buble bublejs 696
16 wasm-ast WebAssembly AST Parser indutny 44
17 scrollreveal Animate elements as they scroll into view. scrollreveal 18311
18 waka-box 📊 Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats matchai 217
19 import-http Import modules from URL instead of local node_modules egoist 1006
20 ky 🌳 Tiny & elegant HTTP client based on window.fetch sindresorhus 5123
21 progress-estimator Logs a progress bar and estimation for how long a Promise will take to complete bvaughn 1905
22 BullshitGenerator Needs to generate some texts to test if my GUI rendering codes good or not. so I made this. menzi11 11895
23 react-joyride Create guided tours in your apps gilbarbara 2877
24 dyo Dyo is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. dyo 890
25 replace [UNMAINTAINED] Command line search and replace utility harthur 734
26 mitt 🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub. developit 3807
27 use-global-hook andregardi 377
28 f2etest F2etest是一个面向前端、测试、产品等岗位的多浏览器兼容性测试整体解决方案。 alibaba 2983
29 uirecorder UI Recorder is a multi-platform UI test recorder. alibaba 1441
30 evergarden [WIP] A design system for Vue.js evergarden-ui 33
31 SmallGo SmallGo是一个开源的淘宝客系统 jcove 90
32 VvvebJs Drag and drop website builder javascript library. givanz 2345
33 react-helmet A document head manager for React nfl 12166
34 appium 📱 Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps. appium 10676
35 appium-desktop Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux appium 2408
36 readme-md-generator 📄 CLI that generates beautiful README.md files kefranabg 6749
37 ShadowEditor 3D scene editor based on three.js and MongoDB. https://tengge1.github.io/ShadowEditor-examples/ tengge1 396
38 badgen Fast handcraft svg badge generating library. badgen 412
39 proposal-uuid UUID proposal for ECMAScript (Stage 1) tc39 322
40 autojs android autojs签到脚本【百度地图签到、大众点评签到、叮咚买菜签到、飞猪签到里程、京东签到京豆、京东金融签到钢镚、联想签到延保、拼多多签到、上海移动和你签到、什么值得买签到、苏宁易购签到、淘宝签到淘金币、腾讯wifi管家签到、微信读书(TODO)、小米商城抢购web(TODO)、新浪微博早起打卡(TODO)、云闪付签到积分、支付宝签到积分、支付宝每日花呗红包、支付宝体育服务早期打卡(TODO)】 bjc5233 124
41 vizceral WebGL visualization for displaying animated traffic graphs Netflix 3415
42 500lines 500 Lines or Less aosabook 24115
43 vsc-netease-music UNOFFICIAL Netease Music extension for Visual Studio Code nondanee 804
44 UnblockNeteaseMusic Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music nondanee 7134
45 jjb 京价保(京价宝)—— 一个帮助你自动申请京东价格保护的chrome拓展 sunoj 2301
46 SubPlayer 📝 SubPlayer is a online subtitle editor zhw2590582 137
47 voidcall Real time strategy game in 13kb of JavaScript/WebGL phoboslab 313
48 Antmove Antmove,编译型跨端解决方案,基于支付宝/微信小程序, 轻松地转换成其它平台的小程序。 ant-move 724
49 t-rex-runner the t-rex runner game extracted from chromium wayou 1025
50 touch-bar-if-err VSCode Touch Bar Extension dongri 5
51 react-localoader Automatically localize all texts in your React project during Webpack builds montzkie18 1
52 i18nc I18N Tool for JS files. Bacra 3
53 babel-plugin-codegen 💥 Generate code at build-time kentcdodds 234
54 react-i18next Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem. i18next 4203
55 stargazed 📋 Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! abhijithvijayan 227
56 px2rem-loader Webpack loader for px2rem css file Jinjiang 157
57 react-waypoint A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element. civiccc 3427
58 mockserver Mock your backends in a matter of seconds. HTTP is King. namshi 258
59 chinese-colors 🇨🇳🎨Chinese traditional color cheatsheet online zerosoul 1223
60 react-awesome-button React button component. Awesome button is a 3D UI, progress, social and share enabled, animated at 60fps, light weight, performant, production ready react UI button component. 🖥️📱 rcaferati 639
61 react-desktop React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10 gabrielbull 8508
62 reduce-antd-icons-bundle-demo How to reduce your umi project with ant-design icons. HeskeyBaozi 74
63 node-osascript A stream for Apple Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) through AppleScript or Javascript mikaelbr 35
64 Micro-FE 🍊走进Micro Frontends:一次Micro Frontends 的简单实践。 hubvue 108
65 single-spa Microfrontends made easy CanopyTax 4710
66 postcss-class-prefix No Longer Maintained - A class prefixer/namespacer for postcss thompsongl 77
67 tippyjs Highly customizable tooltip and popover library atomiks 6769
68 xmpp.js XMPP for JavaScript xmppjs 1768
69 popmotion Simple animation libraries for delightful user interfaces Popmotion 17495
70 devdocs-desktop 🗂 A full-featured desktop app for DevDocs.io. egoist 2274
71 commands.js Command line arguments processor for node.js and in the browser steveukx 7
72 luban-h5 [WIP]en: web design tool || mobile page builder/editor || mini webflow for mobile page. zh: 类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具. ly525 1688
73 jimp An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies. oliver-moran 9468
74 spacetime A lightweight javascript timezone library spencermountain 2833
75 v8-compile-cache Require hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistence zertosh 348
76 boxen Create boxes in the terminal sindresorhus 668
77 type-config A generator for tsconfig Saul-Mirone 5
78 fixme Scan for NOTE, OPTIMIZE, TODO, HACK, XXX, FIXME, and BUG comments within your source, and print them to stdout so you can deal with them. JohnPostlethwait 136
79 sherlogjs JavaScript error and event tracker application. burakson 461
80 jscodeshift A JavaScript codemod toolkit. facebook 4894
81 detect-browser Unpack a browser type and version from the useragent string DamonOehlman 361
82 wavesurfer.js Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas katspaugh 4078
83 cube.js 📊 Cube.js - Open Source Analytics Framework cube-js 6698
84 emojigit VS Code extension for composing Gitmoji commit messages benjaminadk 26
85 dotenv-webpack A secure webpack plugin that supports dotenv and other environment variables and only exposes what you choose and use. mrsteele 747
86 react-fast-compare fastest deep equal comparison for React FormidableLabs 676
87 electron-icon-builder An icon generator to generate all the icon files needed for electron packaging safu9 12
88 ramme Unofficial Instagram Desktop App. terkelg 3201
89 betwixt ⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel. kdzwinel 4152
90 medis 💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis. luin 8439
91 ChakraCore ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge microsoft 8064
92 through2 Tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing noise rvagg 1667
93 download Download and extract files kevva 925
94 chart.xkcd xkcd styled chart lib timqian 5943
95 electron-menubar Easy way to create an electron menubar application. hacdias 36
96 detect-port Node.js implementation of port detector node-modules 236
97 electron-is-dev Check if Electron is running in development sindresorhus 268
98 electron-util Useful utilities for Electron apps and modules sindresorhus 623
99 electron-unhandled Catch unhandled errors and promise rejections in your Electron app sindresorhus 253
100 react-ace React Ace Component securingsincity 2216
101 react-monaco-editor Monaco Editor for React. react-monaco-editor 1215
102 lint-staged 🚫💩 — Run linters on git staged files okonet 6131
103 wallpaper Manage the desktop wallpaper sindresorhus 666
104 asar Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing electron 1464
105 kit Tools for developing, documenting, and testing React component libraries c8r 1185
106 fix-path Fix the $PATH on macOS when run from a GUI app sindresorhus 160
107 electron-react-boilerplate A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps electron-react-boilerplate 13386
108 watch Utilities for watching file trees in node.js mikeal 1148
109 legoflow 更轻、更强、开箱即用的 前端工作流客户端 legoflow 488
110 nve Run any command on specific Node.js versions ehmicky 496
111 riteway Simple, readable, helpful unit tests. ericelliott 748
112 tape tap-producing test harness for node and browsers substack 5201
113 npmgraph.an 2d visualization of npm anvaka 675
114 dotenv Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects. motdotla 10444
115 whybundled Answers the question – Why the hell is this module in a bundle? d4rkr00t 421
116 redux-mock-store A mock store for testing Redux async action creators and middleware. dmitry-zaets 2090
117 baidu-netdisk-downloaderx ⚡️ 一款图形界面的百度网盘不限速下载器,支持 Windows、Linux 和 Mac。 b3log 17431
118 ajv The fastest JSON Schema Validator. Supports draft-04/06/07 epoberezkin 6756
119 blog Life is a moment 📔 MuYunyun 888
120 redux-devtools-extension Redux DevTools extension. zalmoxisus 10483
121 webpackbar Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 and 4 nuxt 1478
122 electron-devtools-installer An easy way to ensure Chrome DevTools extensions into Electron MarshallOfSound 575
123 jsdiff A javascript text differencing implementation. kpdecker 4512
124 anyproxy A fully configurable http/https proxy in NodeJS alibaba 6167
125 react-sortable-hoc A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌️ clauderic 7560
126 react-proto 🎨 React application prototyping tool for developers and designers 🏗️ React-Proto 2733
127 justgage JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing. toorshia 1742
128 mc.js Open source Minecraft clone built with ThreeJS, ReactJS, GraphQL, and NodeJS. ian13456 2729
129 Resemble.js Image analysis and comparison rsmbl 3490
130 file-type Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer sindresorhus 1396
131 svg-sprite-loader Webpack loader for creating SVG sprites. JetBrains 1314
132 aos Animate on scroll library michalsnik 11447
133 graphql-js A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript graphql 15279
134 hyper-redux hyper app style redux react tjdavies 12
135 analyze-npm Analyze npm, hunt for es module packages pikapkg 34
136 redux-actions Flux Standard Action utilities for Redux. redux-utilities 6354
137 web 📦 ✨Install npm dependencies to run directly in the browser. No webpack required. https://www.pika.dev/blog/pika-web-a-future-without-webpack/ pikapkg 4811
138 electron-reload Simplest (:pray:) way to reload an electron app on file changes! yan-foto 336
139 electronmon 🖥 run, watch, and restart electron apps using magic catdad 6
140 electron-vue-music 基于 electron-vue 开发的音乐播放器,界面模仿QQ音乐,技术栈electron-vue+vue+vuex+vue-router+element- UI。欢迎star SmallRuralDog 919
141 i18n-ast https://juejin.im/post/5b9f7976e51d450e9e43fd71 unStone 35
142 diabloweb Diablo 1 for web browsers d07RiV 1115
143 mmmmh 🏞 妈咪妈咪哄,一阵魔法咒语之后你的图片就变小了。 MiYogurt 1
144 node-dev Zero-conf Node.js reloading fgnass 1443
145 nrm NPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao Pana 1653
146 player.js Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player. vimeo 860
147 github-do-not-ban-us GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷 1995parham 12159
148 markdown-nice 支持自定义样式的微信 Markdown 排版工具 mdnice 983
149 freezeframe.js freezeframe.js is a library that pauses animated .gifs and enables them to animate on mouse hover / mouse click / touch event, or with trigger / release functions. ctrl-freaks 1027
150 moveTo A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency hsnaydd 2609
151 taiko A node.js library to automate chrome/chromium browser getgauge 1721
152 why-did-you-update 💥 Puts your console on blast when React is making unnecessary updates. maicki 3959
153 packem 📦⚡ A precompiled JavaScript module bundler packem 482
154 clsx A tiny (223B) utility for constructing className strings conditionally. lukeed 741
155 p5.js p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. http://twitter.com/p5xjs processing 12007
156 monitorFE 🍉前端埋点监控,提供前端 JS 执行错误,第三方资源加载异常,Ajax 请求错误监控 MriLiuJY 88
157 trilium Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes zadam 6091
158 STF-Ultron Main of the STF, change some logic monkeytest15 10
159 iron-node Debug Node.js code with Chrome Developer Tools. s-a 2372
160 rawkit 🦊 Immediately Open Chrome DevTools when debugging Node.js apps darcyclarke 302
161 inspect-process 🔍 Dead simple debugging for node.js using chrome-devtools. jaridmargolin 423
162 rethinkdbdash An advanced Node.js driver for RethinkDB with a connection pool, support for streams etc. neumino 861
163 find-beauty-in-douyin 使用 ADB 和 Node.js 训练抖音模型,自动关注抖音里好看的小姐姐 huruji 48
164 thinky JavaScript ORM for RethinkDB neumino 1110
165 kleur The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! lukeed 809
166 avn Automatic Version Switching for Node wbyoung 846
167 rollup-plugin-postcss Seamless integration between Rollup and PostCSS. egoist 337
168 rollup-plugin-babel Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel rollup 642
169 schemastore A collection of JSON schema files including full API SchemaStore 736
170 yanduoduo-server 👸🏻 颜多多:颜值多多,快乐多多 (服务端) little-tongue 7
171 appium-adb Wrapper around adb used by appium + helper libs appium 137
172 macaca-cli Macaca command-line interface macacajs 457
173 open-wc Open Web Components provides a set of defaults, recommendations and tools to help facilitate your Web Component. open-wc 618
174 kap An open-source screen recorder built with web technology wulkano 11418
175 emotion 👩‍🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition emotion-js 9673
176 react-loading-skeleton Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app! dvtng 944
177 lib-flexible 可伸缩布局方案 amfe 10173
178 vue-skeleton-webpack-plugin Lavas webpack plugin: skeleton solution for PWA webshell lavas-project 693
179 vue-content-loader SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading. egoist 2055
180 babel-plugin-macros 🎣 Allows you to build simple compile-time libraries kentcdodds 1733
181 wayou.github.io wayou 93
182 dlv Safe deep property access in 120 bytes. x = dlv(obj, 'a.b.x') developit 956
183 react-fiber-implement re-implement react fiber tranbathanhtung 502
184 reactive-react-redux React Redux binding with React Hooks and Proxy dai-shi 382
185 learnVue :octocat:Vue.js 源码解析 answershuto 8366
186 react-lifecycle-methods-diagram Interactive React Lifecycle Methods diagram. wojtekmaj 2302
187 puppeteer-autotest puppeteer autotest, 用puppeteer做页面自动化测试和restful接口测试. dmoosocool 38
188 leetcode My LeetCode Solutions xcatliu 285
189 qim Immutable/functional select/update queries for plain JS. jdeal 176
190 zanePerfor 前端性能监控系统,消息队列,高可用,集群等相关架构 wangweianger 683
191 screen-orientation Get the current screen orientation bendrucker 6
192 alita 一套把React Native代码转换成微信小程序代码的转换引擎工具。我们不造轮子,不发明新框架,只是提供工具把RN扩展到微信小程序端。 areslabs 1135
193 performance-bookmarklet Performance-Bookmarklet helps to analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest. micmro 934
194 crx-selection-translate 让浏览任意语言的网站变得无比轻松的浏览器扩展程序。 Selection-Translator 2581
195 tinydate A tiny (349B) reusable date formatter. Extremely fast! lukeed 815
196 tsdx Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development jaredpalmer 3542
197 fre 👻 Tiny React16 like framework with Concurrent. yisar 944
198 matting 基于人像mask图层的人像抠出方法 xd-tayde 19
199 js-framework-benchmark A comparison of the perfomance of a few popular javascript frameworks krausest 2858
200 react-interpretation React 源码解析 KieSun 732
201 ghChat :octocat: 📱A chat application for GitHub. Front-End : React+Redux+React-router+axios+scss;Back-end: node(koa2)+mysql+JWT+ Typescripts; Socket.io, PWA aermin 521
202 Particle CoinXu 5
203 react-hardware A React renderer for Hardware. iamdustan 686
204 build-your-own-react Source code for my "Build Your Own React" talk ofirdagan 43
205 zdog Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG metafizzy 7315
206 FunctionScript A language and specification for turning JavaScript functions into typed HTTP APIs FunctionScript 1260
207 babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types Remove unnecessary React propTypes from the production build. 🎈 oliviertassinari 853
208 sinuous 🧬 Small, fast, reactive UI library luwes 473
209 jsnes A JavaScript NES emulator. bfirsh 4469
210 react-spring ✌️ A spring physics based React animation library react-spring 15441
211 stylelint-config-standard The standard shareable config for stylelint stylelint 940
212 es5-imcompatible-versions Collect uglify all bug versions on npm package. umijs 34
213 alfa Effortless React State Management. lsm 84
214 wx.d.ts definitions for wechat app's api hellopao 98
215 video-react A web video player built for the HTML5 world using React library. video-react 1560
216 react-id-swiper A library to use idangerous Swiper as a ReactJs component which allows Swiper's modules custom build kidjp85 987
217 postcss-import PostCSS plugin to inline @import rules content postcss 912
218 Strawberry-Wallpaper 采用electron-vue开发的壁纸应用app,详细说明:https://aitexiaoy.github.io/Strawberry-Wallpaper/ aitexiaoy 114
219 electron-flyer 《破晓:黑夜之中的 Electron 飞行指南》 MiYogurt 26
220 concurrency-benchmarks Golang/Nodejs/Deno/Python/PHP的原生 HTTP 高并发测试 axetroy 2
221 jeelizFaceFilter Javascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...). jeeliz 1065
222 react-in-patterns-cn React in patterns 中文版 SangKa 1018
223 node-safe-require safe version of require that returns undefined rather than throwing an error when the module is not found tallesl 7
224 m-dialog A dialog component for vue. mengdu 22
225 closure-compiler-npm Package for managing and documenting closure-compiler for use via npm google 247
226 LayaFireWorks Laya 烟花效果 yangfch3 2
227 gitment A comment system based on GitHub Issues. imsun 3625
228 eslint-plugin-import ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports. benmosher 2175
229 Iroh Dynamic code analysis tool - Exploit, record and analyze running JavaScript maierfelix 835
230 webpack-interview-questions Webpack questions/answers you can use to prepare for interviews or test your knowledge. styopdev 139
231 insomnia Cross-platform HTTP and GraphQL Client Kong 11804
232 GitHubVisualizer Visualization the history of repository changes based on data from GitHub artzub 312
233 factor-bundle factor browser-pack bundles into common shared bundles browserify 394
234 react-easy-state Simple React state management. Made with ❤️ and ES6 Proxies. solkimicreb 1684
235 git-visualizer 👁‍🗨:octocat:Visualizes directory structure of GitHub repos veniversum 321
236 jupyter-nodejs A node.js kernel for jupyter/ipython notablemind 615
237 ijavascript IJavascript is a javascript kernel for the Jupyter notebook n-riesco 1223
238 fly 🚀 Supporting request forwarding and Promise based HTTP client for all JavaScript runtimes. wendux 3026
239 build-your-own-vuejs [Deprecated] Build Vuejs from scratch to learn how it works internally jsrebuild 224
240 sleep-promise Resolves a promise after a specified delay. brummelte 52
241 ms Tiny milisecond conversion utility zeit 2597
242 bash-handbook 📖 For those who wanna learn Bash denysdovhan 3933
243 marko A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun marko-js 9332
244 mini-web-monitor 一个旨在讲清楚如何在不暴露源码的情况下定位前端脚本错误的最小版前端监控系统 huruji 16
245 crossorigin-webpack-plugin 📦 Add the crossorigin attribute to HTML scripts(CORS), support webpack v2/3/4 | 为 HTML 脚本添加 crossorigin 属性(跨域支持),支持 webpack v2/3/4 wannaxiao 1
246 stacktrace.js Generate, parse, and enhance JavaScript stack traces in all web browsers stacktracejs 3523
247 koa-serve Koa middleware for serving static files adamkdean 5
248 rasterizeHTML.js Renders HTML into the browser's canvas cburgmer 1872
249 eustia Tool for generating utility libraries liriliri 268
250 pacote programmatic npm package and metadata downloader (moved!) zkat 284
251 download-npm-package Download a module from the npm registry. kesla 17
252 eslint-config-kentcdodds ESLint configuration for projects that I do... Feel free to use this! kentcdodds 136
253 youtube-captions 点击一下即可开启中英双字幕,适用于YouTube™ ADengrc 114
254 plyr A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player sampotts 15843
255 iblog 🖋 (issues blog) 欢迎订阅(watch👀) 收藏(star) gnipbao 166
256 vue-markdown-loader 📇 Convert Markdown file to Vue component. QingWei-Li 597
257 loader-runner Runs (webpack) loaders webpack 139
258 async-validator validate form asynchronous yiminghe 4960
259 Modernizr Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. Modernizr 24117
260 mithril.js A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications MithrilJS 11837
261 like-heart lvming6816077 24
262 selector-observer Allows you to monitor DOM elements that match a CSS selector josh 93
263 gifi watch GIFs while running npm install vadimdemedes 1014
264 postcss-url PostCSS plugin to rebase url(), inline or copy asset. postcss 274
265 postcss-instagram 📷 PostCSS plugin for using Instagram filters in CSS azat-io 104
266 webpack-plugin-996icu 一个帮助 webpack 拥有假期,拒绝 996,拒绝 ICU,提高工作效率的 webpack 插件 huruji 27
267 codesandboxer Deploy any component directly to codesandbox from anywhere codesandbox 430
268 zhui 🚀 A Chinese style component library powered by React https://zhui-team.github.io/zhui/ zhui-team 1252
269 beJS Simple, light-weight assertions framework for javascript fabioricali 14
270 dvm Deno Version Manager - Easy way to manage multiple active deno versions. justjavac 105
271 react-to-vue transform React component into Vue component vicwang163 359
272 vue-to-react 🛠️ 👉 Try to transform Vue component to React component dwqs 218
273 Awesome-Design-Tools The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉 LisaDziuba 18040
274 loadCSS A function for loading CSS asynchronously filamentgroup 6268
275 copy-text-to-clipboard Copy text to the clipboard in modern browsers (0.2 kB) sindresorhus 647
276 TinyColor Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript bgrins 3254
277 ogl Minimal WebGL Library oframe 1261
278 noerror 脚本错误监控系统-使用souremap还原报错代码的具体信息 joeyguo 94
279 caniuse-api request the caniuse data to check browsers compatibilities Nyalab 276
280 common-tags 🔖 Useful template literal tags for dealing with strings in ES2015+ declandewet 1356
281 VueTest 个人笔记和常见面试题的例子 XinLi96 54
282 weapp-qrcode weapp.qrcode.js 在 微信小程序 中,快速生成二维码 yingye 801
283 monopack A JavaScript bundler for node.js monorepo-codebased applications. flegall 35
284 griffith A React-based web video player zhihu 1874
285 snarkdown 😼 A snarky 1kb Markdown parser written in JavaScript developit 1313
286 log-update Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc. sindresorhus 722
287 handtrack.js A library for prototyping realtime hand detection (bounding box), directly in the browser. victordibia 1508
288 laxxx Simple & light weight (3kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive! alexfoxy 6568
289 monaco-editor A browser based code editor microsoft 18297
290 webpack-plugin-serve A Development Server in a Webpack Plugin shellscape 248
291 Danmaku A high-performance JavaScript danmaku engine. 高性能弹幕引擎库 weizhenye 351
292 bisheng Transform Markdown(and other static files with transformers) into a SPA website using React. benjycui 2209
293 extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin Extract CSS from chunks into multiple stylesheets + HMR faceyspacey 602
294 sw-precache [Deprecated] A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline. GoogleChromeLabs 5273
295 webpack-manifest-plugin webpack plugin for generating asset manifests danethurber 946
296 preload-webpack-plugin A webpack plugin for injecting <link rel='preload|prefetch'> into HtmlWebpackPlugin pages, with async chunk support GoogleChromeLabs 1976
297 re-editor 一个开箱即用的React富文本编辑器 🚀re-editor wowlusitong 269
298 lerna-example introduce lerna workfow, Ref soda-x/blog#16 example-repo 9
299 cz-cli The commitizen command line utility. commitizen 7667
300 remove-tags-webpack-plugin a webpack plugin to remove tags of .html assets huruji 3
301 videoplayer this is a html5 video player robinma 99
302 schedule A tiny cron-like tools for humman popomore 8
303 form-data A module to create readable &#34;multipart/form-data&#34; streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. form-data 1403
304 lolisafe Blazing fast file uploader and awesome bunker written in node! 🚀 WeebDev 485
305 term-img Display images in iTerm sindresorhus 267
306 jsvu JavaScript (engine) Version Updater GoogleChromeLabs 927
307 eslint-import-resolver-alias a simple Node behavior import resolution plugin for eslint-plugin-import, supporting module alias johvin 60
308 IOING Implement the solutions of performance improvement and componentization for your SPA (single page application) products with this Progressive Web App Development Engine. ioing 225
309 DPlayer-node Node.js backend with Docker for DPlayer(https://github.com/DIYgod/DPlayer) MoePlayer 79
310 eslint-plugin-vue Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js vuejs 2878
311 assign-deep Deeply assign the enumerable properties of source objects to a destination object. jonschlinkert 63
312 react-simple-img 🌅 React lazy load images with IntersectionObserver API and Priority Hints bluebill1049 753
313 stylus-loader 🎨 A stylus loader for webpack. shama 460
314 fs-readdir-recursive Recursively read a directory fs-utils 56
315 request-promise The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by Bluebird. request 4379
316 webpack-polyfills-plugin Fork from Sl1v3r/webpack-polyfills-plugin benweizhu 1
317 emoji-regex A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard. mathiasbynens 755
318 he A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. mathiasbynens 2338
319 pkg-up Find the closest package.json file sindresorhus 82
320 preact-render-to-vdom Render JSX and Preact components to a virtual dom document using undom ezekielchentnik 13
321 sheetjs 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit SheetJS 19193
322 querystring Node's querystring module for all engines. Gozala 224
323 dbkoda State of the art MongoDB IDE SouthbankSoftware 679
324 terminal-link Create clickable links in the terminal sindresorhus 238
325 babel-plugin-add-module-exports 【v0.2 no longer maintained】 Fix babel/babel#2212 - Follow the babel@5 behavior for babel@6 59naga 712
326 reactide Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development. reactide 9796
327 luxon ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS moment 8888
328 web-console ✨H5-based mobile web debugging tool similar to chrome devtools. 基于H5的移动端网页调试工具,类似于chrome devtools。 whinc 127
329 datetimepicker jQuery Plugin Date and Time Picker xdan 3173
330 http-vue-loader load .vue files from your html/js FranckFreiburger 773
331 ndb ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools GoogleChromeLabs 9752
332 node-inspector Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools node-inspector 12487
333 LokiJS javascript embeddable / in-memory database techfort 5150
334 worker-threads-pool Easily manage a pool of Node.js Worker Threads watson 361
335 react-patterns lucasmreis 99
336 react-sizeme Make your React Components aware of their width and height! ctrlplusb 1392
337 enzyme JavaScript Testing utilities for React airbnb 18294
338 recompose A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components. acdlite 14309
339 react-native-elements Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit react-native-elements 17744
340 lighthouse Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web. GoogleChrome 18708
341 nsfwjs NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js infinitered 3517
342 yox A lightweight mvvm framework yoxjs 904
343 react-test-demo Web 前端单元测试到底要怎么写?看这一篇就够了 deepfunc 143
344 add-server-client-script-webpack-plugin In order to solve the problem that webpack-dev-server need add client script to entry manually like webpack-dev-server/client?http:localhost:8080 via node.js Api huruji 1
345 open-browser-plugin A webpack plugin to solve the problem that webpack-dev-server can not automatically open the browser via node api huruji 2
346 libin_Blog 爬虫-博客大全 libin1991 113
347 size-table-webpack-plugin huruji 2
348 Motrix A full-featured download manager. agalwood 15208
349 json-parse-better-errors get better errors zkat 47
350 fast-cli Test your download and upload speed using fast.com sindresorhus 1708
351 ws Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js websockets 13032
352 ora Elegant terminal spinner sindresorhus 5502
353 leon 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant. leon-ai 6051
354 wafer-client-sdk Wafer - 快速构建具备弹性能力的微信小程序 tencentyun 332
355 react-boilerplate 🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices. react-boilerplate 24240
356 nwb A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it) insin 4867
357 npm-install-webpack-plugin Speed up development by automatically installing & saving dependencies with Webpack. webpack-contrib 1395
358 thread-loader Runs the following loaders in a worker pool webpack-contrib 715
359 terser 🗜 JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+ terser 3890
360 webpack-livereload-plugin LiveReload during webpack --watch statianzo 160
361 marktext 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows. marktext 14265
362 bit-bundler bundler for your Web Application MiguelCastillo 12
363 cliui easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces. yargs 154
364 supports-color Detect whether a terminal supports color chalk 198
365 webpack-hot-client webpack HMR Client webpack-contrib 112
366 webpack-dev-server-qr-code-plugin Prints a QR Code to your terminal if you're using webpack-dev-server once you're done compiling. No more typing in IP addresses! MrBenJ 9
367 webpack-serve A CLI for webpack-plugin-serve, providing a premier webpack development server shellscape 31
368 koa-webpack Development and Hot Reload Middleware for Koa2 shellscape 375
369 webpack-hot-middleware Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server webpack-contrib 2063
370 webpack-dev-middleware A development middleware for webpack webpack 1954
371 poi Scalable KanColle browser and tool. poooi 1389
372 douban React-native 仿豆瓣电影 app jianxiaoBai 214
373 webpack-cmd-shell-plugin Run flexible and configurable shell commands through each step of the webpack build process GSCBInc 1
374 react-faq A collection of links to help answer your questions about React.js timarney 1856
375 styled-components Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅 styled-components 27161
376 eslint-plugin-react-native-globals ESLint Environment for React Native react-native-community 27
377 globals Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments sindresorhus 189
378 html-webpack-tags-plugin lets you define html tags to inject with html-webpack-plugin jharris4 175
379 react-navigation-props-mapper Maps react-navigation params to your screen component's props directly vonovak 289
380 RNExampleApp 一个基于react native开发的完整项目示例 Evai 174
381 react-native-web React Native for Web necolas 15457
382 x-spreadsheet A web-based JavaScript(canvas) spreadsheet myliang 7433
383 cmake-js CMake.js - a Node.js native addon build tool cmake-js 461
384 typings-for-css-modules-loader Drop-in replacement for css-loader to generate typings for your CSS-Modules on the fly in webpack Jimdo 496
385 video.github.io 🎬视频网站项目已实现功能: 首页导航栏,中部轮播图,以及电影列表的展现,底部导航链接 注册页面 视频播放页面 搜索页面 登录页面 用户管理页面 一键安装 电影抓取 等功能。基于NodeJS的Express框架开发的动态网站项目,下面也提供了本程序的相关演示站点。 xiugangzhang 308
386 react-native-debugger The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools jhen0409 6562
387 cabot Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty arachnys 4618
388 ccxt A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 120 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges ccxt 12856
389 node-nightly node-nightly at your finger tips! hemanth 215
390 speed-measure-webpack-plugin ⏱ See how fast (or not) your plugins and loaders are, so you can optimise your builds stephencookdev 976
391 Gitter Gitter for GitHub - 可能是目前颜值最高的GitHub微信小程序客户端 huangjianke 3082
392 kind-of Get the native JavaScript type of a value, fast. Used by superstruct, micromatch and many others! jonschlinkert 229
393 circular-json-es6 circular JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, for environments with native ES6 Map yyx990803 111
394 json-stringify-safe Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't throw on circular references moll 407
395 browserslist-config My Browserslist Shared Config davidhund 3
396 postcss-loader PostCSS loader for webpack postcss 2479
397 postcss-each PostCSS plugin to iterate through values outpunk 86
398 glslEditor Simple WebGL Fragment Shader Editor patriciogonzalezvivo 932
399 webpack-merge-and-include-globally Merge multiple files (js, css..) and include by running them "as is". Supports minify by custom transform and wildcard paths. markshapiro 42
400 nobita Nobita 是一个基于Koa而诞生的一款框架。 nobitajs 140
401 webpack-fix-style-only-entries Webpack plugin to solve the problem of having a style only entry (css/sass/less) generating an extra js file. fqborges 174
402 webpack-delete-no-js-entries-plugin This Webpack plugin will delete empty js files from output. This plugin will be applied only for entries with no js files (e.g. entries with styles only files). sashsvamir 4
403 clean-entry-webpack-plugin A webpack plugin to remove unwanted files which may have been created and output due to multiple entry points deepak 1
404 imagemin-gifsicle Imagemin plugin for Gifsicle imagemin 68
405 imagemin Minify images seamlessly imagemin 3673
406 img-loader Image minimizing loader for webpack vanwagonet 150
407 nof5 A tool which runs unit tests (based on mocha) if a file has changed on the server in a browser peerigon 54
408 qoa Minimal interactive command-line prompts klaussinani 1805
409 linaria Zero-runtime CSS in JS library callstack 4665
410 webpack-config-plugins Provide best practices for webpack loader configurations namics 354
411 is-absolute-url Check if a URL is absolute sindresorhus 42
412 vue-style-loader 💅 vue style loader module for webpack vuejs 183
413 vue-template-loader Vue.js 2.0 template loader for webpack ktsn 228
414 webpack-dashboard A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server FormidableLabs 13505
415 offline-plugin Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (https://webpack.js.org/) NekR 4156
416 flexsearch Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js nextapps-de 5549
417 critters 🦔 A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest. GoogleChromeLabs 2279
418 babel-esm-plugin Add this plugin to generate mirrored esm modules for your existing bundles prateekbh 130
419 Detect.js 🔍 Library to detect browser, os and device based on the UserAgent String darcyclarke 561
420 lavas 基于 Vue 的 PWA 解决方案,帮助开发者快速搭建 PWA 应用,解决接入 PWA 的各种问题 lavas-project 1880
421 leetcode ✏️ LeetCode solutions with JavaScript lessfish 1417
422 happypack Happiness in the form of faster webpack build times. amireh 3936
423 loading-cli Terminal loading effect. jaywcjlove 28
424 posthtml PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins posthtml 2242
425 modify--chunk-webpack-plugin 14138993 1
426 filesize.js JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file size avoidwork 855
427 text-table generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout substack 224
428 stream-handbook how to write node programs with streams substack 12802
429 h5-to-miniprogram a simple tool for transforming h5 to miniprogam wechat-miniprogram 91
430 bundlephobia 🏋️ Find out the cost of adding a new frontend dependency to your project pastelsky 4155
431 node-installed-check Checks that all dependencies in your package.json have supported versions installed and complies with your specified node engine version range voxpelli 59
432 webpack-internal-plugin-relation 🔎a tiny tool to show the relation of webpack internal plugins & hooks alienzhou 96
433 hable Awaitable hooks for Node.js jsless 29
434 joycon Find and load config files with joy. egoist 48
435 webpack-chain A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations. neutrinojs 1828
436 gzip-size Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer sindresorhus 117
437 redom Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. redom 2809
438 killport2 a tool for port to search and kill kelvv 9
439 dora 🚂 A fully pluggable server for development. dora-js 430
440 reqwest browser asynchronous http requests ded 2829
441 chameleon 🦎 一套代码运行多端,一端所见即多端所见 didi 7025
442 callsite node.js access to v8's "raw" CallSites -- useful for custom traces, c-style assertions, getting the line number in execution etc tj 222
443 bounce 🏢 Selective error catching and rewrite rules hapijs 173
444 p-each-series Iterate over promises serially sindresorhus 26
445 p-map Map over promises concurrently sindresorhus 483
446 import-helper Don't waste time to write import/require statement. sorrycc 22
447 size-plugin Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time. GoogleChromeLabs 1599
448 add-asset-html-webpack-plugin Add a JavaScript or CSS asset to the HTML generated by html-webpack-plugin SimenB 269
449 release-it 🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing release-it 2651
450 babel-plugin-import Modularly import plugin for babel. ant-design 2072
451 webpackmonitor A tool for monitoring webpack optimization metrics through the development process webpackmonitor 2372
452 eruda-webpack-plugin A webpack plugin of eruda to help you develop mobile app huruji 21
454 node-progress Flexible ascii progress bar for nodejs visionmedia 2348
455 progressbar.js Responsive and slick progress bars kimmobrunfeldt 7085
456 author-webpack-plugin A webpack4+ plugin to add author info to your bundles huruji 2
457 little-virtual-computer Learn how computers work by simulating them in Javascript jsdf 804
458 assets-webpack-plugin Webpack plugin that emits a json file with assets paths ztoben 882
459 webpack-sources Source code handling classes for webpack webpack 132
460 docdown A simple JSDoc to Markdown generator. jdalton 182
461 jumpserver Jumpserver是全球首款完全开源的堡垒机,是符合 4A 的专业运维审计系统。 jumpserver 11740
462 UglifyJS2 JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit mishoo 10461
463 minify ✂️ An ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain (beta) babel 3988
464 roadhog 🐷 Cli tool for creating react apps, configurable version of create-react-app. sorrycc 2571
465 Luy a React-like framework Foveluy 315
466 qs A querystring parser with nesting support ljharb 4825
467 webpack-dev-server Webpack-dev-server源码与原理深入分析,来自于我的github文章全集 liangklfangl 60
468 memory-fs [DEPRECATED use memfs instead] A simple in-memory filesystem. Holds data in a javascript object. webpack 760
469 webpack-log [DEPRECATED] Please use logger API webpack/webpack#9436 webpack-contrib 36
470 extract-loader webpack loader to extract HTML and CSS from the bundle peerigon 270
471 multi-entry-loader Load multiple entry points into single webpack bundle TrySound 14
472 eslint-plugin-unicorn Various awesome ESLint rules sindresorhus 957
473 latest-version Get the latest version of an npm package sindresorhus 97
474 import-lazy Import a module lazily sindresorhus 184
475 find-up Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories sindresorhus 256
476 chalk-animation 🎬 Colorful animations in terminal output bokub 1336
477 query-string Parse and stringify URL query strings sindresorhus 4368
478 npm-check-updates Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json allows tjunnone 5063
479 pi-christmas-lights 🎄 Sync Christmas lights to music with a Raspberry Pi and the Web Audio API devongovett 63
480 npm-updater Prompt update of npm package node-modules 17
481 progress-bar-webpack-plugin A progress bar plugin for Webpack. clessg 368
482 liriliri HTML5 visual novel engine liriliri 25
483 eruda Console for mobile browsers liriliri 7006
484 shelljs 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js shelljs 10557
485 next 🦍 A configurable component library for web built on React. alibaba-fusion 2824
486 retalk 🐤 The Simplest Redux nanxiaobei 141
487 pify Promisify a callback-style function sindresorhus 1228
488 update-notifier Update notifications for your CLI app yeoman 1314
489 commander.js node.js command-line interfaces made easy tj 16798
490 semantic-release 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing semantic-release 8626
491 easywebpack-cli A Powerful Cross-platform Webpack CLI Tool easy-team 85
492 simplepack Make pack more simple than ever, base on Webpack (version 4+) Joker-Jelly 24
493 neutrino Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration. neutrinojs 3355
494 cooking 👨‍🍳 更易上手的前端构建工具 ElemeFE 1917
495 cyb-cli 塞伯坦(CYB)是面向前端模块化工程的构建工具。主要目的是帮助开发者统一前端开发模式和项目开发结构,提高功能扩展和降低维护成本,自动化前端工作流,提高开发效率和开发质量。 jd-cyb 69
496 node-portfinder A simple tool to find an open port or domain socket on the current machine http-party 595
497 marky High-resolution JavaScript timer based on performance.mark/measure (461 bytes min+gz) nolanlawson 1029
498 np A better npm publish sindresorhus 4861
499 medium-editor Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution. yabwe 14106
500 winston A logger for just about everything. winstonjs 14582
501 babel-eslint 🗼 A wrapper for Babel's parser used for ESLint babel 2838
502 commitlint 📓 Lint commit messages conventional-changelog 4479
503 jsdoc An API documentation generator for JavaScript. jsdoc 10142
504 webpack-css-treeshaking-plugin webpack css treeshaking plugin lin-xi 70
505 babel-plugin-import-fix alter import module to certain module file path for smaller bundle and better performance lin-xi 28
506 xo ❤️ JavaScript linter with great defaults xojs 4857
507 lerna 🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. lerna 20523
508 atom :atom: The hackable text editor atom 50740
509 front-matter Extract YAML front matter from strings jxson 389
510 schema-utils Options Validation webpack 94
511 includefile-loader include all file skiqt 2
512 html-webpack-include-file-plugin Add the ability to include file content directly fancyboynet 1
513 ejs-compiled-loader EJS loader for webpack (without frontend dependencies) bazilio91 103
514 file-loader File Loader webpack-contrib 1674
515 react-code-view Code editor for React simonguo 78
516 stats.js JavaScript Performance Monitor mrdoob 6262
517 mdx JSX in Markdown for ambitious projects mdx-js 8032
518 deepcopy.js deep copy data sasaplus1 101
519 babel-standalone 🎮 Now located in the Babel repo! Standalone build of Babel for use in non-Node.js environments, including browsers. babel 773
520 highlight.js Javascript syntax highlighter highlightjs 15461
521 html-loader HTML Loader webpack-contrib 979
522 react-slot Slot-based content distribution component for React dschnare 31
523 html-withimg-loader webpack的loader,处理html,以支持直接在html中使用img的src加载图片 wzsxyz 166
524 DPlayer 🍭 Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player MoePlayer 7888
525 url-loader A loader for webpack which transforms files into base64 URIs webpack-contrib 1250
526 chain-get 程序员的自我修养:如何优雅地无报错链式取值 huruji 4
527 vue-play 🍭 A minimalistic framework for demonstrating your Vue components vue-play 966
528 doz-ssr DOZ server-side rendering dozjs 3
529 blog 沉淀/体系化 hoperyy 94
530 cuke-ui 🥒 黄瓜ui:一个即插即用的React UI 库 cuke-ui 384
531 core-decorators Library of stage-0 JavaScript decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but not accurate) inspired by languages that come with built-ins like @​override, @​deprecate, @​autobind, @​mixin and more. Popular with React/Angular, but is framework agnostic. jayphelps 3853
532 mini-css-extract-plugin Lightweight CSS extraction plugin webpack-contrib 3651
533 Numeral-js A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. adamwdraper 7923
534 uni-app uni-app 是使用 Vue 语法开发小程序、H5、App的统一框架 dcloudio 16690
535 choo 🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework choojs 6291
536 web-webpack-plugin alternative for html-webpack-plugin gwuhaolin 288
537 umd UMD (Universal Module Definition) patterns for JavaScript modules that work everywhere. umdjs 6281
538 no-validate 使用Proxy实现的优雅、流畅的校验系统 huruji 6
539 standard-version 🏆 Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with semver.org and conventionalcommits.org conventional-changelog 3053
540 hupu-referee-report 🏀 虎扑步行街裁判报告 chenjiandongx 15
541 babel-plugin-no-debugging 上线前去掉调试代码的Babel插件 huruji 15
542 proxy-polyfill Proxy object polyfill GoogleChrome 736
543 weapp-cookie 一行代码让微信、头条、百度、支付宝小程序支持 cookie,兼容 uni-app 🍪🚀 One line of code allows weapp to support cookie(wx weixin wxapp cookie) charleslo1 460
544 polyfill-service Automatic polyfill service. Financial-Times 4485
545 node-thunkify Turn a regular node function into one which returns a thunk tj 828
546 tapable Just a little module for plugins. webpack 1541
547 ci-info Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment watson 114
548 enquirer Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts. enquirer 4918
549 fake-webpack 模仿webpack写一个打包工具 youngwind 91
550 docusaurus Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. facebook 14591
551 js-base64 Base64 implementation for JavaScript dankogai 2680
552 extract-text-webpack-plugin [DEPRECATED] Please use https://github.com/webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin Extracts text from a bundle into a separate file webpack-contrib 4079
553 canvas-special :octocat:👽🌟超多经典 canvas 实例,动态离子背景、移动炫彩小球、贪吃蛇、坦克大战、是男人就下100层、心形文字等等等 bxm0927 991
554 valify Validates data in JavaScript in a very simple way fabioricali 13
555 type-name Just a reasonable typeof twada 79
556 cost-of-modules Find out which of your dependencies are slowing you down 🐢 siddharthkp 2488
557 doz A JavaScript framework for building UI, almost like writing in VanillaJS. For modern browser. dozjs 27
558 html5shiv This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer. aFarkas 9592
559 is-up-cli Check whether a website is up or down sindresorhus 245
560 RegexTesterForMac A regular expression tester for Mac base on regex101.com Zjmainstay 143
561 carlo Web rendering surface for Node applications GoogleChromeLabs 9011
562 spiders 一个NodeJs爬虫集,包括知乎、豆瓣、拉勾等网站爬虫 qieguo2016 249
563 todomvc Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for React.js, Ember.js, Angular, and many more tastejs 26114
564 regular regularjs: a living template engine that helps us to create data-driven component. regularjs 1043
565 megalo 基于 Vue 的小程序开发框架 kaola-fed 1494
566 snabbdom A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance. snabbdom 6704
567 gordanTv 微信小程序-狗蛋TV是一个分享打动人心事物的微信小程序。gordanLee每天都会推荐一首歌、一篇文章、一段短视频,每天用十分钟的细碎时光,点燃内心的光明。 lishuaixingNewBee 431
568 create-frontend-framework 👓 Creating a front end framework for learning purpose mfrachet 58
569 auto-install Install dependencies as you code ⚡️ siddharthkp 1044
570 canvas sunshine940326 314
571 husky 🐶 Git hooks made easy typicode 16982
572 weweb 兼容小程序写法的web开发框架 wdfe 518
573 pre-commit Automatically installs a git pre-commit script in your git repository which runs your npm test on pre-commit observing 1739
574 npm-shrinkwrap A consistent shrinkwrap tool uber 791
575 npm-shrinkwrap-install Automatic synchronise shrinkwrap file with package install/update/uninstall. th507 16
576 exif-js JavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata exif-js 3384
577 eslint-plugin-prettier ESLint plugin for Prettier formatting prettier 1297
578 espree An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser eslint 1085
579 evergreen 🌲 Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment segmentio 8925
580 glfx.js An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL evanw 2337
581 cropper ⚠️ [Deprecated] No longer maintained, please use https://github.com/fengyuanchen/jquery-cropper fengyuanchen 7758
582 URI.js Javascript URL mutation library medialize 5864
583 ast-demo ast 实践 xierenyuan 2
584 react-virtualized React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data bvaughn 17707
585 mp_canvas_drawer 🚀 微信小程序上canvas绘制图片助手,一个json就制作分享朋友圈图片 kuckboy1994 1262
586 two.js A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web. jonobr1 6428
587 33-js-concepts 📜 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know. leonardomso 30568
588 Color.js Color functions. uupaa 1
589 validate.js Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter. rickharrison 2467
590 init-editorconfig-cli Cli generator of .editorconfig 🐭 abranhe 2
591 hotkeys ➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies. jaywcjlove 3967
592 WeApp-Chat-IM 小程序即时通讯demo lirongrong 48
593 vue-awesome-swiper 🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs surmon-china 8610
594 throttle-debounce Throttle and debounce functions. niksy 505
595 awesome-vscode 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. viatsko 16317
596 streakjs-weapp 微信小程序Canvas开发——微信小程序使用多端JavaScript Canvas框架streakjs示例 guyoung 523
597 promisees 📨 Promise visualization playground for the adventurous bevacqua 1164
598 beauty 仿美颜相机的美肤功能 KikyoMiao 39
599 is-empty Check whether a value is empty. ianstormtaylor 47
600 showdown A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript showdownjs 9973
601 promises-tests Compliances tests for Promises/A+ promises-aplus 582
602 node-apiserver A ready to go, modular, multi transport, streaming friendly, JSON(P) API Server. kilianc 227
603 xyy-vue 🎨基于vue+vue-router+vuex+axios+webpack开发的个人Demo《Qu约》 hzzly 1272
604 popper.js A kickass library to manage your poppers popperjs 13348
605 linec 🍬一个高颜值命令行统计代码行数的计数器。(counts lines of code) hua1995116 29
606 ytdl-webserver 📻 Webserver for downloading youtube videos. Ready for docker. Algram 1204
607 v8n ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library imbrn 3725
608 wxchart 微信小程序,图表组件(柱状图、折线图、饼图、雷达图...)。持续更新中... ioneday 81
609 cax HTML5 Canvas 2D Rendering Engine - 小程序、小游戏以及 Web 通用 Canvas 渲染引擎 dntzhang 1651
610 oba Observe any object's any change dntzhang 101
611 babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining Manual copy of the babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining sub-module gwmccull 14
612 lscache A localStorage-based memcache-inspired client-side caching library. pamelafox 1272
613 lena.js 👩 Library for image processing davidsonfellipe 314
614 GreedyStar 游戏案例之 ·贪吃星球· --- 多人联网IO游戏 matchvs 77
615 tink a dependency unwinder for javascript npm 2100
616 node-douyin-bot yunmoon 8
617 libijs A node.js library for communicating with iOS devices over USB mceSystems 30
618 You-Dont-Need-Momentjs List of functions which you can use to replace moment.js + ESLint Plugin you-dont-need 8477
619 uppy The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶 transloadit 21570
620 hidpi-canvas-polyfill 💻 A JavaScript drop-in module to polyfill consistent and automatic HiDPI Canvas support. jondavidjohn 577
621 wx-caman 基于 CamanJS 的微信小程序 Canvas 像素级滤镜处理库 ChrisCindy 92
622 sqorn A Javascript library for building SQL queries sqorn 1799
623 TSW Tencent Server Web Tencent 1579
624 shimport Use JavaScript modules in all browsers, including dynamic imports Rich-Harris 1108
625 StackBlur Fast and almost Gaussian blur flozz 984
626 webpack4_mpa_demo webpack4搭建多页面多环境demo Blubiubiu 158
627 datePicker 仿滴滴出行预约打车IOS风格3D时间选择器 🌲 jawil 118
628 tty.js A terminal for your browser, using node/express/socket.io chjj 3961
629 m-mall-admin 🐶 微信小程序-小商城后台(基于 Node.js、MongoDB、Redis 开发的系统...) skyvow 823
630 Weapp-Demo-LemonJournal A WeChat mini program demo with Wafer2 framework - 微信小程序Demo:柠檬手帐 - 界面简洁的图片编辑应用,支持图片和文字的移动、旋转、缩放、保存编辑状态并生成预览图 goolhanrry 289
631 wxParse wxParse-微信小程序富文本解析自定义组件,支持HTML及markdown解析 icindy 6975
632 SourceDetector Chrome extension,用于发现源码文件(*.map) SunHuawei 135
633 source-map Consume and generate source maps. mozilla 2043
634 vant-weapp 轻量、可靠的小程序 UI 组件库 youzan 11437
635 AlloyStick AlloyStick 骨骼动画引擎 - 腾讯 AlloyTeam AlloyTeam 381
636 qreact QReact 是去哪儿网 YMFE 团队推出的 100% 兼容官方 React 的迷你框架 YMFE 294
637 jslib-base A modern JavaScript|Typescript library scaffolding, modularity, purity & extras yanhaijing 625
638 trimpng trim whitespace and useless pixels for png 0326 18
639 tracking.js A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web eduardolundgren 8250
640 prettier Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. prettier 34823
641 Inquirer.js A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces. SBoudrias 11631
642 zan-template Zan node project template. youzan 13
643 dumper.js A better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications ziishaned 2721
644 plotly.js Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash plotly 11004
645 g2-for-react 📈g2 在 React 上的简单组件包装。React component wrapper of @antvis g2. hustcc 8
646 rest.js GitHub REST API client for JavaScript octokit 3751
647 tui.image-editor 🍞🎨 Full-featured photo image editor using canvas. It is really easy, and it comes with great filters. nhn 2495
648 canvas Awesome works with canvas. 0326 32
649 video.js Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player videojs 26901
650 vedio_stream 视频,音频流,静态文件服务器 node-node 48
651 F2 📱📈An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile. antvis 6930
652 acorn A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser acornjs 5513
653 minapp-vscode 微信小程序标签、属性的智能补全(同时支持原生小程序、mpvue 和 wepy 框架,并提供 snippets) wx-minapp 124
654 turn.js The page flip effect for HTML5 blasten 6002
655 quietweather ☀️ 两天撸一个天气应用微信小程序 myvin 619
656 mpvue 基于 Vue.js 的小程序开发框架,从底层支持 Vue.js 语法和构建工具体系。 Meituan-Dianping 19196
657 aliplayer-cli Aliplayer播放器的命令行工具,可用于创建体验项目 alilmq 8
658 hexo-theme-icarus A simple, delicate, and modern theme for the static site generator Hexo. ppoffice 3130
659 date-fns ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️ date-fns 20731
660 react-view A Koa view engine which renders React components on server koajs 247
661 metro 🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native. facebook 3397
662 howler.js Javascript audio library for the modern web. goldfire 15259
663 weapp_lipstick 微信小程序之口红试色 CChanggg 84
664 sizzle A sizzlin' hot selector engine. jquery 5769
665 wxa-plugin-canvas 小程序海报组件-生成朋友圈分享海报并生成图片 jasondu 1701
666 Datejs A JavaScript Date and Time Library datejs 1536
667 vConsole A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page. Tencent 10627
668 is-primitive Is the typeof value a javascript primitive? jonschlinkert 27
669 JSON6 JSON for Humans (ES6) d3x0r 135
670 emailjs html emails and attachments to any smtp server with nodejs eleith 1782
671 medit A creative WYSIWYG rich text editor for mobile device by javascript. 一个创新型的移动端所见即所得富文本编辑器。 echosoar 152
672 wangEditor-mobile wangEditor富文本编辑器移动版(暂不维护) wangfupeng1988 299
673 Eleditor 移动端富文本编辑器 Fixels 280
674 zx-editor 移动端HTML文档(富文本)编辑器,支持图文混排、引用、大标题、无序列表,字体颜色、加粗、斜体 capricorncd 213
675 react-move ◾React Move | Beautiful, data-driven animations for React react-tools 6057
676 loader-count-webpack-plugin Do you know how many files have been processed by a special webpack loader? Let me tell you! Jocs 7
677 strapi 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs strapi 20379
678 react-markdown Render Markdown as React components rexxars 4553
679 Front-End-Checklist 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers thedaviddias 36938
680 beidou 🌌 Isomorphic framework for server-rendered React apps alibaba 2544
681 ovilia.github.io Ovilia's personal site Ovilia 642
682 You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin you-dont-need 10316
683 github-file-icon 🌈 🗂 A browser extension which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub, GitLab, gitea and gogs. xxhomey19 733
684 web3.js Ethereum JavaScript API ethereum 8555
685 rc-bmap 当百度地图遇上React,会产生怎样的火花🔥 🎉欢迎您的加入🎉 jser-club 848
686 driver.js A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user's focus across the page kamranahmedse 10727
687 mongodb-backup-manager 🌿 A Full-stack MongoDB Backup System. XiaocongDong 34
688 qboot boot中可以Q一点的小型脚本库 irideas 5
689 cli the package manager for JavaScript npm 2549
690 ngReact Use React Components in Angular ngReact 2617
691 nanoid A tiny (137 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript ai 8179
692 page.js Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router visionmedia 6822
693 spy-debugger 微信调试,各种WebView样式调试、手机浏览器的页面真机调试。便捷的远程调试手机页面、抓包工具,支持:HTTP/HTTPS,无需USB连接设备。 wuchangming 4628
694 between.js Lightweight JavaScript (ES6) tweening engine sasha240100 684
695 badjs-report monitor error and report BetterJS 873
696 vialer-js Pluggable WebRTC softphone and communication platform. vialer 966
697 browsh A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers browsh-org 11479
698 express-admin 一个基于NodeJS Express Bootstrap 后台管理系统,包括用户,登录,角色,菜单权限等。 wangbinlml 119
699 cube-ui 🔶 A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue didi 7545
700 Node-Media-Server A Node.js implementation of RTMP/HTTP-FLV/WS-FLV/HLS/DASH/MP4 Media Server illuspas 2154
701 practice 💦 你没有见过的终极实战 mintsweet 258
702 closure-compiler-js Package for the JS version of closure-compiler for use via NPM google 1866
703 rax Write once, run anywhere. https://rax.js.org alibaba 5804
704 animation an common animation lib ustbhuangyi 292
705 animateplus A+ animation module for the modern web bendc 5387
706 wechat-h5-boilerplate 为腾讯微信优化的H5动效模板,帮助你快速构建全屏滚动型H5页面。 panteng 2376
707 goh5 visual h5 edit luoye-fe 683
708 popstar H5小游戏100例:消灭星星 leeenx 213
709 alertify.js JavaScript Alert/Notification System fabien-d 4343
710 xgplayer A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic bytedance 2169
711 umi-hd 移动端高清 1px 方案。 umijs 109
712 rogue.js The "nearly invisible" way to server-render React applications alidcastano 1961
713 promise Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation then 2181
714 promise 实现promise wuxianqiang 6
715 Hilo A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group hiloteam 5305
716 EventListenerOptions An extension to the DOM event pattern to allow authors to disable support for preventDefault WICG 1069
717 easywebpack A Simple, Powerful Webpack Front-End Development Solution easy-team 407
718 mcharts 📝一个前端监控系统。 hua1995116 40
719 nyc the Istanbul command line interface istanbuljs 3917
720 alogs 前端统计框架 fex-team 429
721 Blog 记录成长的过程 berwin 2510
722 vue2js Compile a .vue file to .js file JacksonTian 25
723 badjs-web badjs manage system . BetterJS 118
724 athena2 Build tool based on Webpack o2team 195
725 Web 前端入门和进阶学习笔记,超详细的Web前端学习图文教程。从零开始学前端,做一名精致的前端工程师。持续更新... qianguyihao 9115
726 taro-zhihu-sample a demo based on taro NervJS 194
727 vscode-ftp-sync Ftp Sync plugin for Visual Studio Code lukasz-wronski 277
728 regexgen Generate regular expressions that match a set of strings devongovett 2687
729 blockly The web-based visual programming editor. google 7230
730 guitarChord 吉他和弦推导算法 youngdro 324
731 realworld "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅 gothinkster 34239
732 globby User-friendly glob matching sindresorhus 1301
733 polka A micro web server so fast, it'll make you dance! 👯 lukeed 3507
734 Tone.js A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser. Tonejs 9117
735 webogram Telegram web application, GPL v3 zhukov 6200
736 ml5-library Friendly machine learning for the web! 🤖 ml5js 3342
737 devbox 一款用于整合程序员常用开发工具的桌面应用 moonrailgun 26
738 serverless Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! – serverless 33550
739 router reach 6096
740 react-fiber-resources Resources for React Fiber koba04 639
741 babel-preset-minimal A babel preset that produces smallest possible code. egoist 40
742 didact A DIY guide to build your own React pomber 2152
743 ml5-website-v01 ml5.js website ml5js 66
744 spfjs A lightweight JS framework for fast navigation and page updates from YouTube youtube 1900
745 vue-design 📖 master分支:《渲染器》 elegant分支:逐行级别的源码分析 HcySunYang 4600
746 gitalk Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact. gitalk 3787
747 taro 多端统一开发框架,支持用 React 的开发方式编写一次代码,生成能运行在微信/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/快应用/H5/React Native 等的应用。 https://taro.jd.com/ NervJS 23332
748 color-thief Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node. lokesh 8206
749 G6 ♾ A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript antvis 5336
750 numjs Like NumPy, in JavaScript nicolaspanel 1326
751 minipack 📦 A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript ronami 1929
752 learnxinyminutes-docs Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea! adambard 7068
753 itranswarp.js Deprecated. See https://github.com/michaelliao/itranswarp michaelliao 1383
754 ivideo 一个可以观看国内主流视频平台所有视频的客户端(Mac、Windows、Linux) A client that can watch video of domestic(China) mainstream video platform phobal 11319
755 javascript-algorithms 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings trekhleb 58994
756 jasmine Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js jasmine 14644
757 esm Tomorrow's ECMAScript modules today! standard-things 4326
758 size-limit Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit. ai 2758
759 cross-env 🔀 Cross platform setting of environment scripts kentcdodds 4381
760 karma Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript karma-runner 11027
761 jest Delightful JavaScript Testing. facebook 28902
762 rollup-plugin-node-resolve This module has moved and is now available at @rollup/plugin-node-resolve / https://github.com/rollup/plugins rollup 453
763 matter-js a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■ liabru 9470
764 GoldMiner 基于 cocos2d-js 的一款 html5 版的黄金矿工游戏 meishadevs 59
765 thmclrx 🎨 A theme color extractor module for Node.js. XadillaX 157
766 scaffold-inall Webpack 4 + Babel 6 脚手架 yangfch3 7
767 emoji-physics 😀💨👂👀👃👅Physics for browser yaegaki 25
768 chimee a video player framework aims to bring wonderful experience on browser Chimeejs 1916
769 iconv-lite Convert character encodings in pure javascript. ashtuchkin 2236
770 voxel-engine 3D HTML5 voxel game engine maxogden 1133
771 graphiql-rails Mount the GraphiQL query editor in a Rails app rmosolgo 305
772 auto-build 🤖 Node.js auto deploy demo based on GitHub Webhook HuangXiZhou 25
773 react-web A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API. taofed 3403
774 2048_machine-learning 通过机器学习,让AI懂得玩2048 cxwithyxy 5
775 realm-js Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores realm 3791
776 face-detection-nodejs face detection by node.js x-cold 14
777 standard 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer standard 22971
778 node-xml2json Converts XML to JSON using node-expat buglabs 718
779 koa-xml-body koa middleware to parse xml request body creeperyang 32
780 raw-body Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream stream-utils 265
781 bugu-web BuguLink backend project (Koa2 + MySQL + Redis). bugulink 37
782 dayjs ⏰ Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API iamkun 24931
783 the-super-tiny-compiler-cn ⛄ 可能是最小的编译器 starkwang 587
784 the-super-tiny-compiler ⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever jamiebuilds 15230
785 octotree GitHub on steroids ovity 18950
786 vuepress 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator vuejs 15039
787 codelf A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem. unbug 8717
788 vue-2048 An implementation of the 2048 game using Vue 2. Living Demo pengfu 68
789 chrome-platform-analytics Chrome Platform Analytics is a JavaScript library that supports the use of Google Analytics (GA) in Chrome Platform Applications and Extensions. googlearchive 179
790 emoji 💌 Find the emoji that echoes your mind. muan 1946
791 markdown-it-emoji Emoji syntax plugin for markdown-it markdown parser markdown-it 236
792 markdown-it-checkbox Plugin to create checkboxes for markdown-it markdown parser. mcecot 24
793 baidu_tieba_crawler 技术栈vue cheerio socket mongodb redis 在线演示地址 tyaqing 89
794 node-nos-sdk Node.js SDK for Netease cloud Object Storage service. warmsea 2
795 request-promise-native The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by native ES6 promises. request 1002
796 pinyinjs 一个实现汉字与拼音互转的小巧web工具库,演示地址: sxei 1597
797 feather Simply beautiful open source icons feathericons 16958
798 Semantic-UI Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language. Semantic-Org 47047
799 life-commit 🏃📆 Life as a git. Commit on your life. ByronHsu 882
800 mostly-adequate-guide-chinese JS 函数式编程指南中文版 llh911001 1703
801 ramda 🐏 Practical functional Javascript ramda 17767
802 chrome_extensions_and_apps_programming Chrome扩展及应用开发 Sneezry 802
803 cliper-backend [UNMAINTAINED] website for cliper ecmadao 11
804 RSSHub 🍰 万物皆可 RSS DIYgod 9920
805 markdown-plus Markdown editor with extra features. tylingsoft 2080
806 simplemde-markdown-editor A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking. sparksuite 7307
807 markdown-editor Live (Github-flavored) Markdown Editor jbt 2504
808 stackedit In-browser Markdown editor benweet 15582
809 editor.md fork 过来解决一些 issues。The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component). hawtim 59
810 connect-rest Exceptionally featureful Restful web services middleware for connect node.js imrefazekas 102
811 spectrum Simple, powerful online communities. withspectrum 8097
812 is.js Micro check library arasatasaygin 8770
813 node-interview-questions Node.js面试题,侧重后端应用与对Node核心的理解 jimuyouyou 1672
814 flexibility A JavaScript polyfill for Flexbox jonathantneal 4286
815 JSON-js JSON in JavaScript douglascrockford 8062
816 loadtest Runs a load test on the selected URL. Easy to extend minimally for your own ends. alexfernandez 1775
817 vhost virtual domain hosting expressjs 607
818 kof13 高仿kof13的一款游戏,尽量还原游戏原貌,加入网络对战功能 vincent-li 16
819 mostly-adequate-guide Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript) MostlyAdequate 17129
820 qrcodejs Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript davidshimjs 8119
821 qr-image Yet another QR code generator alexeyten 858
822 node-restify The future of Node.js REST development restify 9596
823 weapp-tianshangrenjian 微信小程序-GetWeApp天上人间[全栈] getweapp 49
824 wxCharts 微信小程序中的股票分时图、K线图 Shaman05 407
825 es6-promise A polyfill for ES6-style Promises stefanpenner 6851
826 electron-bdcloud 😍💕✈️BaiDu cloud with React16.x and Electron练手项目 zedwang 24
827 nodejs-sdk Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Node.js qiniu 512
828 node-github-profile-summary :octocat:The node version of github-profile-summary with GraphQL Molunerfinn 261
829 cases 精选网页应用案例期刊 o2team 195
830 How-to-learn-node-correctly [全文]如何正确的学习Node.js i5ting 3789
831 zshop zshop是一个nodejs写的商城系统 halloffamezwx 223
832 wechatapp-news-reader 微信小程序 —— 新闻阅读器 vace 314
833 blog 📖 My personal blog whxaxes 161
834 react-ui A collection of components for React, base on bootstrap 4.0. Lobos 1667
835 material-ui React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design. mui-org 53162
836 riot Simple and elegant component-based UI library riot 14020
837 node-cookie-signature cookie signing tj 100
838 awesome-blockchain-cn 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料 chaozh 14533
839 NodeJS-forum NodeJS-forum luckybirdme 25
840 douban_Website 基于NodeJs+MongoDB+jQuery搭建的豆瓣电影音乐网站 Loogeek 259
841 webchat 🔈 Websocket project based on vue(基于vue2.0的实时聊天项目) hua1995116 1461
842 koa-restql Build real RESTful APIs without writing one line of code. Meituan-Dianping 435
843 loveyue loveyue系列1到8的源码 wuxia2001 783
844 photoshare Simple photo sharing application with Nodejs, Expressjs nhtua 2
845 pseudomap Like new Map but for older JavaScripts isaacs 20
846 lipstick 口红颜色可视化 - 为什么你的女神总缺一支口红 Ovilia 1676
847 node-elm 基于 node.js + Mongodb 构建的后台系统 bailicangdu 9160
848 vue-resume Resume template based on Vue luosijie 617
849 card Node + Express + MongoDB luosijie 42
850 hi-cms a management system of APP highsea 50
851 apostrophe A CMS framework for Node.js that supports in-context editing, schema-driven content types, flexible widgets, and much more. Hint: start with the docs and use apostrophe-cli. apostrophecms 3000
852 benchmark.js A benchmarking library. As used on jsPerf.com. bestiejs 4390
853 HiChat A chat application built with Node.js and Websocket wayou 656
854 zhihu 仿の知乎Web。 yxfanxiao 74
855 chinese-poetry The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 chinese-poetry 22353
856 marked A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. markedjs 21129
857 node-mkdirp Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p, but in node.js substack 2161
858 LiveRoomDemo_Client 自己动手打造一个属于自己的直播间(视频直播、聊天室、弹幕、多端适配) jack-hoo 271
859 LiveRoomDemo_Server 自己动手打造一个属于自己的直播间(视频直播、聊天室、弹幕、多端适配) jack-hoo 354
860 jsCache jsCache is a javascript library that enables caching of javascripts, css-stylesheets and images using my localStorage polyfill. This is especially useful when serving your website for mobile phones, which has limited HTTP caching available, but also speeds up your site in an ordinary webbrowser as it saves HTTP requests and loads all files asynchronously. mortzdk 430
861 wedding 婚礼大屏互动,微信请柬一站式解决方案 iammapping 2627
862 umi 🌋 Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework. umijs 6803
863 log4js-example A full application that demonstrates how to configure log4js log4js-node 108
864 egg-commerce sfyr111 239
865 node-semver The semver parser for node (the one npm uses) npm 3087
866 keras-js Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL transcranial 4674
867 AccountSystem An account system. yvanwangl 542
868 express-resource Resourceful routing for Express visionmedia 1381
869 generator-express An express generator for Yeoman, based on the express command line tool. petecoop 820
870 cors Node.js CORS middleware expressjs 4284
871 resource-router-middleware 🚴 Express REST resources as middleware mountable anywhere developit 122
872 node-lru-cache isaacs 2990
873 airtap Test your JavaScript in 800+ browsers. airtap 1349
874 react-interview React Interview Questions 📙 📚 📖 🔎 ✒️ Pau1fitz 1077
875 big.js A small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic. MikeMcl 2548
876 bignumber.js A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic MikeMcl 3687
877 decimal.js An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript MikeMcl 3191
878 NoSmoke A cross platform UI crawler which scans view trees then generate and execute UI test cases. macacajs 159
879 sails Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js balderdashy 21064
880 Enduro Minimalistic, lean & mean, node.js cms Gottwik 627
881 NodeWk 基于Sailsjs的Node.js开源企业级开发框架 Wizzercn 510
882 cody Javascript Content Management System running on Node.js jcoppieters 655
883 nodebestpractices ✅ The largest Node.js best practices list (December 2019) goldbergyoni 37601
884 canku 使用 Nodejs (Express) 编写的团体订餐程序 willerce 356
885 validator.js String validation validatorjs 14690
886 confs.tech List of tech conferences: JavaScript / Design - CSS - UX / Ruby - iOS - Android - PHP - Data - Devops tech-conferences 1262
887 clipboard.js ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋 zenorocha 27719
888 omi Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework - 前端跨框架跨平台框架 Tencent 10470
889 pangu.js Paranoid text spacing in JavaScript vinta 2362
890 carbon 🎨 Create and share beautiful images of your source code carbon-app 22596
891 immer Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one immerjs 14535
892 session Simple session middleware for Express expressjs 4634
893 Ghost 👻 The #1 headless Node.js CMS for professional publishing TryGhost 32158
894 express-handlebars A Handlebars view engine for Express which doesn't suck. ericf 2145
895 handlebars.js wycats 14993
896 compression Node.js compression middleware expressjs 2081
897 ice 🚀Simple and friendly front-end development system(飞冰,简单而友好的前端研发体系 ) alibaba 14395
898 node-require-all An easy way to require all files within a directory. felixge 266
899 jstemp a javascript template engine jimczj 5
900 log4js-node A port of log4js to node.js log4js-node 4322
901 debug A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers visionmedia 8343
902 scrollLoad.js blog falost 5
903 keystone-classic Node.js CMS and web app framework keystonejs 14879
904 wx-audio 🌲 原生js实现微信公众号音乐播放器 A WeChat music player component IFmiss 61
905 listen1_desktop one for all free music in china (Windows, Mac, Linux desktop) listen1 2009
906 electron-cn-docs Electron中文文档! 精心翻译,完美排版,实时同步更新!, 最后同步:2017-05-23(个人比较忙,本项目已经不再维护了) amhoho 1048
907 win10-ui Win10风格的UI框架。Windows10 style UI framework. yuri2peter 995
908 cLayout 一键生成重构稿 xingqiao 18
909 poi ⚡A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications. egoist 4832
910 matrix Matrix manipulation and computation library mljs 136
911 awesome-developers A list of awesome developers gnijuohz 51
912 simpread 简悦 ( SimpRead ) - 让你瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的扩展 Kenshin 3318
913 rewrite_express 用最简单代码实现express框架 zhangwinning 12
914 IFE2017 2017百度前端技术学院个人作品集合 roughwin 3
915 30-seconds-of-code Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs 30-seconds 53283
916 anime JavaScript animation engine juliangarnier 33479
917 parcel 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler parcel-bundler 34116
918 electronic-wechat 💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong. geeeeeeeeek 13163
919 now now is a time toolkit for javascript hongmaoxiao 53
920 express-helpers Express view helpers mhayashi 46
921 zing-gallery 基于node.js的web相册,让摄影照片的展示更加简单 Web albums based on node.js, more simple to show photography photos litten 384
922 minimist parse argument options substack 3929
923 hexo-util Utilities for Hexo. hexojs 41
924 js-yaml JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast. nodeca 4232
925 node-rd 列出(遍历)目录下的所有文件,包括子目录 leizongmin 123
926 swig Take a swig of the best template engine for JavaScript. paularmstrong 3126
927 markdown-it Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed markdown-it 8650
928 quora Quora.com like project with Ruby on Rails (不再维护) huacnlee 678
929 sequelize An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js sequelize 20694
930 flqin ✏️✏️web前端工程师简历 zhaoky 286
931 geddy Web framework for Node.js geddy 1898
932 thinkjsplus thinkjs3.0 从入门到实战 wuyanwen 101
933 CmsWing 一款基于ThinkJS(Node.js MVC)和MySQL的功能强大的(PC端,手机端和微信公众平台)电子商务平台及CMS建站系统 arterli 1146
934 node-practice Node.js induction training / Node.js入门练习 zengj8 12
935 chrome-t-rex-game Chrome T-Rex Game | Chrome 离线小恐龙(暴龙)游戏 justjavac 45
936 fis3 FIS3 fex-team 2673
937 weixin-robot 微信公共帐号自动回复机器人 A Node.js robot for wechat. node-webot 1681
938 yddict 一个命令行查单词的工具💻 📚 kenshinji 320
939 OS.js JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform os-js 5146
940 node-v8 Experimental Node.js mirror on V8 lkgr ✨🐢🚀✨ nodejs 194
941 vue2-analysis Vue.js 源码分析 2.4 JsAaron 300
942 G2 📊 The Grammar of Graphics in JavaScript antvis 8524
943 task-queue-sample Node.js 生产者/消费者 模式简单实践 - 多进程爬虫任务队列 x-cold 11
944 node-api-cn Node.js API 中文文档 nodejscn 1176
945 framework7 Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps framework7io 15025
946 egg-born The Ultimate NodeJS Full Stack Framework zhennann 127
947 eventproxy An implementation of task/event based asynchronous pattern. JacksonTian 2896
948 chatroom 💬react+socket.io = welcome to visit my finely crafted chatroom pengliheng 54
949 varal A Node Framework For Web Artisans varaljs 14
950 bilibili-report 🎈 B站用户数据报告(Web App) airingursb 170
951 showLove 一个向女神表白的app gtf35 37
952 github-hans [废弃] {官方中文马上就来了} GitHub 汉化插件,GitHub 中文化界面。 (GitHub Translation To Chinese) 52cik 1238
953 node-jsonfile Easily read/write JSON files. jprichardson 992
954 react-tv [Looking for maintainers] React development for TVs (Renderer for low memory applications and Packager for TVs) raphamorim 1792
955 FE-Interview 前端面试题大合集——小菜鸟前端面试大作战:hatching_chick::ghost: huruji 666
956 f8app Source code of the official F8 app of 2017, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects. fbsamples 13732
957 nideshop NideShop 开源微信小程序商城服务端 API(Node.js + ThinkJS) tumobi 4369
958 hybrid-h5plus-rayapp Hybrid开发,基于h5+ API和mui前端框架,以及seajs模块化开发的一套跨平台APP开发框架。 dailc 147
959 server 🖥️ Simple and powerful server for Node.js franciscop 3376
960 athena O2前端流程工具 o2team 869
961 DOClever 做最好的接口管理平台 sx1989827 2519
962 express-es6-rest-api 🔋 Starter project for an ES6 RESTful Express API. developit 2252
963 pageSlider 移动端H5单页面滑动组件 (a single page slider for mobile web) Franslee 111
964 hapi The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust hapijs 11901
965 CMUI Lightweight UI solution for mobile web. CMUI 181
966 HopeDiary 厚朴日志APP huruji 1
967 whistle HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy avwo 6222
968 node-tesseract A simple wrapper for the Tesseract OCR package desmondmorris 636
969 tesseract.js Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥 naptha 19656
970 node-mssql Microsoft SQL Server client for Node.js tediousjs 1654
971 dom4 Modern DOM functionalities for every browser WebReflection 870
972 kails A Web App like Ruby on Rails with Koa2, Webpack and Postgres embbnux 497
973 tensorflow-nodejs TensorFlow Node.js provides idiomatic JavaScript language bindings and a high layer API for Node.js users. yorkie 568
974 thing-translator Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language dmotz 1203
975 brain [UNMAINTAINED] Simple feed-forward neural network in JavaScript harthur 8060
976 joint JavaScript diagramming library clientIO 3031
977 node-cross-spawn A cross platform solution to node's spawn and spawnSync moxystudio 676
978 execa Process execution for humans sindresorhus 2756
979 es6-utils 存放一些 es6 小工具 leeenx 85
980 nerv A blazing fast React alternative, compatible with IE8 and React 16. NervJS 4992
981 nodejs_sdk nodejs_sdk for TencentYoutuyun-person-face-service Tencent-YouTu 35
982 nude.js Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvas pa7 2038
983 superagent Ajax for Node.js and browsers (JS HTTP client) visionmedia 14743
984 zhihu ✨ 知乎日报 - 爬虫、数据分析、Node.js、Vue.js ... ccforward 394
985 node-crawler Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-) bda-research 5120
986 Crawler-Douban-Book NodeJs爬取豆瓣书籍的数据,并保存进MongoDB数据库。 BingKui 13
987 video-admin node+koa2+mysql wclimb 170
988 create-dmg Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds sindresorhus 2872
989 yapi YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台 YMFE 13133
990 yohe 😈 powerful static blog generator laoqiren 67
991 koa2-startkit Koa2 简单开发脚手架 17koa 334
993 node-jsonwebtoken JsonWebToken implementation for node.js http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html auth0 11568
994 koa2-cors CORS middleware for koa2 zadzbw 201
995 tinyreact a tiny react help you understand react better ykforerlang 26
996 af-chatroom a chat app written in react and node. gfafei 1
997 Monk.Node 基于 Node.JS 一套 Web MVC 应用解决方案。 MonkSoul 44
998 cherry a light-weight, scalable, distributed game server engine. dongdongcpk 5
999 Eva 🐳🐬Eva : 优雅,简约的完整博客项目 [前后端] (Eva: A concise, simple Blog Project. [FD/BD]) 🐋 shuiRong 53
1000 qq-bot-rebown [DEPRECATED!] SmartQQ robot written in JavaScript, using ES7 async/await features Rocket1184 58
1001 myblog vue + node 实现的一个博客系统 linguowei 274
1002 simditor An Easy and Fast WYSIWYG Editor mycolorway 4568
1003 node-md5 a JavaScript function for hashing messages with MD5 pvorb 667
1004 chenxj-blog 一个使用react+redux+koa实现的开源的个人博客,欢迎star&fork wtfjun 139
1005 p2p-webrtc p2p Video Call Connection by WebRTC zmecust 92
1006 static Static file server middleware koajs 907
1007 tabris-js Tabris.js - Native Mobile Apps in JavaScript eclipsesource 1117
1008 docsify 🃏 A magical documentation site generator. docsifyjs 12013
1009 fastify Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js fastify 12917
1010 lozad.js 🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more ApoorvSaxena 5936
1011 tech-interview-handbook 💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview yangshun 37825
1012 ieaseMusic 网易云音乐第三方 trazyn 7627
1013 socket-io-game Building a multiplayer online game with socket.io sgoedecke 457
1014 jquery.easing jQuery Easing Plugin gdsmith 848
1015 js-beautify Beautifier for javascript beautify-web 6537
1016 react ioutput 5
1017 lottie-web Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. http://airbnb.io/lottie/ airbnb 19336
1018 React-HopeLibrarySystem 厚朴工作室图书管理系统React版 huruji 3
1019 anu the React16-compat library with hooks https://rubylouvre.github.io/nanachi/ RubyLouvre 2863
1020 vue-lazyload A Vue.js plugin for lazyload your Image or Component in your application. hilongjw 5780
1021 iscroll Smooth scrolling for the web cubiq 12263
1022 Koa2-blog node+koa2+mysql wclimb 781
1023 mall-api 🚀node+mongodb 接口 yucccc 130
1024 adonis-app Application structure for new adonis app, think of it as scaffolding a new project adonisjs 360
1025 Sea-IM Sea-IM Zedidle 11
1026 postcss Transforming styles with JS plugins postcss 21940
1027 postcss-load-config Autoload Config for PostCSS michael-ciniawsky 391
1028 autoprefixer-loader Webpack loader for autoprefixer passy 226
1029 css-loader CSS Loader webpack-contrib 3670
1030 hjs-webpack Helpers/presets for setting up webpack with hotloading react and ES6(2015) using Babel. HenrikJoreteg 1826
1031 core-js Standard Library zloirock 11135
1032 react-slingshot React + Redux starter kit / boilerplate with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app built in coryhouse 9530
1033 javascript JavaScript Style Guide airbnb 91348
1034 reactSPA A Demo SPA developed with React, ES6, Webpack (2.x), and Antd (1.0.1) 【move to react-seed】 JasonBai007 518
1035 ice-video 🎬Wonderful Html5 danmuku video player,using React library. IceEnd 65
1036 eslint-plugin-react React specific linting rules for ESLint yannickcr 5943
1037 NodeBB Node.js based forum software built for the modern web NodeBB 10709
1038 SoundManager2 A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed. scottschiller 4483
1039 soundnode-app Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API. Soundnode 4544
1040 wtfjs A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples denysdovhan 15223
1041 react-imgpro 📷 Image Processing Component for React nitin42 2134
1042 awesome-mac  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. jaywcjlove 33977
1043 antcolony Nodejs实现的一个磁力链接爬虫 http://findit.keenwon.com (原域名http://findit.so ) keenwon 912
1044 BrowserQuest A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment mozilla 8335
1045 easy-mock A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view. easy-mock 7237
1046 node-config Node.js Application Configuration lorenwest 4540
1047 linkstate Bind events to state. Works with Preact and React. developit 277
1048 webpack.js.org Repository for webpack documentation and more! webpack 1628
1049 rollup Next-generation ES module bundler rollup 17210
1050 html-webpack-plugin Simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles jantimon 8320
1051 style-loader Style Loader webpack-contrib 1374
1052 Hook Pull to refresh for the web jordansinger 1613
1053 stf Control and manage Android devices from your browser. openstf 10146
1054 GSAP GreenSock's GSAP JavaScript animation library (including Draggable). greensock 10145
1055 pomelo-rpc rpc framework for pomelo NetEase 92
1056 nectarine 🍑 A mobile web / Android app for Peach! (peach.cool) ⚡ developit 45
1057 preact_analyse preact 源码分析 wangning0 18
1058 convnetjs Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser. karpathy 9855
1059 aframe 🅰️ web framework for building virtual reality experiences. aframevr 10859
1060 slate Beautiful static documentation for your API slatedocs 28721
1061 prepack A JavaScript bundle optimizer. facebook 13932
1062 three.ar.js A helper three.js library for building AR web experiences that run in WebARonARKit and WebARonARCore google-ar 2321
1063 stylus Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs stylus 10223
1064 Font-Awesome The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit FortAwesome 61683
1065 webpack A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction. vuejs-templates 9314
1066 simple-react Fast 3kb React alternative. Components & Virtual DOM AimWhy 9
1067 preact-www 📖 Preact documentation website. preactjs 237
1068 vue-sui-demo 用vue 和 SUI-Mobile 写了一个移动端demo,用来反馈学习vue的成果(禁用了SUI自带的路由,使用vue-router, vue-resource, webpack)[a web app written by vue & sui-mobile] eteplus 1746
1069 decko 💨 The 3 most useful ES7 decorators: bind, debounce and memoize developit 956
1070 deku Render interfaces using pure functions and virtual DOM anthonyshort 3442
1071 react-lite An implementation of React v15.x that optimizes for small script size Lucifier129 1696
1072 JSX JSX - a faster, safer, easier JavaScript jsx 1383
1073 bootstrap-table An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js) wenzhixin 9901
1074 node-fetch A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js bitinn 4541
1075 react-router-CN React Router V4 中文文档 react-translate-team 822
1076 eslint-config-alloy Progressive ESLint config for your React/Vue/TypeScript projects AlloyTeam 1336
1077 eslint-config-alloy AlloyTeam ESLint 规则 xcatliu 1
1078 react A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. facebook 141271
1079 san A fast, portable, flexible JavaScript component framework baidu 4050
1080 vue-i18n 🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js kazupon 5105
1081 preact-compat 🙌 React compatibility layer for Preact. preactjs 846
1082 weweChat 💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron. trazyn 5109
1083 preact ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. preactjs 24914
1084 tween.js Javascript tweening engine tweenjs 7073
1085 cn.vuejs.org 🇨🇳 Chinese translation for vuejs.org vuejs 1498
1086 puppeteer Headless Chrome Node.js API puppeteer 57004
1087 velocity.js velocity for js shepherdwind 508
1088 mirror A simple and powerful React framework with minimal API and zero boilerplate. mirrorjs 1372
1089 gank ET912 5
1090 redux-thunk Thunk middleware for Redux reduxjs 13738
1091 draft-js A React framework for building text editors. facebook 17163
1092 react-motion A spring that solves your animation problems. chenglou 17680
1093 redux-form A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store redux-form 12048
1094 react-select The Select Component for React.js JedWatson 18755
1095 hacke2.github.io 我的前端博客 hacke2 487
1096 pomelo A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js. NetEase 10620
1097 air-datepicker Cool jQuery datepicker t1m0n 1671
1098 EaselJS The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier. CreateJS 7446
1099 iZhihu Zhihudaily powered by Node.js nihgwu 161
1100 mobx Simple, scalable state management. mobxjs 21028
1101 SUI-Mobile SUI Mobile (MSUI)是由阿里巴巴国际UED前端出品的移动端UI库,轻量精美 sdc-alibaba 6202
1102 gka 一款高效、高性能的帧动画生成工具 gkajs 1590
1103 react-transition-group An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM reactjs 6472
1104 axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js axios 67961
1105 react-beautiful-dnd Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React atlassian 17435
1106 Vue-cnodejs 基于vue.js重写Cnodejs.org社区的webapp shinygang 3084
1107 node Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨ nodejs 66663
1108 methods HTTP verbs that node supports jshttp 140
1109 node-open open a file or uri with the users preferred application (browser, editor, etc), cross platform pwnall 552
1110 blog 趁还能折腾的时候多读书——前端何时是个头 Aaaaaaaty 1588
1111 todo A todo application build with weui progrape 51
1112 project-guidelines A set of best practices for JavaScript projects elsewhencode 20144
1113 jqlite Tiny JavaScript DOM query library that uses pure CSS selectors kiltjs 95
1114 RxJS The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript Reactive-Extensions 19734
1115 svelte Cybernetically enhanced web apps sveltejs 28236
1116 react React+webpack+redux+ant design+axios+less全家桶后台管理框架 duxianwei520 3326
1117 gulp-image-resize Resizing images made easy - thanks to imagemagick. scalableminds 119
1118 gulp-if Conditionally run a task robrich 637
1119 run-sequence Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order OverZealous 989
1120 react-datepicker A simple and reusable datepicker component for React Hacker0x01 4252
1121 angular-datepicker calendar and datepicker directives for angular g00fy- 745
1122 node-graceful-fs fs with incremental backoff on EMFILE isaacs 922
1123 fetch A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill. github 23005
1124 npm-user-downloads List npm user all modules download counts. nswbmw 9
1125 babel-loader 📦 Babel loader for webpack babel 4033
1126 del Delete files and directories sindresorhus 1033
1127 yargs yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist. yargs 7114
1128 kvm KVM.js 轻量级模块管理器,依赖注入,AMD,Commonjs规范,Promise化 janryWang 41
1129 angularjs-mdwhat a complete project using angularjs. 魔导网-发现优秀的网站 xumingxin7398 27
1130 gpu.js GPU Accelerated JavaScript gpujs 9683
1131 angular-seed Seed project for angular apps. angular 13362
1132 freechat nodejs 的一个聊天软件,类似微信。 BryanYang 94
1133 hope-fe-cli 厚朴工作室前端项目CLI工具:hammer: huruji 12
1134 gulp.spritesmith Convert a set of images into a spritesheet and CSS variables via gulp twolfson 1075
1135 chalk 🖍 Terminal string styling done right chalk 13697
1136 vinyl-fs Vinyl adapter for the file system. gulpjs 881
1137 vinyl Virtual file format. gulpjs 1132
1138 requirejs A file and module loader for JavaScript requirejs 12417
1139 inferno 🔥 An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces infernojs 14108
1140 xssor2 XSS'OR - Hack with JavaScript. evilcos 1655
1141 hyperapp The tiny framework for building web interfaces. jorgebucaran 17068
1142 json-server Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) typicode 44540
1143 express-graphql Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express. graphql 4953
1144 istanbul Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale. gotwarlost 8134
1145 vue-tetris Use Vue, Vuex to code Tetris.使用 Vue, Vuex 做俄罗斯方块 Binaryify 2044
1146 pasition Path Transition with little JS code, render to anywhere - 轻量级 Path 过渡库,渲染到任何地方 dntzhang 1112
1147 feathers A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs with JavaScript and TypeScript feathersjs 11963
1148 Vulcan 🌋 A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor VulcanJS 7764
1149 echarts-for-react 📈 baidu Echarts(v3.0 & v4.0) components for React wrapper. 一个简单的 echarts(v3.0 & v4.0) 的 react 封装。 hustcc 2375
1150 instant-logos All the logos of instantlogosearch.com kogg 755
1151 react-meteor-data Fetch Meteor data in React using decorators orionsoft 39
1152 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements. evcohen 1791
1153 meatier 🍔 like meteor, but meatier 🍔 mattkrick 3102
1154 meteor Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform meteor 41496
1155 UFO-Alert The UFO visualizes the actual continuous delivery pipeline, from developers commit to the build system, all the way to deployments into staging systems. sydneyhen 22
1156 ddx koa+react+redux xiaokekeT 129
1157 Full-stack-Blog font by react + router +redux and server by koa2 Sunshine168 44
1158 react-hot-loader Tweak React components in real time. gaearon 11294
1159 webpack-dev-server Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes. Documentation https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/. webpack 5955
1160 ejs Embedded JavaScript templates for node tj 4230
1161 react-latest-framework a client framework of React react-love 832
1162 CR 最新版已转移到NMAI---> redsx 354
1163 react-blog 我用react 写的一个react 博客。真正意义的全家桶. 前后台分离。 后台能管理前台数据 whevether 68
1164 react-hlayer the hlayer of react huruji 3
1165 holla Holla! - Rich JavaScript Application maccman 1070
1166 blog Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive & stupid 🐌 jawil 7313
1167 sweetalert-react Declarative SweetAlert in React chentsulin 237
1168 mvvm 前端MVVM框架简单原理 JsAaron 254
1169 react-demos a collection of simple demos of React.js ruanyf 14806
1170 react-canvas High performance <canvas> rendering for React components Flipboard 12240
1171 next.js The React Framework zeit 43405
1172 react-workshop Lectures and exercises for React Training workshops ReactTraining 1279
1173 jsx-control-statements Neater If and For for React JSX AlexGilleran 1150
1174 why-did-you-update 💥 Puts your console on blast when React is making unnecessary updates. garbles 5155
1175 Redux-cnode react+react-router+redux+es6+antd-mobile+webpack版本的Cnode zhangfan6644777 97
1176 react-tetris Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮 chvin 5818
1177 William My web project container xianchenxc 23
1178 react-native-vector-icons Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full styling. oblador 12452
1179 30-days-of-react-native 30 days of React Native demos fangwei716 6015
1180 fetch-jsonp Make JSONP request like window.fetch camsong 828
1181 avalon an elegant efficient express mvvm framework RubyLouvre 5484
1182 musicSPA A music SPA APP Powered BY React、Redux、React-Router:musical_note: huruji 7
1183 phonegap-cli PhoneGap and PhoneGap/Build command-line interface phonegap 470
1184 browserify browser-side require() the node.js way browserify 13016
1185 react-redux Official React bindings for Redux reduxjs 18589
1186 redux-promise FSA-compliant promise middleware for Redux. redux-utilities 2572
1187 redux-tutorial-cn Redux Tutorial 中文翻译 react-guide 1782
1188 react-sweet-progress A way to quickly add a progress bar to react app 🌈 abraztsov 215
1189 react-example react example project Lobos 57
1190 react-redux-tutorial react-redux-tutorial in Chinese, catalog && code examples lewis617 2270
1191 You-Dont-Need-jQuery Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript. nefe 18803
1192 react-curd 【React全家桶入门系列文章项目】http://blog.csdn.net/awaw00/article/category/6692955 awaw00 133
1193 immutable-js Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. immutable-js 28934
1194 baobab JavaScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors. Yomguithereal 2973
1195 functional-frontend-architecture A functional frontend framework. paldepind 1321
1196 flux-standard-action A human-friendly standard for Flux action objects. redux-utilities 4354
1197 bfd-ui 企业级 React 组件库 🚀 baifendian 231
1198 flux Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces facebook 16500
1199 director a tiny and isomorphic URL router for JavaScript flatiron 5493
1200 redux-devtools DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI reduxjs 11174
1201 incubator-echarts A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser apache 38627
1202 create-react-app Set up a modern web app by running one command. facebook 74628
1203 react-router Declarative routing for React ReactTraining 38683
1204 react-native A framework for building native apps with React. facebook 83477
1205 react-360 Create amazing 360 and VR content using React facebook 7727
1206 nvmw Node Version Manager for Windows nanjingboy 20
1207 koa-router-cache Router cache middleware for koa. nswbmw 22
1208 koa-errorhandler Error handler middleware for koa. nswbmw 12
1209 fs-promise [DEPRECATED] Use mz or fs-extra^3 with Promise support kevinbeaty 173
1210 koa-scheme koa-scheme is a parameter validation middleware for koa. nswbmw 45
1211 koa-router Router middleware for koa. ZijianHe 4439
1212 co-wait setTimeout generator style juliangruber 23
1213 co The ultimate generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs (supports thunks, promises, etc) tj 11025
1214 N-club 使用 Koa + MongoDB + Redis 搭建论坛系统 nswbmw 512
1215 reactjs101 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 React 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。 kdchang 3475
1216 isomorphic-redux-CNode 😊👻基于react->express->mongo技术栈的同构SPA laoqiren 124
1217 electron-cloud-music 网易云音乐 Electron 客户端 disoul 468
1218 NeteaseCloudMusicApi 网易云音乐 Node.js API service Binaryify 13313
1219 chatroom-api a chat application api repo xr 2
1220 minimatch a glob matcher in javascript isaacs 2087
1221 DoraCMS DoraCMS是基于Nodejs+eggjs+mongodb编写的一套内容管理系统,结构简单,较目前一些开源的cms,doracms易于拓展,特别适合前端开发工程师做二次开发。 doramart 2188
1222 CMS CMS (node+express+mysql) shang65536 6
1223 jquery-mobile jQuery Mobile Framework jquery 9932
1224 yarn 📦🐈 Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. yarnpkg 37567
1225 blog fool2fish's blog fool2fish 169
1226 history Manage session history with JavaScript ReactTraining 5981
1227 d3 Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉 d3 89211
1228 hammer.js A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this hammerjs 20836
1229 baguetteBox.js ⚡ Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript feimosi 1961
1230 localForage 💾 Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API. localForage 16363
1231 store.js Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web. marcuswestin 12764
1232 neurojs A JavaScript deep learning and reinforcement learning library. janhuenermann 4278
1233 backbone Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events jashkenas 27586
1234 html-minifier Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support) kangax 4059
1235 eslint A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript eslint 15523
1236 vue-cli 🛠️ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development vuejs 23823
1237 vuejs-learn (vue.js official website tutorials ,contains video , codes, baudi yun, youtube) 网路上有很多 VUE 综合应用的视频,但大部份的视频 ,都当你已经了解官网 所以讲的节奏难免偏快。 此视频(都是上代码),以官网为重,将官网的观念,以视频搭配代码,实际演示。 如果官网有看不懂的地方,比对一下,视频跟代码,就会了解了。 减少你摸索的时间。(註:mvvm 的框架,不管是 ng , react, vue, avalonjs, 都是好的框架,而有经验的前端,至少都会两套以上的 mvvm。) bhnddowinf 1910
1238 HTML5-Clear-v2 HTML5 Clear version 2 yyx990803 902
1239 tower-of-babel Tower of babel is tour of babel yosuke-furukawa 591
1240 seajs A Module Loader for the Web seajs 7949
1241 sugar A lightweight and powerful JavaScript MVVM library. Used for production or learning how to make a full MVVM. tangbc 339
1242 virtual-dom A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm Matt-Esch 10442
1243 gulp-imagemin Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images sindresorhus 1732
1244 gulp-imageisux 智图gulp插件 targetkiller 376
1245 radarChart 雷达图生成插件。(原生JS) dengzhirong 32
1246 anatine [DEPRECATED] 🐦 Pristine Twitter app sindresorhus 1106
1247 Angular-news 🐼基于angular.js,weui和node.js重写的新闻客户端 Based on angular.js, weui and node.js rewrite news client windiest 1036
1248 friends 📺 P2P chat powered by the web. moose-team 3074
1249 Rocket.Chat The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications. RocketChat 24930
1250 iron-router A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor. iron-meteor 2020
1251 flow-router Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor kadirahq 1111
1252 resume.github.com Resumes generated using the GitHub informations resume 42906
1253 vuex 🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js. vuejs 22426
1254 laytpl 轻量迷你的JavaScript模板解析 layui 270
1255 vsc Visual Studio Code Guide[Simple Chinese][简体中文] i5ting 571
1256 Gulp-Run-Shell Gulp GUI 运行器,基于 QMUI_Web_Desktop yangfch3 3
1257 gray Make an image grayscale in all browsers karlhorky 550
1258 MDialog 寻求简单,精简的网页对话框,专注于友好的接口,千里之行,始于足下。 webjyh 20
1259 dialog-polyfill Polyfill for the HTML dialog element GoogleChrome 1900
1260 angular2-tutorial angular2-tutorial in Chinese lewis617 381
1261 MProgress.js Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript. lightningtgc 1555
1262 rest-api API就是开发者使用的界面。我的目标不仅是能用,而且好用, 跨平台(PC, Android, IOS, etc…)使用; 本项目将详细介绍API的设计及异常处理, 并将异常信息进行封装友好地反馈给前端. arccode 115
1263 RAP Web接口管理工具,开源免费,接口自动化,MOCK数据自动生成,自动化测试,企业级管理。阿里妈妈MUX团队出品!阿里巴巴都在用!1000+公司的选择!RAP2已发布请移步至https://github.com/thx/rap2-delos thx 10263
1264 node-glob glob functionality for node.js isaacs 6076
1265 gulp-uglify Minify files with UglifyJS terinjokes 1201
1266 browserslist 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env browserslist 6936
1267 todos The example app "Todos", written following the Meteor Guide meteor 509
1268 musicAPI Centralized package to get data from qq, xiami, netease music LIU9293 418
1269 musicafe musicafe音乐咖 — 网易、虾米、QQ音乐一处搞定 LIU9293 202
1270 node_redis redis client for node NodeRedis 12081
1271 passport Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js. jaredhanson 16742
1272 Flarum Flarum - 优雅自由的PHP轻社区 justjavac 1408
1273 12306 A simple tool for chinese new year~ vanishcode 9
1274 quill Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. quilljs 24999
1275 ife Baidu Institute of Front-End Technology baidu-ife 4067
1276 fullpage For desktop(ie5.5+) or mobile webApp without jQuery,create full screen pages fast and simple. powy1993 740
1277 fullPage.js fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple alvarotrigo 28813
1278 jQuery 前端JQuery系列 JsAaron 3109
1279 mui 最接近原生APP体验的高性能框架 dcloudio 12389
1280 WebComponent 前端常用组件 zhiqiang21 350
1281 mongoose MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment. Automattic 19942
1282 fabric.js Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser fabricjs 14805
1283 qjzd-club 秦晋之巅-社区 nqdy666 6
1284 HopeLibrarySystemUE 厚朴工作室图书设备管理系统前端界面 huruji 8
1285 mysql A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySQL protocol. mysqljs 14880
1286 egg 🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa eggjs 14508
1287 socket.io Realtime application framework (Node.JS server) socketio 48351
1288 cookie-parser Parse HTTP request cookies expressjs 1376
1289 node-static rfc 2616 compliant HTTP static-file server module, with built-in caching. cloudhead 2046
1290 vue2-demo 从零构建vue2 + vue-router + vuex 开发环境到入门,实现基本的登录退出功能 lzxb 1879
1291 m-mall 🐶 微信小程序-小商城前台(基于 WeUI.wxss、ES6 前端技术开发...) skyvow 1401
1292 lattea An Object-based MVVM framework. Saul-Mirone 13
1293 cropper 一款简易的图片裁剪、压缩插件 HopeStudio 4
1294 etherpad-lite Etherpad: real-time collaborative document editor ether 8333
1295 mazimd 码字 md • 干净精致的 Markdown 编辑器 xcatliu 123
1296 blog myblog Autumn-QH 2
1297 poker ♠️ Vivid, registration-free, easy-to-use scrum poker. Aka Poker4Fun. IFS49F 30
1298 computer-science-in-javascript Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript. humanwhocodes 6906
1299 clipboard.js 一个点击-复制(剪切)功能实现的轻量库 HopeStudio 1
1300 move.js move.js HopeStudio 3
1301 cheerio Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. cheeriojs 20951
1302 easyclub 基于koa2的论坛系统 k-dylan 334
1303 layui 采用自身模块规范编写的前端 UI 框架,遵循原生 HTML/CSS/JS 的书写形式,极低门槛,拿来即用。 sentsin 20641
1304 Node-Blog A blog web maded by express 4.x + MongoDB 3.2 huruji 2
1305 wepy 小程序组件化开发框架 Tencent 19469
1306 node-workshop gonsakon 2
1307 underlineJS Pushing the boundary of browser typography rendering! wentin 2121
1308 flv.js HTML5 FLV Player bilibili 16839
1309 gulp-stylus Stylus plugin for gulp stevelacy 223
1310 itouch 让开发web app更简单! oklai 20
1311 koala Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient. oklai 3875
1312 sass Sass makes CSS fun! sass 12305
1313 amazeui Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework. amazeui 13352
1314 QMUI_Web_Desktop The desktop app that streamlines projects based on QMUI Web. Tencent 184
1315 QMUI_Web An efficient front-end framework for developers building UI on the web. Tencent 1654
1316 jquery jQuery JavaScript Library jquery 52751
1317 lodash A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras. lodash 42894
1318 moment Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript. moment 43027
1319 vue-tutorials Let you insight into the Vue.js keepfool 3484
1320 vue-resource The HTTP client for Vue.js pagekit 9661
1321 vue-demo-search vue入门demo-搜索大全 lavyun 220
1322 vue-webpack 一个vue-webapck的学习记录教程,升级到了 webpack4 guowenfh 305
1323 webpack-for-fools webpack tutorial for fools vikingmute 673
1324 webpack A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff. webpack 52316
1325 vue-devtools ⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. vuejs 15941
1326 webattle.js multiplayer node.js/html5 tank battle game tadast 57
1327 tank Tiddlers Are N[eo][tw] Knowledge cdent 12
1328 vue-router 🚦 The official router for Vue.js. vuejs 15331
1329 angular.js AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps! angular 59624
1330 AppleMusic 微信小程序,仿Apple Music Sioxas 101
1331 rpn.js Calculate Reverse Polish Notation huruji 27
1332 typescript-tutorial TypeScript 入门教程 xcatliu 5539
1333 weapp-500px weapp-500px fluency03 111
1334 wechat-app-music 微信小程序:音乐播放器 技术栈: redux + es7 +labrador eyasliu 347
1335 wept 微信小程序 web 端实时运行工具 chemzqm 2241
1336 wechat-weapp-mall 微信小程序-移动端商城 liuxuanqiang 2364
1337 weapp-demo 微信小程序示例教程(豆瓣电影),WeChat App Demo,新版本请移步至:https://github.com/zce/weapp-douban zce 2251
1338 cnode 使用antd-mobile实现的cnode webapp社区 dianjie 15
1339 QQ 仿QQ小程序. 技术上用到nodejs, express, socket.io. License MIT AdamsMao 10
1340 nodejs-music-player 苦逼的码农,在默默工作之时,如果能有自己喜欢的音乐music陪伴,那是何等美哉! AdamsMao 10
1341 venmusic 一个音乐搜索node模块 zvenshy 68
1342 cc 代码库 & Blog ccforward 1521
1343 Wechat-WeAPP 微信小程序案例 Wechat-WeApp's Demo huruji 53
1344 gitmoji An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜 carloscuesta 6479
1345 thinjs A super-lightweight javascript library for when you just need something simple evilstreak 19
1346 markdown-js A Markdown parser for javascript evilstreak 7309
1347 2048 alicefengqiud 3
1348 jquery-image-reader A jQuery plugin that previews image very fast without needing to upload to your server. ipanardian 7
1349 nodejs-emberjs-mongodb Node.js + Require.js + Mongoose + MongoDB + Express.js + Ember.js + jQuery + Twitter Bootstrap abelaska 150
1350 nodejs-mongodb-angularjs-web-development For the Node.js, MongoDB and AngularJS Web Development Book bwdbooks 326
1351 canvasApplication canvas LGTen 2
1352 node-mongodb-native Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver mongodb 8334
1353 node-supervisor petruisfan 3640
1354 connect-mongo MongoDB session store for Express jdesboeufs 1684
1355 store.js A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser localStorage , it is easy to pick up and use, has a reasonable footprint 2.36kb(gzipped: 1.04kb), and has no dependencies. jaywcjlove 340
1356 mocha ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser mochajs 18795
1357 underscore-analysis underscore-1.8.3.js 源码解读 & 系列文章(完) lessfish 3669
1358 react-native-dribbble-app Dribbble app built with React Native catalinmiron 1988
1359 Web-Read-APP A HTML5 Moblie Read APP huruji 13
1360 jquery-jsonp jquery jsonp plugin jaubourg 588
1361 weui-wxss A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules. Tencent 11678
1362 js-sdk 基于七牛 API 开发的前端 JavaScript SDK qiniu 1194
1363 koa Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions koajs 28140
1364 node-formidable A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads. node-formidable 5192
1365 artDialog 经典的网页对话框组件 aui 3048
1366 Games 网页小游戏200款,代码开源,欢迎下载 LIUBOliubo 137
1367 connect Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js senchalabs 8598
1368 bluebird 🐦 ⚡ Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance. petkaantonov 18814
1369 request 🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client. request 23837
1370 testcafe A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing. DevExpress 7697
1371 three.js JavaScript 3D library. mrdoob 57411
1372 async Async utilities for node and the browser caolan 26237
1373 node-webcrawler 网页版nodejs爬虫工具 satrong 116
1374 underscore JavaScript's utility _ belt jashkenas 25085
1375 pm2 Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer. Unitech 31243
1376 node-schedule A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node. node-schedule 6865
1377 hexo A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js. hexojs 29072
1378 HopeLibrarySystem 厚朴工作室图书管理系统Hope books manage system:blue_book: huruji 40
1379 pug Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js pugjs 18855
1380 nodecms a cms created by nodejs linksgo2011 231
1381 PhotoSwipe JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent dimsemenov 19475
1382 art-template High performance JavaScript templating engine aui 8754
1383 weapp-github 🚀 微信小程序--github zhengxiaowai 125
1384 normalizr Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema paularmstrong 18141
1385 reaction Reaction is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes. reactioncommerce 9501
1386 bootstrap The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. twbs 137763
1387 wechat-cnode 微信小程序 cnode社区版 vincentSea 112
1388 thinkjs Use full ES2015+ features to develop Node.js applications, Support TypeScript. thinkjs 5032
1389 freeCodeCamp The https://www.freeCodeCamp.org open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free together with millions of people. freeCodeCamp 307638
1390 echarts https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts echarts 70
1391 zrender A lightweight canvas library which providing 2d draw for ECharts ecomfe 4071
1392 bitcoin-on-nodejs 《Node.js区块链开发》,注:新版代码已开源!请star支持哦-^-: imfly 2141
1393 example-node node.js example project. hubwiz 297
1394 3n1b.com 3n1b-com 205
1395 NEMBlog Node.js + Express.js + Mysql 9958 54
1396 gulp The streaming build system gulpjs 31588
1397 cssFx CSS3 vendor prefix generator. imsky 277
1398 smtp-server Create custom SMTP servers on the fly nodemailer 521
1399 Magnific-Popup Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance. dimsemenov 10904
1400 Respond A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more) scottjehl 11558
1401 autoprefixer Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use postcss 17942
1402 prefixfree Break free from CSS prefix hell! LeaVerou 3768
1403 viewerjs JavaScript image viewer. fengyuanchen 4562
1404 babel 🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript. babel 35370
1405 nodemailer ✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake! nodemailer 12018
1406 bower A package manager for the web bower 15190
1407 vue 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. vuejs 154454
1408 iNotify 📢 JS achieve the browser title flashing, scrolling, voice prompts, Chrome/Safari/FireFox/IE notice. has no dependencies. It not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks. has a reasonable footprint 5.05kb (gzipped: 1.75kb) jaywcjlove 850
1409 layer 丰富多样的 Web 弹出层组件,可轻松实现 Alert/Confirm/Prompt/ 普通提示/页面区块/iframe/tips等等几乎所有的弹出交互。目前已成为最多人使用的弹层解决方案 sentsin 7762
1410 nodeJs node- mySql- hbs- seaJs- livereload web应用! tonyjiafan 40
1411 swiper Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions nolimits4web 22132
1412 pi-gpio A simple node.js-based GPIO helper for the Raspberry Pi rakeshpai 719
1413 XiaoMiStore 此项目仿照的是小米官网商城的功能,按照我自己的想法实现的一个自营模式的商城应用。 目前只实现了前台的功能,主要有登录,注册,商品展示,购物车等模块。为了便于此项目日后的完善和扩展, 我采用了前后端分离的架构设计。前端主要使用AngularJS,ui-router构建的单页web应用, 通过使用指令,服务,模板,控制器完成前端的MVC分层,各个模板页面的效果实现则使用了基本的HTML,CSS3等技术, 结合JS完成页面的基本交互效果。由于没有实现数据库和后台模块等功能, 项目的测试数据我采用的是JSON格式的数据文件,通过AJax请求完成整个前台功能的数据交互, 后期再考虑实现一个后台管理系统及数据库系统,还有前端页面资源的异步加载及优化。 weboey 165
1414 expressjs-blog 用expressjs开发的个人博客系统 longmenwaideyu 62
1415 todo-app Simple TODO list app using Node.js, Express and MySQL yogasaikrishna 36
1416 nodejs-express-mysql A base nodejs project with Express,using MySQL and ORM of sequelize. icarusion 49
1417 koa2-netease-cloudmusic rupertqin 26
1418 blog-by-nodejs NodeJs + Mongoose + Express + jQuery + BootStrap + Ejs + Webpack搭建多人博客 chickencyj 66
1419 express-blog 单页博客后端,用了express、mongodb drafish 17
1420 emoji-css An easy way to include emoji in your HTML afeld 787
1421 body-parser Node.js body parsing middleware expressjs 4216
1422 fu-kBlackHeartedHospital Chrome 插件-用来提示黑心医院名单,欢迎PR Pearyman 37
1423 Tiny-editor 基于Ace可实时运行的代码编辑器,相当于开源的jsFiddle,可以打造属于自己的代码编辑器! lipten 89
1424 hackathon-starter A boilerplate for Node.js web applications sahat 29200
1425 canvas-nest.js ♋ Interactive Particle / Nest System With JavaScript and Canvas, no jQuery. hustcc 3241
1426 awesome-react-native Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! jondot 26159
1427 bing Bing 壁纸 API xCss 960
1428 editor.md The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component). pandao 8661
1429 node-doc-cn Node.js中文文档 leizongmin 180
1430 js2image 一个可以把js源代码压缩成一个ascii字符画的源代码的工具,压缩后的代码仍可运行 (A tool can compress JavaScript code to any ascii image and still run normally ) xinyu198736 1420
1431 express Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node. expressjs 46649
1432 anywhere Running static file server anywhere / 随启随用的静态文件服务器 JacksonTian 798
1433 fks 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure JacksonTian 15385
1434 reveal.js The HTML Presentation Framework hakimel 49632
1435 nodeppt This is probably the best web presentation tool so far! ksky521 8457
1436 nodebook-sample nodebook配套代码 yunnysunny 14
1437 node-lessons 📕《Node.js 包教不包会》 by alsotang alsotang 15441
1438 N-blog 《一起学 Node.js》 nswbmw 14173
1439 nodeclub 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统 cnodejs 8653
1440 nodejs-fullstack 高可用架构专用《全栈工程师之路-Node.js》 i5ting 1575
1441 hexo-theme-yilia 一个简洁优雅的hexo主题 A simple and elegant theme for hexo. litten 7097
1442 Kael-Qrcode 二维码生成库,基于canvas,灵活轻巧,美观多变。 litten 102
1443 editor A markdown editor. http://lab.lepture.com/editor/ lepture 2667
1444 Tracker 一个用于检测网页 JavaScript/CSS 资源使用情况的浏览器书签栏工具。 ChineseDron 158
1445 Front-End-Standards 适用于小团队的前端规范 hzlzh 567
1446 front-end-plugins 🐋 Web 前端常用插件 iamjoel 879
1447 touch-interfaces Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5 - Code Listings saw 61
1448 materialize Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design Dogfalo 36920
1449 DeerResume MarkDown在线简历工具,可在线预览、编辑和生成PDF。[此项目已不再维护,建议使用 cv.ftqq.com 替代 ] geekcompany 3098
1450 JobHelper 学长学姐帮你们找工作项目 xuyuan923 2
1451 pal.js 仙剑奇侠传JS重制版项目,移植自SDLPAL项目,采用HTML5音视频接口开发。 Sivory 29
1452 react-starter 学习react dingyiming 276
1453 mo-generator 有针对性地表达自己的崇敬之心 ylxdzsw 32
1454 es6tutorial 《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的 JavaScript 语言教程,全面介绍 ECMAScript 6 新增的语法特性。 ruanyf 17404
1455 avatar avalon开源中文社区 ascoders 41
1456 woku 我酷官网~ ascoders 5
1457 algorithm-visualizer 🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code algorithm-visualizer 27813
1458 cubic-bezier 预览地址 yisibl 27
1459 impress.js It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com. impress 35412
1460 gulp-book Gulp 入门指南 og 1814
1461 webpack-MultiplePage 基于webpack的前端工程化方案(自动入口配置及后端模板) vhtml 301


Name Description Author Stars
1 Hippy Hippy is a cross-platform development framework, introduction video - https://v.qq.com/x/page/i3038urj2mt.html Tencent 350
2 kungfu Kungfu Trader taurusai 1643
3 QtScrcpy Android real-time display control software barry-ran 1283
4 anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码 anyRTC 3287
5 miniblink49 a lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in your app. 一个小巧、轻量的浏览器内核,用来取代wke和libcef weolar 3438
6 extract-file-icon Get associated file icon sentialx 7
7 nodegui A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications with Node.js and CSS 🚀. For React NodeGUI, visit: https://github.com/nodegui/react-nodegui ⚛️ nodegui 3984
8 node-addon-api Module for using N-API from C++ nodejs 655
9 speak.js Text-to-Speech in JavaScript using eSpeak kripken 1021
10 WXInlinePlayer We Can Playsinline And AutoPlay In WeChat WebView! qiaozi-tech 402
11 minicap Stream real-time screen capture data out of Android devices. openstf 1128
12 rethinkdb The open-source database for the realtime web. rethinkdb 23014
13 hermes Hermes is a small and lightweight JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android. facebook 4899
14 note 学习笔记整理📚 arkingc 1010
15 CodingInterviews 剑指Offer——名企面试官精讲典型编程题 gatieme 2906
16 opencv4nodejs Nodejs bindings to OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 4 justadudewhohacks 3581
17 watchman Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change. facebook 8539
18 Gource software version control visualization acaudwell 7361
19 TorchCraftAI A platform that lets you build agents to learn to play StarCraft: Brood War. TorchCraft 580
20 FaceBeauty-IOS 人脸美颜算法 zhoushiwei 22
21 yue A library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps yue 2222
22 Blog 📝blog changkem 11
23 Paddle PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning (『飞桨』核心框架,高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署) PaddlePaddle 10503
24 react-native-windows A framework for building native Windows apps with React. microsoft 10531
25 nodejieba "结巴"中文分词的Node.js版本 yanyiwu 1770
26 unlimited-landeng-for-win 无限流量灯,你懂的,我不解释 JuncoJet 1353
27 fibjs JavaScript on Fiber (built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine) fibjs 2723
28 node-canvas Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS. Automattic 6380
29 PhoenixGo Go AI program which implements the AlphaGo Zero paper Tencent 2478
30 nw.js Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. nwjs 36156
31 crow Crow is very fast and easy to use C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask) ipkn 5496
32 QQStars 基于webqq协议的qq客户端,qt开发,可跨平台 zccrs 452
33 tensorflow An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone tensorflow 139266
34 snowboy DNN based hotword and wake word detection toolkit Kitt-AI 2099
35 apollo An open autonomous driving platform ApolloAuto 15582
36 open-source-search-engine Nov 20 2017 -- A distributed open source search engine and spider/crawler written in C/C++ for Linux on Intel/AMD. From gigablast dot com, which has binaries for download. See the README.md file at the very bottom of this page for instructions. gigablast 1080
37 splayer Official Repository of SPlayer Legacy (Unmaintained) tomasen 818
38 napajs Napa.js: a multi-threaded JavaScript runtime microsoft 8758
39 Paddle-Lite Multi-platform high performance deep learning inference engine (『飞桨』多平台高性能深度学习预测引擎) PaddlePaddle 4748
40 design_patterns 图说设计模式 me115 4056
41 swift The Swift Programming Language apple 50128
42 node-sass 🌈 Node.js bindings to libsass sass 6846
43 incubator-weex Apache Weex (Incubating) apache 13222
44 electron :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS electron 79550
45 sokit Sokit is a TCP & UDP package send / receive / transfer tool sinpolib 629
46 iisnode Hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows tjanczuk 1715
47 CS_Offer 计算机学科基础知识和主流编程语言相关内容的总结 selfboot 1755


Name Description Author Stars
1 bfe Open-source layer 7 load balancer derived from proprietary Baidu FrontEnd baidu 3110
2 Dragonfly Dragonfly is an intelligent P2P based image and file distribution system. dragonflyoss 4478
3 gameboy.live 🕹️ A basic gameboy emulator with terminal "Cloud Gaming" support HFO4 3762
4 TopList 今日热榜,一个获取各大热门网站热门头条的聚合网站,使用Go语言编写,多协程异步快速抓取信息,预览:https://tophub.fun tophubs 3280
5 getAwayBSG 逃离北上广 Jinnrry 965
6 tank 《蓝眼云盘》(Eyeblue Cloud Storage) eyebluecn 1476
7 auxpi 🍭 集合多家 API 的新一代图床 aimerforreimu 2055
8 free-gophers-pack ✨ This pack of 100+ gopher pictures and elements will help you to build own design of almost anything related to Go Programming Language: presentations, posts in blogs or social media, courses, videos and many, many more. MariaLetta 1748
9 goja ECMAScript 5.1(+) implementation written in Go dop251 1433
10 lorca Build cross-platform modern desktop apps in Go + HTML5 zserge 4917
11 gotop A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop cjbassi 6402
12 photoprism Personal Photo Management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow photoprism 4384
13 mili golang123 是使用 vue、nuxt、node.js 和 golang 开发的知识分享系统 shen100 2002
14 go The Go programming language golang 67215
15 livego 纯 Go 写的直播服务器 gwuhaolin 2171
16 10billionhongbaos golang 实现单机支持100万用户,同时模拟了2015年微信红包的1400万QPS的场景,让服务器在压力下,轻松地完成业务。 xiaojiaqi 1385
17 docker_practice Learn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice! yeasy 15717
18 revel A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language. revel 11489
19 matcha Build native mobile apps in Go. gomatcha 3442
20 torsniff torsniff - a sniffer that sniffs torrents from BitTorrent network fanpei91 3513
21 build-web-application-with-golang A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang astaxie 33286


Name Description Author Stars
1 shan-shui-inf Procedurally generated Chinese landscape painting. LingDong- 805
2 blogs personal blogs lq782655835 73
3 zhihu-huawei251 自动发布知乎试图打压的内容 zhihu-huawei251 389
4 Crawler_Illegal_Cases_In_China Collection of China illegal cases about web crawler 本项目用来整理所有**大陆爬虫开发者涉诉与违规相关的新闻、资料与法律法规。致力于帮助在**大陆工作的爬虫行业从业者了解我国相关法律,避免触碰数据合规红线。 [AD]中文知识图谱门户 HiddenStrawberry 1092
5 blog 天猪部落阁 http://atian25.github.io atian25 1346
6 proposal-class-fields Orthogonally-informed combination of public and private fields proposals tc39 1088
7 proposal-nullish-coalescing Nullish coalescing proposal x ?? y tc39 1046
8 proposal-optional-chaining tc39 4613
9 typedoc Documentation generator for TypeScript projects. TypeStrong 3284
10 webKnowledge 前端面知识点总结 huyaocode 800
11 blog Lawler's Blog 不定期分享一些前端技术 lawler61 42
12 http-protocol HTTP协议原理分享 Q-Angelo 72
13 blog joeyguo's blog 请 Watch 或 Star joeyguo 1121
14 linux-command Linux命令大全搜索工具,内容包含Linux命令手册、详解、学习、搜集。https://git.io/linux jaywcjlove 11258
15 slogan 🎨 Generate logo for open-source projects egoist 44
16 en.javascript.info Modern JavaScript Tutorial javascript-tutorial 8376
17 change-password-url WICG 782
18 quicklink ⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time GoogleChromeLabs 7769
19 proposal-dynamic-import import() proposal for JavaScript tc39 1503
20 github-markdown-css The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style sindresorhus 4263
21 solid Solid - Re-decentralizing the web (project directory) solid 7378
22 github-corners A fresher "Fork me on GitHub" callout. tholman 3987
23 tabler Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap tabler 20225
24 CamanJS Javascript HTML5 (Ca)nvas (Man)ipulation meltingice 3239
25 chemdemo.github.io dmyang blog chemdemo 996
26 slick Standalone CSS Selector Parser and Engine. An official MooTools project. mootools 149
27 pinyin-engine JavaScript 拼音匹配引擎 aui 324
28 fastclick Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs ftlabs 17873
29 jocs.github.io 💯Jocs 的个人博客,所有的文章都在 issues 里面 Jocs 628
30 sign O2 team mail signature generator o2team 104
31 fuckcqcs 14小时 fuckcqcs 4496
32 Terminus2049.github.io No more 404 Terminus2049 641
33 notification 浏览器桌面通知 rentiansheng 40
34 react-from-zero A simple (99% ES2015 less) tutorial for React kay-is 4616
35 frozenui FrozenUI的CSS组件库,基于腾讯手Q样式规范,腾讯QXD出品 frozenui 2932
36 proposal-intl-relative-time Intl.RelativeTimeFormat specification [draft] tc39 205
37 rails-guides Chinese translation of Rails Guides ruby-china 210
38 Xin-Yue 岳昕:致北大师生与北大外国语学院的一封公开信 sikaozhe1997 7723
39 phantomjs Scriptable Headless Browser ariya 27185
40 twemoji Emoji for everyone. https://twemoji.twitter.com/ twitter 10606
41 compat-table ECMAScript 5/6/7 compatibility tables kangax 3474
42 Resume 🍰 Simple resume DIYgod 969
43 node-weixin nodejs + socket.io 多人在线聊天、聊天机器人系统 bailicangdu 211
44 Screenshot-to-code A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website. emilwallner 12266
45 material-design-lite Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS google 31506
46 996.band Homepage of 996 Band Jinjiang 12
47 ting A music social networking project written in Ruby on Rails and Semantic-UI Aufree 480
48 yunshare 百度云分享爬虫项目 walker02 28
49 all-contributors ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨ all-contributors 3651
50 react-native-lesson React-Native入门指南 vczero 4082
51 simple-icons SVG icons for popular brands simple-icons 8000
52 dawn 🌅 Dawn is a lightweight task management and build tool for front-end and nodejs. alibaba 923
53 koa2-blog 🔥Blog management site 193Eric 327
54 Koa2-Blog 第一个web项目,仿照cnode,欢迎新建账号试用 hezhongfeng 136
55 koahub KoaHub.js -- 中文最佳实践Node.js Web快速开发框架。支持Koa.js, Express.js中间件。当前项目已停止维护,推荐使用Doodoo.js koahubjs 307
56 AR.js Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile! jeromeetienne 14354
57 free-for-dev A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev ripienaar 29242
58 shop-demo-node node.js+express+mongodb 小电商项目实战 18820227745 92
59 core Online IDE powered by Visual Studio Code ⚡️ stackblitz 7073
60 restc A server-side middleware to visualize REST requests. ElemeFE 1249
61 awesome-webpack A curated list of awesome Webpack resources, libraries and tools webpack-contrib 3733
62 ChroMATERIAL ChroMATERIAL is an IntelliJ Platform coloring scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within IntelliJ and Android Studio. It is intended to highlight the most import aspects of your code. ciscorucinski 145
63 proposal-class-public-fields Stage 2 proposal for public class fields in ECMAScript tc39 482
64 hyperscript Create HyperText with JavaScript. hyperhype 1875
65 webcomponentsjs A suite of polyfills supporting the HTML Web Components specs webcomponents 3806
66 hover 前端常用hover效果合集 huruji 3
67 dragon-book-exercise-answers Compilers Principles, Techniques, & Tools (purple dragon book) second edition exercise answers. 编译原理(紫龙书)第2版习题答案。 fool2fish 3577
68 node-interview How to pass the Node.js interview of ElemeFE. ElemeFE 8950
69 campus 大学掌上通。Hybrid App实践。 sheilaCat 32
70 youmightnotneedjquery HubSpot 11935
71 blog 岁月如歌 lifesinger 5415
72 FlyBird JavaScript实现FlyBird游戏 YangQiGitHub 58
73 learnyounode Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js via a set of self-guided workshops. workshopper 6163
74 skill-map 程序员技能图谱 TeamStuQ 16391
75 Hlayer HLayer——easyuse、no-dependence web layer huruji 9
76 web-starter-kit Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites google 18596
77 chat-example rauchg 797
78 jcchan23.github.io JCChan's Blog jcchan23 2
79 typedetail Annotating beautiful details of web fonts wentin 182
80 bootstrap-table-examples Bootstrap table examples wenzhixin 1936
81 ifeCHX CHX for ife yellowhouses 2
82 emoji-cheat-sheet.com A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub WebpageFX 6411
83 Nodejs-Express-Mysql Nodejs + Express + Ejs + Mysql 后台管理系统 biwow 24
84 js-xss Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist leizongmin 3242
85 zepto Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API madrobby 14675
86 Fragment code snippet about css 、js zhangmengxue 82
87 ideabook 一个全栈增长工程师的练手项目集. A Growth Engineering Idea in Action. phodal 3466
88 ihover iHover is a collection of hover effects using pure CSS, inspired by codrops article, powered by Sass. gudh 3399
89 typo.css 中文网页重设与排版:一致化浏览器排版效果,构建最适合中文阅读的网页排版 sofish 3626
90 Hospital OpenPower工作组收集汇总的医院开放数据 open-power-workgroup 6453
91 animatable One property, two values, endless possiblities LeaVerou 2486
92 powerSwitch 万能切换插件,选项卡、跑马灯、手风琴、无限切换都不在话下~ zhangxinxu 259
93 123.jser.us 一个前端导航站 http://123.jser.us jserme 150
94 Painter 基于html5 Canvas 的画图程序 yanhaijing 195
95 learn-js 一个 JavaScript 互助学习的项目。接受组件开发的挑战,提交代码让他人评论你的代码以提高。 nimojs 287


Name Description Author Stars
1 saso Zero config bundler to help you to build fantastic APP huruji 2
2 pipcook 基于 tfjs-node 的 前端算法工程框架 front-end algorithm engineer platform based on tfjs-node alibaba 88
3 minicap-driver 轻松实现电脑浏览器实时投影 android 设备,并保证高帧率 huruji 2
4 vue-i18n-aux About the Vue i18n auxiliary tool with VSCode. pfzhengd 6
5 bulletproof-nodejs Implementation of a bulletproof node.js API 🛡️ santiq 1192
6 n8n Free node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. n8n-io 5421
7 linkinator 🐿 Scurry around your site and find all those broken links. JustinBeckwith 392
8 swr React Hooks library for remote data fetching zeit 5900
9 rxdb 💻 🔄 📱 A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications pubkey 12575
10 icestark 🐯 Micro Frontends solution for large application(面向大型应用的微前端解决方案) ice-lab 410
11 redux-react-hook React Hook for accessing state and dispatch from a Redux store facebookincubator 1956
12 pont 🌉前端接口层工具 alibaba 1542
13 ts-transformer-keys A TypeScript custom transformer which enables to obtain keys of given type kimamula 226
14 simple-react-snippets Simple React Snippets for VS Code that you will actually use burkeholland 78
15 vue-next vuejs 8215
16 patch-package Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 ds300 2587
17 Auto-Import vscode extension that will automatically finds, parses and provides code actions for all available imports. Only currently works with files in your folder and TypeScript. soates 132
18 css-camera New way to see a web page with CSS3 3D transform WoodNeck 175
19 remax 使用真正的 React 构建小程序 remaxjs 1828
20 react-icons svg react icons of popular icon packs react-icons 3584
21 qiankun 📦🚀Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends. umijs 2566
22 type-fest A collection of essential TypeScript types sindresorhus 2162
23 vue-eslint-parser The ESLint custom parser for .vue files. mysticatea 165
24 memoize-one A memoization library which only remembers the latest invocation alexreardon 2004
25 vue-template-ast-to-template transform vue template AST to vue template CommanderXL 9
26 grafana The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More grafana 32671
27 micat 米咔壁纸 —— mac 平台的壁纸应用 huruji 4
28 react-bottom-scroll-listener A simple listener component that invokes a callback when the webpage is scrolled to the bottom. karl-run 60
29 ts-jest TypeScript preprocessor with sourcemap support for Jest kulshekhar 2893
30 use-http 🐶 React hook for making isomorphic http requests alex-cory 1037
31 caprine Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app sindresorhus 4963
32 menubar ➖ high level way to create menubar desktop applications with electron maxogden 5254
33 tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin Load modules according to tsconfig paths in webpack. dividab 184
34 examples Repo containing example apps made with NodeGUI and React NodeGUI nodegui 76
35 electron-dev-console 一个用于在渲染进程查看主进程输出的 electron 开发调试工具 huruji 5
36 react-redux-typescript-guide The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript piotrwitek 7848
37 xstate State machines and statecharts for the modern web. davidkpiano 8883
38 electron-builder A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box electron-userland 8272
39 react-nodegui Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.🚀 nodegui 4014
40 vscode-git-graph View a Git Graph of your repository in Visual Studio Code, and easily perform Git actions from the graph. mhutchie 291
41 better-comments aaron-bond 248
42 rxjs A reactive programming library for JavaScript ReactiveX 20672
43 ts-toolbelt Get the most out of TypeScript pirix-gh 931
44 ts-essentials All basic TypeScript types in one place 🤙 krzkaczor 566
45 typed-css-modules Creates .d.ts files from css-modules .css files Quramy 538
46 react-dnd Drag and Drop for React react-dnd 12644
47 deckdeckgo The web open source editor for presentations deckgo 644
48 Imagine 🖼️ PNG/JPEG optimization app for macOS, Windows and Linux. meowtec 992
49 desktop 🌍 A privacy-centric web browser, with an elegant UI and a robust built-in ad blocker, all designed with anonymity in mind, based on Wexond. dot-browser 184
50 ts-node-dev Compiles your TS app and restarts when files are modified. whitecolor 986
51 markdown-formatter markdown formatter sumnow 28
52 vscode-code-runner Code Runner for Visual Studio Code formulahendry 943
53 just The task library that just works microsoft 1455
54 docx Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser. dolanmiu 593
55 vscode-comment-translate vscode 注释翻译插件, 不干扰正常代码,方便快速阅读源码。 intellism 169
56 skeleton-screen Another react skeleton screen component huruji 1
57 a8k 基于 webpack 最佳实践构建工具https://hxfdarling.github.io/a8k/ hxfdarling 43
58 Mob Mob - 一个有颜值的喜马拉雅桌面客户端,支持 Mac、Win 和 Linux zenghongtu 940
59 react-content-loader ⚪ SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook cards loading) danilowoz 8154
60 vlq Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for sourcemaps and other uses Rich-Harris 92
61 egg-react-ssr 最小而美的Egg + React + SSR 服务端渲染应用骨架,同时支持JS和TS ykfe 781
62 immutability-helper mutate a copy of data without changing the original source kolodny 3762
63 ext-saladict Feature-rich inline translator. Chrome / Firefox Extension. crimx 3617
64 easy-redux-react the helper to make use redux easier with react. xd-tayde 2
65 dts-gen dts-gen creates starter TypeScript definition files for any module or library. microsoft 1438
66 vscode-scss 🔌 IntelliSense for Variables, Mixins and Functions in all Sass (SCSS syntax only) files. mrmlnc 94
67 syncpack Manage multiple package.json files, such as in Lerna Monorepos and Yarn Workspaces JamieMason 180
68 react-use React Hooks — 👍 streamich 9468
69 undux ⚡️ Dead simple state for React. Now with Hooks support. bcherny 1332
70 bit Easily share code between projects with your team. teambit 9625
71 constate React Context + State diegohaz 2225
72 data-forge-ts The JavaScript data transformation and analysis toolkit inspired by Pandas and LINQ. data-forge 750
73 p-first make your Promise support getting first fulfilled Promise huruji 1
74 daruk a node.js web framework based on typescript darukjs 386
75 ts2php Typescript to PHP Transpiler. searchfe 46
76 replace-url-html-webpack-plugin Updates the URLs for existing script (JS) and link (CSS) elements in an HTML template with URLs generated by Webpack BTOdell 2
77 recyclerlistview High performance listview for React Native and web! Flipkart 2335
78 vscode-comment-autocomplete An VSCODE extension to autocomplete the comment. axetroy 2
79 crawler nodejs 爬虫框架. crawler framework for nodejs axetroy 17
80 prettier-vscode Visual Studio Code extension for Prettier prettier 2847
81 moedan Moedan — 简单、小巧、实用的弹幕引擎 huruji 15
82 alita Business focused web full process solution(with umi). 专注业务的Web全流程方案(基于Umi) alitajs 181
83 CommentCoreLibrary Javascript Live Comment (Danmaku) Engine Implementation. JS弹幕模块核心,提供从基本骨架到高级弹幕的支持。 jabbany 1371
84 editor.js A block-styled editor with clean JSON output codex-team 10220
85 colyseus ⚔ Multiplayer Game Server for Node.js colyseus 2292
86 assets-preloader load web assets, like js, css, image, and return a promise huruji 2
87 majestic ⚡ Zero config GUI for Jest Raathigesh 5781
88 typescript-eslint ✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript typescript-eslint 5820
89 code-settings-sync 🌴💪 Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using GitHub GIST 💪🌴 shanalikhan 2859
90 use-events 🍭 Event hooks sandiiarov 434
91 lit-html An efficient, expressive, extensible HTML templating library for JavaScript. Polymer 5790
92 tiktok-api Unofficial API wrapper for TikTok (previously musical.ly) szdc 399
93 Json-Function It allows you to use methods such as schema, innerJoin, where, limit, select, orderBy on JSON data. aykutkardas 476
94 safeAreaInsets Use javascript to get the safe area insets. zhetengbiji 43
95 Babylon.js Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. BabylonJS 10614
96 vetur Vue tooling for VS Code. vuejs 3880
97 await-of await wrapper for easier errors handling without try-catch xobotyi 199
98 code-server Run VS Code on a remote server. cdr 26487
99 await-to-js Async await wrapper for easy error handling without try-catch scopsy 1557
100 after.js Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4 jaredpalmer 3423
101 react-apollo ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client apollographql 6413
102 expo-cli Tools for making Expo apps expo 909
103 react-navigation-header-buttons Easily render header buttons for react-navigation. vonovak 387
104 cosmiconfig Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, or CommonJS module davidtheclark 1867
105 vscode-restclient REST Client Extension for Visual Studio Code Huachao 1687
106 blog 红日初升,其道大光:sun_with_face::house_with_garden:请star或watch,不要fork huruji 117
107 pawjs A highly scalable & plugable, Progressive Web Application Framework with the best Developer Experience. This framework utilizes the power of React with Webpack and is build on top of webpack/tapable for unlimited extendability. Atyantik 120
108 prime ✨Open Source GraphQL CMS birkir 1282
109 tslint-config-prettier Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict prettier 1057
110 react-with-typescript Small examples which show how React can be used with TypeScript Mercateo 96
111 typescript-book-chinese TypeScript Deep Dive 中文版 jkchao 2571
112 typescript-book 📚 The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book 📖. Free and Open Source 🌹 basarat 8447
113 tslint 🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language palantir 5581
114 bee-mobile UI Components for React. IronPans 151
115 TypeScriptSamples Community Driven Samples for TypeScript microsoft 2832
116 awesome-typescript-loader Awesome TypeScript loader for webpack s-panferov 2283
117 blueprint A React-based UI toolkit for the web palantir 15334
118 cac Simple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps. cacjs 470
119 rap2-delos 阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代 thx 5078
120 esprima ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis jquery 5518
121 bili Bili makes it easier to bundle JavaScript libraries. egoist 781
122 DefinitelyTyped The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions. DefinitelyTyped 25699
123 vscode-markdown Markdown All in One yzhang-gh 1205
124 recharts Redefined chart library built with React and D3 recharts 12946
125 stencil A Web Component compiler for building fast, reusable UI components and Progressive Web Apps 💎 Built by the Ionic Framework team ionic-team 7042
126 deno A secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime denoland 40380
127 probot 🤖 A framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow probot 5388
128 redoc 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation Redocly 7783
129 my-picker 高仿IOS的PickerView的JavaScript插件,3D形式的滚轮选择器,同时支持最多三级联动的选择效果,支持pc端和移动端两种平台浏览器。 laden666666 40
130 DesktopNaotu 桌面版脑图 (百度脑图离线版,思维导图) 跨平台支持 Windows/Linux/Mac OS. (A cross-platform multilingual Mind Map Tool) NaoTu 2302
131 zan-proxy An extensible proxy for PC/Mobile/APP developer youzan 1300
132 desktop A privacy-focused, extensible and beautiful web browser wexond 1763
133 countUp.js Animates a numerical value by counting to it inorganik 5933
134 windows95 💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. felixrieseberg 16762
135 vscode-background A vscode extension to make it lovely. shalldie 615
136 mlhelper Algorithms and utils for Machine Learning in JavaScript. laoqiren 657
137 tinymce The world's #1 JavaScript library for rich text editing. Available for React, Vue and Angular tinymce 7406
138 moonight 音频手绘可视化 - 今夜月色真美 Ovilia 218
139 guess Libraries & tools for enabling Machine Learning driven user-experiences on the web guess-js 6001
140 verdaccio 📦🔐A lightweight private npm proxy registry verdaccio 8560
141 face-api.js JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js justadudewhohacks 8248
142 vm.js Javascript 解释器. Javascript Interpreter axetroy 227
143 jump 微信跳一跳复刻 CocosCreator + Typescript 在线试玩 https://potato47.github.io/game/jump/ potato47 129
144 so-many-games 小游戏集合,一个场景一个游戏,Cocos Creator+TypeScript 制作,2018年春节无聊之作。连载中 potato47 402
145 regulex 🚧 Regular Expression Excited! CJex 3990
146 personal_profile_angular4 A personal Profile website template with Angular4 Wrinth 129
147 battle-city 🎮 Battle city remake built with react. shinima 1132
148 image-size Node module for detecting image dimensions image-size 1105
149 pandora A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript midwayjs 2875
150 just-animate Making Animation Simple just-animate 223
151 zarm-web 基于React的桌面端UI组件库 JeromeLin 102
152 express-validator An express.js middleware for validator.js. express-validator 4105
153 ts-node TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js TypeStrong 5806
154 vscode Visual Studio Code microsoft 89106
155 react-conf-webrtc WebRTC conference room component for React projects. Out of the box support for Spreed WebRTC. teamious 9
156 firekylin A Simple & Fast Node.js Blogging Platform Base On ThinkJS3 & React & ES2015+ firekylin 1700
157 node-sendmail-lite a 100% js sendmail, it is very simple useful, but only support send html formart email, and it does not depend anything, 最简单最容易使用并且不依赖环境的nodejs发送邮件包 zengming00 7
158 Hitchhiker a Restful Api test tool brookshi 2058
159 http-proxy-middleware ⚡ The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync chimurai 6155
160 better-scroll 📜 inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance ustbhuangyi 11134
161 koa-cola SSR/SPA framework with koa/react/redux/es7 hcnode 55
162 fiora An interesting chat application power by socket.io, koa, mongodb and react yinxin630 3294
163 zone.js Implements Zones for JavaScript angular 3202
164 react-intl Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations. formatjs 11117
165 fonts.css 跨平台 CSS 中文字体解决方案 zenozeng 1560
166 ukulelejs Ukulelejs is a light two way binding javascript tool momoko8443 87
167 storybook 📓 UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more! storybookjs 44246
168 path-to-regexp Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression pillarjs 4946
169 cyclejs A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code cyclejs 9490
170 ui-router The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS angular-ui 13875
171 HyperMD A WYSIWYG Markdown Editor for browsers. Break the Wall between writing and previewing. laobubu 1005
172 ant-design 🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library ant-design 54723
173 redux Predictable state container for JavaScript apps reduxjs 51774
174 components Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular angular 19207
175 timeago.js 🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(2.0 kb) library used to format date with *** time ago statement. hustcc 3983
176 angular-cli CLI tool for Angular angular 22764
177 sweetalert A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert" t4t5 20437
178 angular One framework. Mobile & desktop. angular 55683
179 mindb Database on JavaScript iwillwen 372
180 ionic Build amazing Native and Progressive Web Apps with web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉 ionic-team 39838
181 TypeScript TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. microsoft 56676


Name Description Author Stars
1 Hiring Alibaba needs you! 阿里巴巴数据中台前端团队-招聘 nefe 72
2 evil-man Evil Man - **男性之恶 CNwoman-bot 304
3 awesome-github-star 我在 github 上 star 过的项目整理 huruji 15
4 awesome 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics sindresorhus 122092
5 Huawei-Joke 本项目将收集因审查而被删除的关于华为公司的笑话。欢迎大家投稿。 HuaweiJoke 780
6 fengrenjie 这个repo是为了锤北大垃圾教授——冯仁杰 renjie-feng-trash 713
7 14th 第十四届D2前端技术论坛「创心」 d2forum 1190
8 DeepInterests 深度有趣 Honlan 1668
9 gov-takedowns Text of government takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. github 1910
10 miserable-world-of-it it悲惨世界--记录 IT 圈的悲惨事件 miserableworldofit 204
11 zsxq 📚 知识星球精华整理 ixinzhi 97
12 web-frontend-magic #前端黑魔法# 整理 EtherDream 322
13 notable The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck. notable 13569
14 BXT BXT —— 百姓网工程师发起的技术沙龙 baixing 196
15 free-for-dev-zh 国内免费服务聚合 qinghuaiorg 853
16 ideas Find good problems to solve side-project-club 7
17 Mac Mac系统、Mac软件的操作和使用技巧整理,正在不断完善中。努力做到最全。 qianguyihao 1078
18 reverse-interview-zh 技术面试最后反问面试官的话 yifeikong 5123
19 ECMAScript-new-features-list A comprehensive list of new ES features, including ES2015 (ES6), ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019 daumann 2180
20 node-vs-deno A Deno guide for Node.js developers egoist 338
21 awesome-flutter-cn 一个很棒的Flutter学习资源,官方教程,插件,工具,文章,App,视频教程等的资源列表 crazycodeboy 898
22 awesome-monorepo A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures. korfuri 1597
23 weekly WecTeam 前端周刊,每周五发布。 wecteam 40
24 awesome-electron Useful resources for creating apps with Electron sindresorhus 18809
25 awesome-jest 🕶Awesome Jest packages and resources jest-community 548
26 DevMoneySharing 独立开发者赚钱经验分享 loonggg 861
27 deep-in-react 深入理解react,包括 react 源码解析 crazylxr 78
28 blog fengliner 11
29 mono-webpack Create webpack from zero series azl397985856 30
30 regular-investing-in-box 定投改变命运 —— 让时间陪你慢慢变富 xiaolai 3409
31 awesome-product-thought 关于创业,关于如何做好产品的一些优秀文章个人收集 voff12 243
32 The-Economist The Economist 经济学人,持续更新 nailperry-zd 2732
33 weekly 📝 薄荷前端周刊 Boohee Front End Team Weekly BooheeFE 666
34 FEGuide 【前端面试题+前端学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分前端工程师所需要掌握的核心知识。这个项目就是为了帮助那些找工作的前端开发工程师去回顾前端的基础知识,如果你不想找工作,也可以通过查看这些面试问题去巩固你的前端技能。 FEGuideTeam 870
35 how-brower-work-and-perfomace-tunning 浏览器渲染原理 i5ting 94
36 blog 用issues写博客 easonhuang123 30
37 myblog 言川的博客-前端精华博客 lihongxun945 856
38 Book byterotate 148
39 OpenMindClass 开智越读会友。开智正典精读,越读悦读阅读。 heshenxian1 138
40 blog 前端基础,深入以及算法数据结构记录 louzhedong 599
41 awesome-babel-macros A collection of awesome babel macros and related resources jgierer12 275
42 what-happens-when-zh_CN What-happens-when 的中文翻译,原仓库 https://github.com/alex/what-happens-when skyline75489 5095
43 learningPixi A step-by-step introduction to making games and interactive media with the Pixi.js rendering engine. kittykatattack 3015
44 support.996.ICU Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU MSWorkers 9876
45 golang-developer-roadmap Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019 Alikhll 6742
46 Projects 📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language. karan 29530
47 dracula-theme 😱 A dark theme for all the things! dracula 11091
48 dualsub-supports Make YouTube player display two languages subtitle(caption) muzuiget 112
49 v8 ✔️8️⃣ 分析V8和周边技术、并且着手代码的优化 bluezhan 148
50 Node.js-Troubleshooting-Guide Node.js 应用线上/线下故障、压测问题和性能调优指南手册(一期更新结束) aliyun-node 1034
51 Awesome_APIs :octocat: A collection of APIs TonnyL 6714
52 up 一个将图片上传到公共图床的命令行工具 huruji 2
53 nodelover-maps 📅 如何成为 Node.js 全栈工程师? MiYogurt 486
54 react-typescript-cheatsheet Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript typescript-cheatsheets 9169
55 proposals ✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date) babel 366
56 awesome-maintainers Talks, blog posts, and interviews about the experience of being an open source maintainer nayafia 892
57 awesome-mental-health A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry. dreamingechoes 1579
58 icss Interoperable CSS — a standard for loadable, linkable CSS css-modules 506
59 showjoy-blog 尚妆产品技术刊读 ShowJoy-com 351
60 http 自己提炼的关于《HTTP权威指南》每章的知识点总结! woai30231 2023
61 awesome-cross-platform-nodejs 👬 A curated list of awesome developer tools for writing cross-platform Node.js code bcoe 798
62 HyperDL-Tutorial 深度学习教程整理 | 干货 zeusees 1233
63 GitHubDaily GitHubDaily 分享内容定期整理与分类。欢迎推荐、自荐项目,让更多人知道你的项目。 GitHubDaily 4964
64 http3-explained A document describing the HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols bagder 1491
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66 back-to-china 随便写写关于硅谷海归的准备工作与个人感受 huxiuhan 23
67 promise-fun Promise packages, patterns, chat, and tutorials sindresorhus 2771
68 webpack-libs-optimizations Using a library in your webpack project? Here’s how to optimize it GoogleChromeLabs 2440
69 the-art-of-command-line Master the command line, in one page jlevy 66900
70 Lower-tier_Cities_in_China **低线城市(或称三四线城市)的机会 xunyun 130
71 cc CC助手功能建议 & bug反馈 NeuxLab 62
72 css-protips A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro AllThingsSmitty 14171
73 blog Here is my blog pigcan 629
74 awesome-f2e-libs 🎉 整理我平时关注的前端库。 sorrycc 963
75 learn-regex Learn regex the easy way ziishaned 32428
76 FinancialSupportForOpenSource 开源项目挣钱实用手册 wizicer 1186
77 thejsway The JavaScript Way book thejsway 6772
78 JDS_weekly 🎉收藏大家分享的文章📑、电影📹、音乐🎵、网站🐾 and others,成为一个有趣的人很难,但我们在努力。 huruji 5
79 DeepLearning-500-questions 深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系scutjy2015@163.com 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06 scutan90 35832
80 Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版 tuteng 2285
81 OI-wiki 🌟 Wiki for OI / ICPC. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法) OI-wiki 3732
82 Jobs IT猎头fancyfrees,我的微信:fancyfrees,如果寻求合作,请加我微信。我们直接跟PE/VC合作的比较多一些(例如:经纬/IDG/GGV/挚信资本/钟鼎创投等),他们投的一些公司,特别靠谱的而且近几年会上市的我们会加入进去帮忙做一些招聘。例如:滴滴出行/蘑菇街/饿了么/陌陌/木瓜移动/英语流利说等等专注于做IT互联网技术类职位,技术方向:Java/Python/Ruby on rails/PHP/Node.js/JavaScript/HTML/QA/iOS/Android/NLP,算法,反作弊算法,大数据,人工智能,机器学习,音视频算法,云计算等 fancyfrees 29
83 vscode-settings.json ayatokura 3
84 wxappUnpacker wxml被“编译“后”压缩“一下多好!😀 qwerty472123 4156
85 blog A front-end blog | 前端博客 CodeLittlePrince 226
86 wechat-snippet-vscode A wechat snippet plugin for vscode. ChandZhang 15
87 make-it-colorful 🎨 使用卷积神经网络给图片上色 chenjiandongx 24
88 awesome-python-books 如果有人让你推荐 Python 技术书,请让他看这个列表 jobbole 1078
89 Front-End-Performance-Checklist 🎮前端性能清单,让你的网站跑的更快 JohnsenZhou 394
90 Resume-template-for-Coder 适合程序员或设计师的简历模板 by Sketch.app byoungd 411
91 what-happens-when An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type google.com into your browser and press enter?" alex 25186
92 English-level-up-tips-for-Chinese 可能是让你受益匪浅的英语进阶指南 byoungd 18999
93 GoBooks List of Golang books dariubs 7299
94 CS-Interview-Knowledge-Map Build the best interview map. The current content includes JS, network, browser related, performance optimization, security, framework, Git, data structure, algorithm, etc. InterviewMap 16162
95 libraries 方法库 wuxianqiang 36
96 Awesome 💻 An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows. Awesome-Windows 10612
97 deep-into-node 深入理解Node.js:核心**与源码分析 yjhjstz 3002
98 athena-component athena组件平台,提供组件上传、预览、拉取 o2team 19
99 modulejs modulejs是一款比seajs、commonjs更加简洁、小巧的javascript模块化开发管理工具。思路更加精巧优雅,包含注释在内只有222行,同时也吸收了seajs和requirejs的一些有点 jiguang 9
100 react-fiber-architecture A description of React's new core algorithm, React Fiber acdlite 7603
101 Chinese_Laws 项目重启中,期望PR DannyVim 237
102 china-city-subway Chinese city subway database Seaony 188
103 howto-make-more-money 程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱 easychen 7303
104 project-based-learning Curated list of project-based tutorials tuvtran 28126
105 TOEFL_laylalaisy 备考托福的一丢丢经验+资料~祝小可爱和大佬们都早日和托福大魔王分手(o゜▽゜)o☆ laylalaisy 325
106 blog 📖 hujiulong 997
107 github-xp Give Github some XP flair 🔥 martenbjork 2733
108 Machine-Learning-Tutorials machine learning and deep learning tutorials, articles and other resources ujjwalkarn 9821
109 estree The ESTree Spec estree 2587
110 babel-handbook 📘 A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel. jamiebuilds 8310
111 interview-questions FEX 面试问题 fex-team 1587
112 proposals Tracking ECMAScript Proposals tc39 9492
113 build-your-own-x 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here) danistefanovic 57351
114 english ✈️ 暴走记单词、丢掉你的节操 MiYogurt 1
115 architecture.of.internet-product 互联网公司技术架构,微信/淘宝/微博/腾讯/阿里/美团点评/百度/Google/Facebook/Amazon/eBay的架构,欢迎PR补充 davideuler 16696
116 architect-awesome 后端架构师技术图谱 xingshaocheng 41138
117 weekly 前端精读周刊 dt-fe 8054
118 node-in-debugging 《Node.js 调试指南》 nswbmw 5603
119 Bilibili-Live-API BILIBILI 直播/番剧 API lovelyyoshino 439
120 games 🎮 A list of popular/awesome videos games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine. leereilly 13751
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122 30-seconds-of-css 30秒CSS中文版 您可以在30秒或更短的时间内了解的有用的CSS代码片段。 kujian 513
123 gold-miner 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台: xitu 24971
124 vue-syntax-highlight 💡 Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Vue components vuejs 1370
125 high-speed-downloader 百度网盘不限速下载 支持Windows和Mac 2018年1月16日更新 dxcweb 8152
126 chinese-independent-developer 👩🏿‍💻👨🏾‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏽‍💻👩🏻‍💻**独立开发者项目列表 -- 分享大家都在做什么 1c7 14583
127 git-tips :trollface:Git的奇技淫巧 521xueweihan 11173
128 awesome-github-wechat-weapp 微信小程序开源项目库汇总 opendigg 6730
129 api-guidelines Microsoft REST API Guidelines microsoft 13547
130 http-api-guide bolasblack 2153
131 Node.js-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition 《Node.js Design Patterns Second Edition》读书笔记连载 xingbofeng 484
132 awesome-nodejs ⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources sindresorhus 33716
133 gitignore A collection of useful .gitignore templates github 93130
134 HowToBeAProgrammer A guide on how to be a Programmer - originally published by Robert L Read braydie 14067
135 papers-we-love Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. papers-we-love 37330
136 smiles 聊天表情,lol LiuJi-Jim 26
137 awesome-npm Collections for node.js and fe txd-team 113
138 it-ebooks-cn 计算机电子书pdf整理 fuhmmin 1750
139 be-a-professional-programmer 成为专业程序员路上用到的各种优秀资料、神器及框架 stanzhai 7991
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141 nginx-tutorial 最全面,最深入的nginx从入门到精通的教程 hfpp2012 395
142 web_app_develop_traning HopeStudio 2
143 PWA-Book-CN 第一本 PWA 中文书 SangKa 3522
144 blog 梁少峰的个人博客 youngwind 4270
145 YunShare WillieTW 1
146 make-windows-development-mac-like 将 Windows 7 打造成 Mac 般的高效开发环境 kenberkeley 85
147 react-native-guide React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件 reactnativecn 15544
148 React-Native-Apps Curated List of Open Source React Native Apps ReactNativeNews 3872
149 coding-to-monetization 📖 From Coding to Monetization:Programmer's Financial Freedom Approach floatinghotpot 139
150 new-pac 科学/自由上网,免费ss/ssr/v2ray/goflyway账号,搭建教程 Alvin9999 19521
151 gitStar 忽如寄star项目整理 huruji 5
152 awesome-github-vue Vue相关开源项目库汇总 opendigg 8264
153 WebSafe-StepPitGuide Web前后端漏洞分析与防御-知识梳理📖 TYRMars 52
154 css-modules Documentation about css-modules css-modules 12955
155 koa-guide koa guide in Chinese guo-yu 2600
156 awesome-webpack-cn 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章 webpack-china 3304
157 china_area_mysql **5级行政区域mysql库 kakuilan 3348
158 android-open-project-analysis Analysis implementation of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站: android-cn 6589
159 android-open-project A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: Trinea 29481
160 Android GitHub上最火的Android开源项目,所有开源项目都有详细资料和配套视频 open-android 8755
161 30min_guides 覃健祥的学习笔记,各种几十分钟入门的文档 qinjx 6069
162 blog leehey's blog -- 请star或者watch lcxfs1991 2090
163 webkit Unofficial mirror of the WebKit SVN repository WebKit 4449
164 ES6-learning 《深入理解ES6》教程学习笔记 hyy1115 631
165 BlueLotus_XSSReceiver firesunCN 1241
166 Blog 冴羽写博客的地方,预计写四个系列:JavaScript深入系列、JavaScript专题系列、ES6系列、React系列。 mqyqingfeng 14837
167 Awesome-Hacking A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers Hack-with-Github 33230
168 awesome-pwa Awesome list of progressive web apps! (PR welcomed ;)) hemanth 3053
169 Chinese-Free-API 持续收集国内免费优质API。 yuyang2016 168
170 free-programming-books-zh_CN 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿 justjavac 61199
171 awesome-java-cn Java资源大全中文版,包括开发库、开发工具、网站、博客、微信、微博等,由伯乐在线持续更新。 jobbole 12022
172 design-guides Design guides. 一些设计规范收藏。 zhaotoday 3
173 learning_angular hairui219 16
174 AngularJS-Learning A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS jmcunningham 10900
175 npm This repository is moving to: https://github.com/npm/cli npm 17169
176 amdjs-api Houses the Asynchronous Module Definition API amdjs 4047
177 mobileTech A useful tools or tips list for mobile web application developing jtyjty99999 3345
178 talks Slides for my talks joyeecheung 139
179 spellbook-of-modern-webdev A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development dexteryy 10971
180 travis-ci Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects. travis-ci 7853
181 material_design_zh_2 Material Design 中文版 ( 2015 年 8 月更新) 1sters 1206
182 jstraining 全栈工程师培训材料 ruanyf 17012
183 blog 📖 用友网络大前端技术团队博客 iuap-design 702
184 it-note 📚 琐碎的知识, I code it thoughtbit 303
185 react-native-open-project 可能是目前最用心收集的 React Native 优秀开源项目大全,公众号【aMarno】www.marno.cn MarnoDev 2060
186 mobileHack 这里收集了许多移动端上遇到的各种坑 RubyLouvre 2201
187 awesome-php-cn PHP资源大全中文版,库、框架、模板、安全、代码分析、日志、第三方库、配置工具、Web 工具等 jobbole 1566
188 react-journey 记录学习react时阅读过的优秀文章、教程等等 ywwhack 299
189 bigger-jser 前端 JSer 装逼手册 (DEPRECATED) kenberkeley 325
190 redux-simple-tutorial Redux 莞式教程。本教程深入浅出,配套入门、进阶源码解读以及文档注释丰满的 Demo 等一条龙服务 kenberkeley 2432
191 study-notes WEB前端学习笔记和感悟。If you don’t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. tsrot 1043
192 cdnjs The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. cdnjs 8202
193 Mars 腾讯移动 Web 前端知识库 AlloyTeam 8560
194 clean-code-js JavaScript风格指南 alivebao 1156
195 web-skill-set 前端技能栈 - 前端开发入门、进阶的参考指南 jobbole 235
196 Meteor-Learning 📋 List of resources to learn this amazing platform for building top-quality web apps with JavaScript! ❤ ericdouglas 1626
197 git-commit-emoji-cn 😁 git commit message emoji 使用指南 liuchengxu 1348
198 github-cheat-sheet A list of cool features of Git and GitHub. tiimgreen 29418
199 You-Dont-Know-JS A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter. getify 113588
200 coding-interview-university A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. jwasham 95216
201 Intellij-IDEA-F2E Intellij IDEA / PHPStorm / WebStorm Front End Engineer Guide (中文) Damao 1407
202 Wechat-Dev-Knowledge 小程序开发知识思维导图 huruji 19
203 Vuejs-free-learn 目前为止,最全面的Vue.js 1.0 免费中文视频教程汇总。 helloqingfeng 47
204 Learn-Git-in-30-days 這是 Will 保哥在 2013 第 6 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽年度大獎的得獎著作【30 天精通 Git 版本控管】,歡迎大家 fork 我,如果有看見任何文字勘誤,也歡迎利用 pull request 來通知我修正,謝謝! doggy8088 2120
205 js-test gonsakon 11
206 Learn-Sass-in-90-days gonsakon 289
207 use-gulp gulp资料收集 Platform-CUF 857
208 yeoman Yeoman - a set of tools for automating development workflow yeoman 9360
209 awesome-vue 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js vuejs 51022
210 BilibiliAPIDocs 哔哩哔哩开放接口第三方文档(仅提供官方曾公开接口) fython 1429
211 restful-api-design-references RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。 aisuhua 4257
212 WeChat-WeApp 微信小程序相关资源整理,不定期更新 anyer 18
213 weapp-snippet-for-sublime-text-2-3 为 sublime text 2&3 准备的微信应用号/小程序 snippet,方便大家使用 Abbotton 468
214 awesome-userscripts 📖 A curated list of Awesome Userscripts. brunocvcunha 364
215 node123 node.js中文资料导航 youyudehexie 3298
216 EveryDaySport 从今天开始做一个健康的程序员。 hoosin 560
217 fetool 大前端的瑞士军刀,只记录有用的。 nieweidong 3912
218 awesome-wechat-weapp 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯 justjavac 29006
219 ppt PPT I collected singpenguin 347
220 awesome-design-cn 设计师资源大全,包含:ICON图标、Logo设计、PhotoShop插件、交互设计工具、流程图、线框图/原型图、设计博客等 jobbole 2315
221 CN-Chrome-DevTools Chrome开发者工具中文手册 CN-Chrome-DevTools 2016
222 awesome-design 🌟Curated design resources gztchan 11649
223 free-programming-books 📚 Freely available programming books EbookFoundation 133913
224 blog my personal blog xufei 6506
225 react-tutorial React 入门教程 http://hulufei.gitbooks.io/react-tutorial/ hulufei 341
226 blog 没事写写文章,喜欢的话请点star,想订阅点watch,千万别fork! fouber 20144
227 weex A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI alibaba 17577
228 javascript-style-guide Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide 中文版 sivan 1664
229 frontend-system-map init ouvens 1356
230 awesome-javascript-cn JavaScript 资源大全中文版,内容包括:包管理器、加载器、测试框架、运行器、QA、MVC框架和库、模板引擎等 jobbole 6180
231 Best-App 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等 hzlzh 13721
232 simditor 团队协作工具 Tower 使用的富文本编辑器 easychen 3
233 rumenqi 从入门到放弃系列周边补全计划 easychen 99
234 SunLn-F2E-Bookmarks SunLn的前端收藏夹,值得分享、学习的前端网站 SunLn 409
235 front-end-collect 分享自己长期关注的前端开发相关的优秀网站、博客、以及活跃开发者 andylei18 2
236 awesome-gulp-cn Gulp资料大全:入门、插件、包等,已完结。 FlowerInSunnySun 1
237 fex-edu FEX 学院 fex-team 497
238 blog CSS魔法 - 博客 cssmagic 2636
239 github-FE-project A collection about github front-end project hawx1993 978


Name Description Author Stars
1 Python-Guide-CN Python最佳实践指南 Prodesire 2569
2 python-guide Python best practices guidebook, written for humans. realpython 19866


Name Description Author Stars
1 TopSup 答题辅助决策:头号英雄等答题类游戏 Skyexu 1326
2 seeprettyface-generator-wanghong 这是一个用StyleGAN训练出的网红脸生成器 a312863063 419
3 Auto_Reply_Wechat ykhou 1
4 KnowledgeGraphData 史上最大规模1.4亿中文知识图谱开源下载 ownthink 2543
5 interview oscarwin 1
6 py12306 🚂 12306 购票助手,支持集群,多账号,多任务购票以及 Web 页面管理 pjialin 8386
7 python-girlfriend-mood 😚 Analyze her mood through her girlfriend's words ·女朋友聊天时的情绪波动图谱,没女朋友的可自用(雾)。 CasterWx 405
8 DeepFaceLab DeepFaceLab is a tool that utilizes machine learning to replace faces in videos. Includes prebuilt ready to work standalone Windows 7,8,10 binary (look readme.md). iperov 11527
9 amemv-crawler 🙌Easily download all the videos from TikTok(amemv).下载指定的 抖音(Douyin) 号的视频,抖音爬虫 loadchange 1433
10 understanding-json-schema A website aiming to provide more accessible documentation for JSON schema. json-schema-org 1107
11 PyRoyale A open-source server emulator for Mario Royale browser game. Igoorx 433
12 EverydayWechat 微信助手:1.每日定时给好友(女友)发送定制消息。2.机器人自动回复好友。3.群助手功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等) sfyc23 6769
13 dash Analytical Web Apps for Python & R. No JavaScript Required. plotly 10570
14 py-futu-api 富途开放API Python SDK FutunnOpen 334
15 JD-Coin 自动登录京东,打卡领钢镚,签到领京豆 CaoZ 632
16 lianjia-beike-spider 链家网和贝壳网房价爬虫,采集北京上海广州深圳等21个**主要城市的房价数据(小区,二手房,出租房,新房),稳定可靠快速!支持csv,MySQL, MongoDB,Excel, json存储,支持Python2和3,图表展示数据,注释丰富 🚁,点星支持 jumper2014 1455
17 youtube-dl Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites ytdl-org 59276
18 textfilter 敏感词过滤的几种实现+某1w词敏感词库 observerss 1096
19 mijisou Privacy-respecting metasearch engine entropage 346
20 video_obj 基于视频的目标检测算法研究 guanfuchen 279
21 TrumpScript Make Python great again samshadwell 7006
22 funNLP 中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、历史名人词库、诗词词库、医学词库、饮食词库、法律词库、汽车词库、动物词库、中文聊天语料、中文谣言数据、百度中文问答数据集、句子相似度匹配算法集合、bert资源、文本生成&摘要相关工具、cocoNLP信息抽取工具、国内电话号码正则匹配、清华大学XLORE:中英文跨语言百科知识图谱、清华大学人工智能技术系列报告、自然语言生成、NLU太难了系列、自动对联数据及机器人、用户名黑名单列表、罪名法务名词及分类模型、微信公众号语料、cs224n深度学习自然语言处理课程、中文手写汉字识别、中文自然语言处理 语料/数据集、变量命名神器、分词语料库+代码、任务型对话英文数据集、ASR 语音数据集 + 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统、笑声检测器、Microsoft多语言数字/单位/如日期时间识别包、中华新华字典数据库及api(包括常用歇后语、成语、词语和汉字)、文档图谱自动生成、SpaCy 中文模型、Common Voice语音识别数据集新版、神经网络关系抽取、基于bert的命名实体识别、关键词(Keyphrase)抽取包pke、基于医疗领域知识图谱的问答系统、基于依存句法与语义角色标注的事件三元组抽取、依存句法分析4万句高质量标注数据、cnocr:用来做中文OCR的Python3包、中文人物关系知识图谱项目、中文nlp竞赛项目及代码汇总、中文字符数据、speech-aligner: 从“人声语音”及其“语言文本”产生音素级别时间对齐标注的工具、AmpliGraph: 知识图谱表示学习(Python)库:知识图谱概念链接预测、Scattertext 文本可视化(python)、语言/知识表示工具:BERT & ERNIE、中文对比英文自然语言处理NLP的区别综述、Synonyms中文近义词工具包、HarvestText领域自适应文本挖掘工具(新词发现-情感分析-实体链接等)、word2word:(Python)方便易用的多语言词-词对集:62种语言/3,564个多语言对、语音识别语料生成工具:从具有音频/字幕的在线视频创建自动语音识别(ASR)语料库、构建医疗实体识别的模型(包含词典和语料标注)、单文档非监督的关键词抽取、Kashgari中使用gpt-2语言模型、开源的金融投资数据提取工具、文本自动摘要库TextTeaser: 仅支持英文、人民日报语料处理工具集、一些关于自然语言的基本模型、基于14W歌曲知识库的问答尝试--功能包括歌词接龙and已知歌词找歌曲以及歌曲歌手歌词三角关系的问答、基于Siamese bilstm模型的相似句子判定模型并提供训练数据集和测试数据集、用Transformer编解码模型实现的根据Hacker News文章标题自动生成评论、用BERT进行序列标记和文本分类的模板代码、LitBank:NLP数据集——支持自然语言处理和计算人文学科任务的100部带标记英文小说语料、百度开源的基准信息抽取系统、虚假新闻数据集、Facebook: LAMA语言模型分析,提供Transformer-XL/BERT/ELMo/GPT预训练语言模型的统一访问接口、CommonsenseQA:面向常识的英文QA挑战、中文知识图谱资料、数据及工具、各大公司内部里大牛分享的技术文档 PDF 或者 PPT、自然语言生成SQL语句(英文)、中文NLP数据增强(EDA)工具、英文NLP数据增强工具 、基于医药知识图谱的智能问答系统、京东商品知识图谱、基于mongodb存储的军事领域知识图谱问答项目、基于远监督的中文关系抽取、语音情感分析、中文ULMFiT-情感分析-文本分类-语料及模型、一个拍照做题程序、世界各国大规模人名库、一个利用有趣中文语料库 qingyun 训练出来的中文聊天机器人、中文聊天机器人seqGAN、省市区镇行政区划数据带拼音标注、教育行业新闻语料库包含自动文摘功能、开放了对话机器人-知识图谱-语义理解-自然语言处理工具及数据、中文知识图谱:基于百度百科中文页面-抽取三元组信息-构建中文知识图谱、masr: 中文语音识别-提供预训练模型-高识别率、Python音频数据增广库、中文全词覆盖BERT及两份阅读理解数据、ConvLab:开源多域端到端对话系统平台、中文自然语言处理数据集、基于最新版本rasa搭建的对话系统、基于TensorFlow和BERT的管道式实体及关系抽取、一个小型的证券知识图谱/知识库、复盘所有NLP比赛的TOP方案、OpenCLaP:多领域开源中文预训练语言模型仓库、中文自然语言处理向量合集、基于金融-司法领域(兼有闲聊性质)的聊天机器人、g2pC:基于上下文的汉语读音自动标记模块、Zincbase 知识图谱构建工具包、诗歌质量评价/细粒度情感诗歌语料库。 fighting41love 15664
23 node-gyp Node.js native addon build tool nodejs 5858
24 walle-web walle - 瓦力 Devops开源项目代码部署平台 meolu 9070
25 FAutoTest A UI automated testing framework for H5 and applets Tencent 767
26 Airtest UI Automation Framework for Games and Apps AirtestProject 3409
27 sentry Sentry is cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting. getsentry 23371
28 chinese-dos-games 🎮 Chinese DOS games in browser. rwv 5298
29 book Meta-data and Makefile needed to build the book. Main starting point. SystemsApproach 1844
30 100-Days-Of-ML-Code 100 Days of ML Coding Avik-Jain 27410
31 Style_Migration_For_Artistic_Font_With_CNN 基于卷积神经网络的风格迁移,制造出带有艺术风格的字体(艺术字),部分效果可达PS水平,可以辅助设计人员做设计;Convolutional neural network based style migration to create a font with artistic style (WordArt), some effects up to PhotoShop level, it can assist designers to do design yuweiming70 157
32 dateparser python parser for human readable dates scrapinghub 1361
33 nlp 兜哥出品 <一本开源的NLP入门书籍> duoergun0729 963
34 faceai 一款入门级的人脸、视频、文字检测以及识别的项目. vipstone 5623
35 matplotlib matplotlib: plotting with Python matplotlib 10563
36 word_cloud A little word cloud generator in Python amueller 6389
37 pandas Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more pandas-dev 22779
38 twisted Event-driven networking engine written in Python. twisted 3689
39 keras Deep Learning for humans keras-team 46102
40 lxml The lxml XML toolkit for Python lxml 1592
41 AiLearning AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP apachecn 22241
42 flasgger Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API flasgger 1895
43 requests A simple, yet elegant HTTP library. psf 41127
44 demjson Python module for JSON data encoding, including jsonlint. See the project Wiki here on Github. Also read the README at the bottom of this page, or the project homepage at dmeranda 210
45 pyecharts 🎨 Python Echarts Plotting Library pyecharts 7657
46 Pillow The friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library) python-pillow 6907
47 Douyin-Bot 😍 Python 抖音机器人,论如何在抖音上找到漂亮小姐姐? wangshub 6425
48 Anti-Anti-Spider 越来越多的网站具有反爬虫特性,有的用图片隐藏关键数据,有的使用反人类的验证码,建立反反爬虫的代码仓库,通过与不同特性的网站做斗争(无恶意)提高技术。(欢迎提交难以采集的网站)(因工作原因,项目暂停) luyishisi 5817
49 baiduyun-spider 百度云爬虫-爬取百度云/百度网盘所有的分享文件 x-spiders 215
50 wechat-spider 微信公众号爬虫 bowenpay 2460
51 xiecheng 基于scrapy+selenium的携程网酒店数据爬取 18010927657 243
52 Job 基于scrapy+splash的开源爬虫,动态更换ip 18010927657 363
53 jieba 结巴中文分词 fxsjy 21298
54 game-programmer A Study Path for Game Programmer miloyip 10024
55 tutorials 机器学习相关教程 MorvanZhou 7373
56 CloudMusic-Crawler 网易云音乐爬虫,数据可视化。 GreatV 240
57 FastPhotoStyle Style transfer, deep learning, feature transform NVIDIA 10004
58 NodeBB-China NodeBB**:专注解决NodeBB的使用问题 NodeBB-China 143
59 SinaSpider 新浪微博爬虫(Scrapy、Redis) LiuXingMing 2876
60 ImageScraper ✂️ High performance, multi-threaded image scraper sananth12 549
61 sublime-text-git Plugin for some git integration into sublime text kemayo 2826
62 HelloGitHub :octocat: Find pearls on open-source seashore 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目 521xueweihan 22653
63 public-apis A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. public-apis 67918
64 FaceRank FaceRank - Rank Face by CNN Model based on TensorFlow (add keras version). FaceRank-人脸打分基于 TensorFlow (新增 Keras 版本) 的 CNN 模型(QQ群:167122861)。技术支持:http://tensorflow123.com fendouai 797
65 zhao 【编程随想】整理的《太子党关系网络》,专门揭露赵国的权贵 programthink 6589
66 pix2code pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot tonybeltramelli 10641
67 musicbox 网易云音乐命令行版本 darknessomi 8014
68 web2py Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework for agile development of secure database-driven web-based applications, written and programmable in Python. web2py 1826
69 Python My Python Examples geekcomputers 15958
70 urllib3 Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly, and more. urllib3 2200
71 python-builtwith BuiltWith API client claymation 15
72 vino-crawlers Some crawlers for getting data from the net. wuchangfeng 221
73 Young A full-featured forum software built on Tornado and MongoDB. shiyanhui 727
74 WebsitesForStudents 本库旨在建设一个对大学生有益有用的集合,欢迎参与。 Xuanwo 303


Name Description Author Stars
1 fl_chart A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart and Scatter Chart. imaNNeoFighT 1100
2 flutter_swiper The best swiper for flutter , with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android & iOS. best-flutter 1967
3 Animated-Text-Kit 🔔 A flutter package to create cool and beautiful text animations. aagarwal1012 500
4 flutter_carousel_slider A flutter carousel widget, support infinite scroll, and custom child widget. serenader2014 571
5 packages A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team flutter 122
6 HistoryOfEverything Flutter Launch Timeline Demo 2d-inc 4313
7 flutter_rating_bar A simple ratingbar for flutter which also include a rating bar indicator, supporting any fraction of rating. sarbagyastha 92
8 smoothratingbar A Smooth rating bar thangmam 62
9 MXFlutter 基于JS的高性能Flutter动态化框架 high-performance Flutter dynamic framework based on JS TGIF-iMatrix 1514
10 Flutter-Facebook-Redesign Flutter Facebook Redesign Application UI/UX design and Animation - day 19 Flutter Animation and UI Design. afgprogrammer 17
11 w_popup_menu w_popup_menu # A pop-up menu that mimics the iOS WeChat page fluttercandies 47
12 extended_text_field extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc. fluttercandies 104
13 Flutter-learning :octocat:🔥 👍 🌟 ⭐ ⭐⭐ Flutter all you want.Flutter install,flutter samples,Flutter projects,Flutter plugin,Flutter problems,Dart codes,etc.Flutter安装和配置,Flutter开发遇到的难题,Flutter示例代码和模板,Flutter项目实战,Dart语言学习示例代码。 AweiLoveAndroid 3651
14 font_awesome_flutter The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons brianegan 375
15 flutter_cached_network_image Download, cache and show images in a flutter app renefloor 944
16 flutter_ui_challenges Trying to replicate various app UIs in flutter lohanidamodar 1383
17 plugins Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team flutter 9197
18 unpub Self-hosted private Dart Pub server for Enterprise bytedance 62
19 Flutter-Todolist A Flutter based to do list app (yes, another to do list... but... this time based on a beautiful design) LiveLikeCounter 223
20 Best-Flutter-UI-Templates completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart. mitesh77 4760
21 transparent_image A transparent image in Dart code, represented as a Uint8List. brianegan 57
22 dio A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc. flutterchina 6405
23 FlutterExampleApps [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs. iampawan 7943
24 wallpaper Wallpaper App made with Flutter with Dynamic Theming. bimsina 157
25 open-source-flutter-apps 📱 List of open source Flutter applications :octocat: tortuvshin 299
26 flutter_by_example_apps The apps built in the Flutter by Example tutorial ericwindmill 290
27 zhihu-flutter Flutter 高仿知乎 UI,非常漂亮,也非常流畅,flutter build apk 或 flutter build ios 之后更流畅 xujiyou 2311
28 mogicians-manual Flutter version【膜法指南】open source project naco-siren 316
29 fish-redux An assembled flutter application framework. alibaba 5782
30 flutter-go flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档 alibaba 19039
31 bga_issue_blog Flutter 或 Vue 全家桶(Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + Axios)抓取 GitHub 上的 Issues,结合 GitHub Pages 搭建个人博客站点,支持 GitHub 登录和评论 bingoogolapple 222
32 flutter Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps. flutter 82336


Name Description Author Stars
1 postwoman 👽 API request builder - A free, fast, and beautiful alternative to Postman https://postwoman.io 🔥 liyasthomas 14020
2 gods-pen 基于vue的高扩展在线网页制作平台,可自定义组件,可添加脚本,可数据统计。A mobile page builder/editor, similar with amolink. ymm-tech 1668
3 vue-windows Vue components for creating neat windows. egoist 118
4 vue-ast-explorer Vue template AST explorer https://ktsn.github.io/vue-ast-explorer/ ktsn 22
5 create-portfolio Create a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer. saberland 148
6 cssfx ✨ Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects jolaleye 5415
7 vue-aliplayer vue aliplayer slacrey 97
8 nutui 轻量级移动端Vue组件库 (A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Mobile Web) jdf2e 1487
9 ColorUI 鲜亮的高饱和色彩,专注视觉的小程序组件库 weilanwl 7173
10 xmui 基于vue2,为公司产品打(zao)造(lun)的(zi)可复用UI组件,文档: monw3c 93
11 Hawkeye GitHub 泄露监控系统(GitHub Sensitive Information Leakage Monitor Spider) 0xbug 1141
12 vue-tour Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. pulsardev 1065
13 QuillCMS QuillCMS, A Content Management System build with Node.js, Express, Nuxt.js and MongoDB. seymoe 80
14 vue-element-admin 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin PanJiaChen 47051
15 H5 📃an app which automatically generates HTML5 files. answershuto 404
16 Hubble 🔭 Travel through GitHub Stars' history SevenOutman 159
17 vux Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI airyland 16625
18 SilkDown 🍭🍭🍭 Wow, Such a beautiful and powerful markdown editor huruji 72
19 PicGo 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by electron-vue Molunerfinn 7224
20 eros 📱一套 Vue 代码,两端原生应用 ,或许可以叫我 weex-native。 bmfe 1941
21 vddl 🦄 Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API. hejianxian 390
22 H5 模板制作活动,生成简单的h5活动页面,并用node静态化 xiaoyanbin 68
23 heyui 🎉UI Toolkit for Web, Vue2.0 http://www.heyui.top heyui 1937
24 markcook A smart and beautiful markdown editor. jrainlau 541
25 vue2.0-taopiaopiao vue2.0+router+vuex+express 构建淘票票的全栈demo canfoo 1068
26 vue-im Vue Node Socket.io Aaaaaaaty 129
27 vue-website 🍰 想用vue把我现在的个人网站重新写一下,新的风格,新的技术,什么都是新的! IFmiss 272
28 vue-wordcloud A Vue.js Word Cloud component feifang 46
29 profile-summary-for-github Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles tipsy 18976
30 element A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web ElemeFE 43083
31 vue2-legao-shops vue2 商铺单+手机端 JsAaron 160
32 N3-components N3-components , Powerful Vue UI Library. N3-components 994
33 at-ui A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0 AT-UI 2110
34 iview-admin Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView iview 13963
35 bilibili-vue 前端vue+后端koa,全栈式开发bilibili首页 lybenson 1942
36 vue-music A music player with beautiful pages, cool animation , support search song, play song , song list and other functions,based on Vue whole family bucket with express and koa2 lensh 51
37 vue-mall 🔨 基于 vue+node+mongodb 实现一个锤子商城 yucccc 1195
38 nuxt-bnhcp nuxt、express、vue、mysql、redis、nginx、socket.io (实战商城) github1586 1632
39 vue-qq Vue family bucket with socket.io and express/koa2 , create a web version of mobile QQ, supporting real-time group chat, real-time private chat, special care, shielding chat, smart IP geographic location, real-time display temperature and other QQ core functions lensh 788
40 best-resume-ever 👔 💼 Build fast 🚀 and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS. salomonelli 12824
41 eleme vue2 +vue-router2 + es6 +webpack 高仿饿了么app商家详情,demo:http://yangyi1024.com/elem 还有我最新的实战项目,点它=》 liangxiaojuan 1645
42 vue-cnode 利用vue的相关技术和Cnode提供的api构建的webapp wocaatm 15
43 douban Awesome douban DEMO created with Vue2.x + Vuex + Vue-router + Superagent jeneser 2250
44 vms A Vue.js 2.0 Content Management System ericjjj 882
45 vue2-elm 基于 vue2 + vuex 构建一个具有 45 个页面的大型单页面应用 bailicangdu 31411
46 vue-WeChat 🔥 一款基于Vue2.0高仿微信App的单页应用 zhaohaodang 1544
47 daza-frontend [DEPRECATED] lijy91 330
48 vue-demo-kugou 酷狗webapp demo(vue2.0+vue-router+vuex) lavyun 920
49 vue-music Vue 音乐搜索、播放 Demo Sioxas 1421


Name Description Author Stars
1 NoiseBuddy Control the listening mode on your AirPods Pro in the Touch Bar or Menu Bar. insidegui 379
2 FinderGo 🐢 Open terminal quickly from Finder onmyway133 670
3 iina The modern video player for macOS. iina 21530
4 Aware josh 128
5 gitignore.io Create useful .gitignore files for your project toptal 5137
6 Pine A modern, native macOS markdown editor lukakerr 2114
7 12306ForMac An unofficial 12306 Client for Mac fancymax 2733
8 Gifski 🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac sindresorhus 4062
9 open-source-mac-os-apps 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. serhii-londar 20834
10 NVActivityIndicatorView A collection of awesome loading animations ninjaprox 8917
11 TransitionTreasury Easier way to push your viewController. DianQK 2084


Name Description Author Stars
1 Coding-Guide 自己随手记录的东西 ecmadao 1343


Name Description Author Stars
1 trace.moe Anime Scene Search by Image soruly 1930
2 Meting 🍰 Wow, such a powerful music API framework metowolf 871
3 alfred-ip-workflow IP address lookup Quilljou 1
4 alfred-gitmoji-workflow 🔥 An Alfred workflow for gitmoji Quilljou 8
5 alfred-caniuse-workflow Alfred App Workflow for caniuse.com willfarrell 357
6 webpagetest Official repository for WebPagetest WPO-Foundation 2333
7 directus Directus 8 Suite — Future-Proof Headless CMS & API for Custom Databases directus 5428
8 matomo Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites, apps & the IoT and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests! matomo-org 12500
9 guzzle Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client guzzle 18398
10 phpbeginner_gmanage 适合php初学者的项目! udoless 148
11 fastD 🚀 A high performance PHP API framework. fastdlabs 408
12 dingfanzu Abandoned, No longer maintenance geeeeeeeek 83
13 laravel A PHP framework for web artisans laravel 56783
14 thinkphp ThinkPHP3.2 ——基于PHP5的简单快速的面向对象的PHP框架 top-think 2821
15 drupal Verbatim mirror of the git.drupal.org repository for Drupal core. Changes will not be pulled, and merge requests will not be accepted, if you want to contribute, go to Drupal.org: drupal 3363
16 laychat layIM+workerman+thinkphp5的webIM即时通讯系统 V2.0 nick-bai 363
17 SmartClassroom-PHP 基于物联网的智慧教室管理系统,荣获第十二届全国“博创杯”“二等奖” HandsomeHan515 5
18 csscomb-for-sublime ! DEPRECATED ! Please use https://github.com/csscomb/sublime-csscomb instead csscomb 112
19 Awsome-Front-End-learning-resource :octocat:GitHub最全的前端资源汇总仓库(包括前端学习、开发资源、求职面试等) helloqingfeng 6224


Name Description Author Stars
1 UnblockMusicPro_Xposed Unblock Netease Cloud Music with Xposed nining377 502
2 cat CAT 作为服务端项目基础组件,提供了 Java, C/C++, Node.js, Python, Go 等多语言客户端,已经在美团点评的基础架构中间件框架(MVC框架,RPC框架,数据库框架,缓存框架等,消息队列,配置系统等)深度集成,为美团点评各业务线提供系统丰富的性能指标、健康状况、实时告警等。 dianping 12370
3 Bilibili-MusicPlayer B站音乐区音频第三方播放器 (Bilibili Third-party online music player for Android) MVVM+Room+LiveData+Retrofit+Exoplayer yangchenxi 33
4 Auto.js A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access(安卓平台上的JavaScript自动化工具) hyb1996 5141
5 npm-stat.com download statistics for npm packages pvorb 656
6 react-native-video A <Video /> component for react-native react-native-community 4580
7 DoraemonKit 简称 "DoKit" 。一款功能齐全的客户端( iOS 、Android、微信小程序 )研发助手,你值得拥有。 didi 12470
8 LeetCodeAnimation Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路) MisterBooo 46619
9 miaosha ⭐⭐⭐⭐秒杀系统设计与实现.互联网工程师进阶与分析🙋🐓 qiurunze123 12479
10 closure-compiler A JavaScript checker and optimizer. google 5266
11 MagicCamera Real-time Filter Camera&VideoRecorder And ImageEditor With Face Beauty For Android---包含美颜等40余种实时滤镜相机,可拍照、录像、图片修改 wuhaoyu1990 4528
12 jenkins Jenkins automation server jenkinsci 14609
13 ip2region Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is less then 5Mb with all ip address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm lionsoul2014 7308
14 CS-Notes 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计、Java、Python、C++ CyC2018 86435
15 solo 🎸 一款小而美的博客系统,专为程序员设计。 b3log 13327
16 react-native-navigation A complete native navigation solution for React Native wix 11074
17 ZhihuNews 知乎日报和凤凰新闻资讯客户端 Focfa 26
18 wechat A High Copy WeChat ,SNS APP (高仿微信) motianhuo 4928
19 AndroidTVLauncher This is a leanback style tv launcher(minSdkVersion 17) JackyAndroid 2473
20 Meizi 每天更新一张精选妹纸图片,所以叫每日一妹纸(一脸绅士(๑•̀ㅂ•́) ✧) SparkYuan 225
21 CNode-Material-Design CNode 社区第三方 Android 客户端,原生 App,Material Design 风格,支持夜间模式。 TakWolf 1321
22 CNode-android CNodejs社区移动客户端原生android版 iwhys 112
23 angel A Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning Angel-ML 5614
24 LIMS_Android The Development of an Android-based Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). dengzhirong 2
25 Play-with-Algorithms Codes of my MOOC Course <Play with Algorithms>, Both in C++ and Java language. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《算法与数据结构》示例代码,包括C++和Java版本。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。 liuyubobobo 2486
26 JS-Sorting-Algorithm 一本关于排序算法的 GitBook 在线书籍 《十大经典排序算法》,多语言实现。 hustcc 3298
27 NumberProgressBar A beautiful, slim Android ProgressBar. daimajia 5695
28 gitstar-ranking GitHub star ranking for users, organizations and repositories k0kubun 469
29 WeWin An app for Android studio beta WuXiaolong 548


Name Description Author Stars
1 openwebmonitor 万能网页监控器,监控物价、订单、出货、外汇、折扣、彩票...无所不能 skdjfla 747
2 iconoo A Flexible Pure CSS Icon Pack! One Tag One Icon! https://qieguo2016.github.io/iconoo/ qieguo2016 166
3 electron-menubar 🌟Sample menubar app that shows popover for macOS sozercan 35
4 react-design-editor React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs, ant.design, fabricjs salgum1114 309
5 Design-and-Build-a-Chat-Application-with-Socket.io In this mini series we are going to Design and Build a chat application using Socket.io. We will first discuss basic design concepts while exploring the design for this application in Sketch. We will then move on to laying out our application in HTML and CSS, and lastly, will add Javascript to complete the functionality. Along the way, we are going to use modern Web Development technologies and features such as Flexbox, CSS Variables, ES6 Arrow Functions, ES6 Map, Let and Const variables, Node.js, Express.js, and Socket.io. jamesqquick 30
6 cn-rehthinkdb-doc 过气数据库RethinkDB中文翻译文档 Srar 10
7 lanyon markdown web server mkaz 503
8 family.scss Family.scss is a set of Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child'ified elements, in an easy way. LukyVj 2305
9 synthwave-vscode Synthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶 robb0wen 3773
10 gridea ✍️A static blog writing client (一个静态博客写作客户端) getgridea 4676
11 conventionalcommits.org The conventional commits specification conventional-commits 1609
12 techmap Full internet technology map. 最全的互联网技术图谱 🔥 canmengfly 175
13 css The CSS design system that powers GitHub primer 8794
14 postcss-preset-env Convert modern CSS into something browsers understand csstools 1427
15 cssnano A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem. cssnano 3287
16 precss Use Sass-like markup in your CSS jonathantneal 1502
17 scut Sass utilities for the frontend laborer. davidtheclark 770
18 css-funny 滑稽树上滑稽果 vf2e 8
19 markdown-loader markdown loader for webpack peerigon 284
20 cube-react React version of cube-ui fdgio 2
21 iview-weapp 一套高质量的微信小程序 UI 组件库 TalkingData 5241
22 qianlong A lively Qianlong Emperor / 一个可以撩的乾隆 devyumao 177
23 react-credit-cards Beautiful credit cards for your payment forms amarofashion 1395
24 shepherd Guide your users through a tour of your app shipshapecode 7990
25 css3- CSS3 实现各类 3D && 3D 行星动画效果 chokcoco 754
26 HAPPY_BIRTHDAY_YUI 🎂由比ヶ浜結衣生誕2018 『ありがと...バカ』🎂 yui540 137
27 ress 🚿 A modern CSS reset filipelinhares 1146
28 qq-logo CSS3 JuntingLiu 44
29 YuFou Graduation Project —— IM app (YuFou) 6peiweb 6
30 typi A sass mixin to make responsive typography easy zellwk 845
31 restcookbook Jekyll cms site for restcookbook.com restcookbook 1551
32 hexo-theme-material Material Design theme for hexo. bolnh 3817
33 hangzhou_house_knowledge 2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so I hope that it would be useful to everyone. houshanren 23346
34 esnext 介绍最新的 ECMAScript/JavaScript 规范,以及 TC39 的提案进度 justjavac 244
35 JXAnimate 基于CSS3的并行动画、声音引擎 - JX.Animate AlloyTeam 197
36 daft-auto-spacing 在汉字与西文之间插入一个半角空格的工具 zizhengwu 136
37 hexo-theme-next Elegant theme for Hexo. iissnan 14946
38 socket.io-doc-cn socket.io翻译计划。 已完成服务端API,客户端API,群组,以及示例。 unliar 6
39 devices.css Devices.css - Modern devices in pure CSS picturepan2 1708
40 Professional-JavaScript-for-Web-Reading-Notes JavaScript 高级程序设计读书笔记 yangfch3 16
41 my-mac-os List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing nikitavoloboev 15811
42 est EFE Styling Toolkit based on Less ecomfe 390
43 mvvm 剖析vue实现原理,自己动手实现mvvm DMQ 4066
44 chihepiao.com 一个无聊的小破站…… sarike 6
45 nodejs-socketio-chat A simple chat demo by using Node.js and Socket.IO plhwin 570
46 The-Website-of-SYSU-Monkey 中山大学灵长类与人类进化实验室网站 huruji 2
47 i-Cut 🔨 个人技术栈 zhenbinjing 18
48 susy Responsive layout toolkit for Sass oddbird 3952
49 mahua http://mahua.jser.me souce code jserme 1068
50 appframework The definitive HTML5 mobile javascript framework intel 2483
51 loading This could take a while jxnblk 3578
52 tmt-workflow A web developer workflow used by WeChat team based on Gulp, with cross-platform supported and solutions prepared. Tencent 2044
53 vueApp vue app test eltonchan 21
54 mobile 移动端项目 huruji 2
55 css-imitate-js 使用纯css模拟常用js效果 huruji 5
56 foundation Foundation extension for the Yii Framework Asgaroth 39
57 zepto.fullpage 专注于移动端的fullPage.js yanhaijing 2089
58 colors Smarter defaults for colors on the web. mrmrs 8600
59 normalize.css A modern alternative to CSS resets necolas 37249
60 weui A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. Tencent 23786
61 mobistore eCommerce Fashion Store aaronchen2k 111
62 Web-useful-Module 网页中常用到的组件 huruji 4
63 easings.net Easing Functions Cheat Sheet ai 4682
64 You-Dont-Need-JavaScript CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS. you-dont-need 12657
65 magic CSS3 Animations with special effects miniMAC 6200
66 loading loading动画合集 huruji 91
67 fex-team.github.io 做最专业的前端团队 fex-team 369
68 animate.css 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. daneden 63859


Name Description Author Stars
1 zsh-syntax-highlighting Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. zsh-users 8359
2 gpuweb Where the GPU for the Web work happens! gpuweb 920
3 interview 笔试面试知识整理 HIT-Alibaba 3919
4 one-key-hidpi Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting. xzhih 2000
5 dotfiles A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files. thoughtbot 5810
6 picture-in-picture Picture-in-Picture (PiP) w3c 224
7 emojify Emoji on the command line 😱 mrowa44 1292
8 git-revision-webpack-plugin 🏗 Webpack plugin that generates VERSION and COMMITHASH files during build pirelenito 254
9 awesome-postcss A curate list about PostCSS jdrgomes 326
10 gitflow-avh AVH Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model petervanderdoes 4027
11 awesome-cheatsheets 超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡ skywind3000 5336
12 githug Git your game on! Gazler 5821
13 NodeOS Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace NodeOS 6105
14 graphql-spec GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service. graphql 12266
15 Shell 自己写的Shell工具 huruji 3
16 n Node version management tj 12395
17 ohmyzsh 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with nearly 1,500 contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community. ohmyzsh 100786
18 nvm Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions nvm-sh 38862


Name Description Author Stars
1 macports-base The MacPorts command-line client macports 333


Name Description Author Stars
1 AntzOS 🌏 Develop an intelligent AI half terminal half graphical operating system Antz. 一个随心所欲制造的操作系统Antz。 CasterWx 364
2 QuickJS QuickJS是一个小型并且可嵌入的Javascript引擎,它支持ES2020规范,包括模块,异步生成器和代理器。 quickjs-zh 967
3 scrcpy Display and control your Android device Genymobile 23228
4 libuv Cross-platform asynchronous I/O libuv 14111
5 mozjpeg Improved JPEG encoder. mozilla 3855
6 mpv 🎥 Command line video player mpv-player 11063
7 TDengine An open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT). taosdata 10665
8 reactos A free Windows-compatible Operating System reactos 7103
9 os-tutorial How to create an OS from scratch cfenollosa 16811
10 yodaos Yet another Linux distribution for voice-enabled IoT and embrace Web standards yodaos-project 984
11 git Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements. git 30785
12 ImageMagick ImageMagick 7 ImageMagick 3384
13 LMVideoTest ios采集音视频数据并通过rtmp上传到nginx lvming6816077 549
14 ios-webkit-debug-proxy A DevTools proxy (Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol) for iOS devices (Safari Remote Web Inspector). google 4665
15 zju-icicles 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 QSCTech 14997
16 numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. numpy 12531
17 nuster A high performance HTTP proxy cache server and RESTful NoSQL cache server based on HAProxy jiangwenyuan 1528
18 SQLAdvisor 输入SQL,输出索引优化建议 Meituan-Dianping 4083
19 Skill-Tree 🐼 准备秋招,欢迎来树上取果实 linw7 2494
20 How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++ SamyPesse 18501
21 seafile High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features. haiwen 7358
22 The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July 本项目曾冲到全球第一,干货集锦见本页面最底部,另完整精致的纸质版《编程之法:面试和算法心得》已在京东/当当上销售 julycoding 18459
23 darwin-xnu The Darwin Kernel (mirror) apple 7566
24 linux Linux kernel source tree torvalds 84327
25 icmptunnel Transparently tunnel your IP traffic through ICMP echo and reply packets. DhavalKapil 2509
26 skynet A lightweight online game framework cloudwu 8547
27 redis Redis key-value store (Win32 / Win64 port) dmajkic 1543
28 tengine A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features alibaba 9421
29 ijkplayer Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support. bilibili 25424
30 redis Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps. antirez 40393
31 kcp KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol skywind3000 7365

Jupyter Notebook

Name Description Author Stars
1 DianJing 点睛 - 头条号文章标题生成工具 (Dianjing, AI to write Title for Articles) harveyaot 170
2 Python-100-Days Python - 100天从新手到大师 jackfrued 73871
3 MachineLearningInAction-Camp RedstoneWill 265
4 Virgilio Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning. virgili0 12099
5 the-craft-of-selfteaching One has no future if one couldn't teach themself. selfteaching 11236
6 PythonDataMining 📔 在学院的书架上发现了一本不带脑子就能看懂的书《Python数据挖掘与实战》 LinXueyuanStdio 369
7 homemade-machine-learning 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained trekhleb 13366
8 lihang-code 《统计学习方法》的代码实现 fengdu78 9073
9 100-Days-Of-ML-Code 100-Days-Of-ML-Code中文版 MLEveryday 14804
10 introtodeeplearning_labs Lab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning aamini 1206
11 Algorithms-with-Python Solving the fundamentals of algorithms using Python Wrinth 117
12 machine-learning Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum udacity 3017
13 100days 100 days of algorithms coells 6572


Name Description Author Stars
1 dev.to Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow thepracticaldev 11762
2 TLCL 《快乐的 Linux 命令行》 billie66 2019
3 remote-working 收集整理远程工作相关的资料 greatghoul 5826
4 commander The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables commander-rb 648
5 brew 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) Homebrew 20088
6 graphql-ruby Ruby implementation of GraphQL rmosolgo 4066
7 blog-eye Blog Eye, you know, a platform for sharing your blogs. agilejzl 34
8 midori.rb Lightweight, Flexible and Fast Ruby Web Framework midori-rb 846
9 awesome_print Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation awesome-print 3634
10 httparty 🎉 Makes http fun again! jnunemaker 5088
11 LeetCodePractice Ruby solution for leetcode problems (website in developing) acearth 101
12 nodejs-learning-guide Nodejs学习笔记以及经验总结,公众号"程序猿小卡" chyingp 5464
13 open-shell-book 开源书籍:《Shell 编程范例》,面向操作对象学 Shell! tinyclub 549
14 skyway Official news, tour, stats and community site for Aqueous qrush 18
15 learn-rails An example Rails 5.1 app to accompany the "Learn Ruby on Rails" book. RailsApps 368
16 sinatra Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo) sinatra 10793
17 miclle-open-source [Closed] miclle.com source code. miclle 76
18 diaspora A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network. diaspora 12335
19 markslide build your slide by markdown text fsword 7
20 tomato aiasfina 10
21 RailsChat Real-time Rails-based Webchat for Instant Messaging (实时Web聊天室) PENGZhaoqing 73
22 mini-rails 仅有600行代码的精简版Rails,可作为学习Rails源码的向导。 xaqi 44
23 mastodon Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community tootsuite 19899
24 discourse A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. discourse 29646
25 spree Spree is a complete, modular & API-driven open source ecommerce solution for Ruby on Rails spree 10067
26 master_rails_by_actions Rails实战之B2C商城开发 http://eggman.tv/c/s-master-rails-by-actions eggmantv 124
27 ruby The Ruby Programming Language [mirror] ruby 16423
28 awesome-awesomeness A curated list of awesome awesomeness bayandin 25394
29 blog Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive. livoras 3149
30 rails Ruby on Rails rails 44730
31 jekyll-bootstrap The quickest way to start and publish your Jekyll powered blog. 100% compatible with GitHub pages. plusjade 3371
32 gemoji Emoji images and names. github 3472
33 github-awards Discover your ranking on github : vdaubry 1464
34 mustache Logic-less Ruby templates. mustache 2639
35 rails-contact-app Rails CRUD Contact app used in http://blog.echitey.com echitey 2


Name Description Author Stars
1 yew Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps yewstack 9765
2 naive Learn JavaScript the hard way 🤯 hsiaosiyuan0 142
3 libra Libra’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people. libra 13605
4 rust-for-node-developers An introduction to the Rust programming language for Node developers. Mercateo 1029
5 pax The fastest JavaScript bundler in the galaxy. nathan 2468
6 996.ICU Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers. 996icu 248593
7 swc Super-fast typescript / javascript compiler written in rust swc-project 6601
8 servo The Servo Browser Engine servo 15301


Name Description Author Stars
1 NicePlayer fullscreen, borderless multi-engine player jbtule 281
2 keycastr KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer keycastr 4374
3 FishChat Hook WeChat.app on non-jailbroken devices. yulingtianxia 1117
4 BaiduNetdiskPlugin-macOS For macOS.百度网盘 破解SVIP、下载速度限制~ CodeTips 7520
5 RNStudyNotes React Native 研究与实践 crazycodeboy 3656
6 WeChatPlugin-MacOS TKkk-iOSer 13352
7 YBPasterImage 给图片添加滤镜、贴纸和标签功能,支持14种滤镜效果,17种标签样式。 wangyingbo 142
8 SGPlayer A powerful media play framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. libobjc 1735
9 EasyReact Are you confused by the functors, applicatives, and monads in RxSwift and ReactiveCocoa? It doesn't matter, the concepts are so complicated that not many developers actually use them in normal projects. Is there an easy-to-use way to use reactive programming? EasyReact is born for this reason. Meituan-Dianping 1614
10 VipVideo 各大网站vip视频免费观看 等 Mac版。付费电影,VIP会员剧等,去广告播放。自用视频或者电影URL,音乐破解URL,CCTV等电视播放URL,爱奇艺,腾讯视频,土豆视频,搜狐视频,乐视视频 iodefog 1773
11 TKeyboard Mac and iOS projects for TKeyboard, Enjoy music4kid 840
12 LiveExplanation 直播技术的总结 guoxiaopang 510
13 QMUI_iOS QMUI iOS——致力于提高项目 UI 开发效率的解决方案 Tencent 5236


Name Description Author Stars
1 v Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero dependencies. Stable 0.2 release in early December 2019. https://vlang.io vlang 14347


Name Description Author Stars
1 http2-spec Working copy of the HTTP/2 Specification http2 3394
2 log4js Log4js - The Logging Framework for JavaScript with no runtime dependencies stritti 344


Name Description Author Stars
1 open_nsfw_android 🔥🔥🔥色情图片离线识别(离线鉴黄),基于TensorFlow实现。识别只需200ms,可断网测试,成功率99%,调用只要一行代码,从雅虎的开源项目open_nsfw移植,tflite(6M)为训练好的模型(已量化),该模型文件可用于iOS、java、C++等平台,Python使用生成的tfLite文件检测图片的速度远远快于实用原模型 devzwy 1008
2 kotlin The Kotlin Programming Language JetBrains 30112
3 shadowsocks-android A shadowsocks client for Android shadowsocks 28018


Name Description Author Stars
1 flow Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality. facebook 20292


Name Description Author Stars
1 libpku 贵校课程资料民间整理 lib-pku 21634
2 deeplearningbook-chinese Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation exacity 27417
3 tensorflow-zh 谷歌全新开源人工智能系统TensorFlow官方文档中文版 jikexueyuanwiki 11550


Name Description Author Stars
1 slip.js 移动端跟随手指滑动组件,零依赖。 binnng 391
2 SwitchyOmega Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. FelisCatus 14126
3 tower UNMAINTAINED - Small components for building apps, manipulating data, and automating a distributed infrastructure. tower 1839
4 vimium The hacker's browser. philc 11999
5 node-xml2js XML to JavaScript object converter. Leonidas-from-XIV 3859
6 coffeescript Unfancy JavaScript jashkenas 15431


Name Description Author Stars
1 qipai_algorithm 棋牌的胡牌算法,包括麻将、跑胡子、扑克。实现 lua 、c++ 、c# 、golang 、js 、java 、python 版本。( Mahjong algorithm ) yuanfengyun 1384
2 siggraph2016_colorization Code for the paper 'Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification'. satoshiiizuka 2027

Standard ML

Name Description Author Stars
1 Dress 好耶 是女装 komeiji-satori 15858


Name Description Author Stars
1 WPinternals Tool to unlock the bootloader and enable Root Access on Windows Phones ReneLergner 400
2 ailab Experience, Learn and Code the latest breakthrough innovations with Microsoft AI microsoft 5172
3 Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows Secure Git credential storage for Windows with support for Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub, and Bitbucket multi-factor authentication. microsoft 2250
4 WGestures Modern mouse gestures for Windows. (C#) yingDev 833
5 LayIM.AspNet LayIM3.0 .NET版本实现(owin+融云) fanpan26 298


Name Description Author Stars
1 FiraCode Monospaced font with programming ligatures tonsky 42660
2 mori ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript swannodette 3141


Name Description Author Stars
1 julia The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing. JuliaLang 24875


Name Description Author Stars
1 Fanvas Fanvas,一键把swf转为html5 canvas动画。 Fanvas is a tool which can turn flash into canvas animation with just one key! Tencent 462

Rich Text Format

Name Description Author Stars
1 book 个人认为对技术提升很不错的书 songhuiqing 975


Name Description Author Stars
1 zh-unit-testing-guidelines Geotechnical 单元测试准则 - 中文版 yangyubo 383
2 awesome-python-cn Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由伯乐在线持续更新。 jobbole 17567


Name Description Author Stars
1 SparkMLlibDeepLearn SparkMLlibDeepLearn深度学习 sunbow1 185


Name Description Author Stars
1 SQL-exercise Practice with "Real" SQL Problems XD-DENG 655

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To the extent possible under law, huruji has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.