This project contributes to an open source ROS-based framework for swarm robotics. We propose an low cost, high availability swarm system that could be printed and assembled multiple times without special knowledge or hardware skills.
- ajnavarroSpain
- am0dCanada
- applicationsmaglab
- benhadad
- cfarm6Liberty University
- cgoates
- Chestergc
- DIYman
- fabidTokyo
- gmdeoliveiraContagem, Minas Gerais
- h3ct0rMeta
- hessammehrUniversity of Glasgow
- ivan-marroquin
- jauderho
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- jottr
- keep9oingUNIST
- kmlxLondon, UK
- lgkimjyKorea Institute of Science and Technology
- lucascoelhofRealtime Robotics
- mauferrariUFMG - DCC - Verlab
- mrahbarSmart Software GbR
- mvanzorn
- PhylumChordata
- pierrerafiq
- ramonmeloPhoton Engine (
- raphaelrkHarvard University
- rezeckRezeck
- sepherro
- sjimenez44BufferOrigin
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- Squishy47manchester
- Suptree
- termi-officialRuhr University Bochum
- titeishon