- 2
Erroneous CIGAR string after clipOverlap
#72 opened by MboiTui - 0
Do not use makefiles from libStatGen
#73 opened by alexreg - 1
- 0
splitChromosome without header?
#71 opened by jtmorgan0 - 1
- 0
Odd stats reported for clipOverlap
#69 opened by joegeorgeson - 1
build is broken due to deprecated git protocol
#67 opened by ahvigil - 2
- 2
can not install with conda
#65 opened by Frank1219 - 0
bash -x and bash -x failed on centos8_aarch64
#64 opened by Tom-python0121 - 0
bam2FastQ generates empty fastq files
#63 opened by LanyingMa - 6
- 3
Error building from source: libStatGen
#61 opened by moldach - 4
the clang compiler does not support -pg option on versions of OS X 10.9 and later
#60 opened by TommySchooner - 0
`bam diff` should exit with a return code
#54 opened by hisplan - 0
Makefile should not ignore system LDFLAGS
#58 opened by bichkd - 2
cannot consume -.ubam on a pipe
#57 opened by bwlang - 5
Compilation doesn't work (warnings=errors)
#45 opened by Tsallagov - 5
Cannot Compile NonPrimaryDedup Branch
#56 opened by BrenKenna - 3
The output of make Clonelib should be clearer
#19 opened by pjvandehaar - 2
Dedup does not work from std/in
#55 opened by slazicoicr - 3
No output
#14 opened by AmirKamali - 2
Cut middle of reads
#53 opened by shimbalama - 4
Building bamUtil returns error: undefined reference
#52 opened by Dlfn - 3
clipoverlap on raw output straight from bwa
#51 opened by bjkelly - 4
Compile error
#50 opened by LiyanJi-code - 4
Building bamUtil returns error: call of overloaded 'to_string(int&)' is ambiguous
#49 opened by sam0per - 1
clipOverlap in outward facing pairs
#48 opened by dariober - 1
- 1
How to cite bamUtil
#46 opened by heewookl - 2
- 1
- 6
- 6
Compiling issue
#18 opened by kbaySA - 1
bam2FastQ: fixing output file name whith --gzip
#28 opened by fgvieira - 1
Update wiki build insturctions
#23 opened by andrewrech - 4
bam recab: parallel processing
#21 opened by andreas-wilm - 15
- 14
Indexing the clipped bam files
#16 opened - 1
‘DATE’ / 'USER' was not declared in this scope
#12 opened by luis-ortiz - 3
CIGAR does not evaluate to the same length as SEQ
#17 opened by h-2 - 16
Failed to open bam fille
#15 opened - 5
Generating interleaved FASTQ for bam2FastQ?
#10 opened by alexlancaster - 1
make error
#11 opened by songsy - 1
- 8
Compilation problems on Linux
#4 opened by vinjana - 1
compare reads ignoring read id
#8 opened by avilella - 1
new mapqual diff option
#9 opened by avilella - 1
bamutil diff speed ups?
#7 opened by avilella - 2
Make Error with CentOS
#6 opened by chaelir