
This project focuses on training robots to grasp everyday objects accurately. We gather a unique point cloud dataset using an iPhone's LiDAR and process it with Polycam. We develop a PointNet model from scratch to perform multi-class classification and part-segmentation, guiding the robot on where to grasp objects.

Primary LanguagePython

Robotic Grasping Detection with PointNet

Problem Statement

I have always been amazed by how quickly we can analyze what is the correct way to hold an object. As it is simple prowess, we often take this skill for granted. We are conditioned to grab our toothbrush by the handle and not the bristle, we know not to grab a knife by its sharp edge, and we also know there is no single universally correct way to grab a ball. A child typically starts developing the ability to grasp objects in the first few months of life and by 1 year old, the child is able to master the "pincer grasp" which is the use of the thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects.

In the field of robotics, extensive research has been dedicated to teaching robots how to grasp objects, employing methods like supervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning. Grasping objects poses a complex and computationally intensive challenge, especially in real-time operations. This project's focus is not on programming a robotic hand to physically grasp objects, but rather on determining where to grasp them. Similar to how humans learn to identify handles on objects, our goal is to train robots to recognize optimal grasping points on a specific set of objects, allowing them to apply this knowledge to new objects.

Video source: Eureka! Extreme Robot Dexterity with LLMs

Video source: 'Kitchen robot' that will cook meals from scratch unveiled


  1. ShapeNet

    • ShapeNetCore is a subset of ShapeNet, featuring 51,300 meticulously verified 3D models spanning 55 common object categories, including the 12 from PASCAL 3D+.

    • ShapeNetSem is a more compact subset, containing 12,000 models across 270 categories, each extensively annotated with real-world dimensions, material composition estimates, and volume and weight approximations at the category level.

  2. UtensilsNet

    • Created my own custom dataset which consists of 400 point clouds of three object classes: Knife, Pan, and Cup. Data augmentation was used to increase size of dataset. More on data augmentation techniques in section 4. Part of the dataset has been uploaded to this GitHub repo.


This projects involves designing the PointNet model from scratch. We first collected point cloud data using an iPhone's LiDAR though the Polycam app. We chose three objects for our dataset: Cup, Knife and Pan. We cleaned our point cloud using the RANSAC algorithm to filter out any outliers. Because we have a limited dataset, we use data augmentation which is different from those we use on images. We explain why the data augmentation such as scaling or reflection do not work on point cloud data. We then labeled our point cloud using Segments.ai. We downloaded and processed the segmentation label. Finally, we trained our model for both classification and part-segmentation. Our goal is to be able to segment the handle on the object. We evaluated our model on an out-of-sample dataset which did not perform as well as expected but nervertheless, had good results on our test set with accuracy greater than 98%.

Video source: AMBIDEX Grasping Demo - Perception & Force Control

Plan of Action

  1. Understanding PointNet
  2. Coding PointNet
  3. Data Collection with Polycam
  4. Data Pre-processing with Open3D
  5. Data Labeling with Segments.ai
  6. Training: Classification and Part-Segmentation
  7. Evaluation

1. Understanding PointNet

Before PointNet, researchers would convert point cloud data into 3D Voxel Grids. The disadvantages of Voxel Grids are that they lead to data sparsity because there are large regions with no points (empty voxels), increase storage and computation, loss of fine-grained details in the point cloud, and have proven to be inefficient for irregular data whereby point clouds are inherently irregular data structures.

Introducing, PointNet which is a neural network architecture designed for processing and understanding point cloud data. The idea behind PointNet is to take in directly the point cloud data such that it respects the permutation invariance of points in the point cloud data and thus no longer needs to transform the data into 3D Voxel Grids.

Image source: PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation

The architecture is designed to directly process unordered point cloud data, which makes it a useful tool for various 3D tasks such as object classification, semantic segmentation, and part segmentation.

Image source: PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation

Our project will focus on classification and part-segmentation.

1.1 Permutation Invariance

Point clouds represent a set of points in 3D space. Each point typically has attributes such as position (x, y, z) and possibly additional features (e.g., color, intensity). These point clouds are unordered sets of points, meaning that the order of the points in the set doesn't convey any meaningful information. For example, if we have a point cloud representing the 3D coordinates of objects in a scene, we could shuffle the order of the points without changing the scene itself. Here's an example below:

Original Point Cloud:

Point 1: (0, 0, 0)
Point 2: (1, 0, 0)
Point 3: (0, 1, 0)
Point 4: (1, 1, 0)
Point 5: (0, 0, 1)
Point 6: (1, 0, 1)
Point 7: (0, 1, 1)
Point 8: (1, 1, 1)

Shuffled Point Cloud:

Point 1: (0, 1, 0) # Previously point 3
Point 2: (1, 0, 0) # Previously point 2
Point 3: (1, 1, 0) # Previously point 4
Point 4: (0, 0, 0) # Previously point 1
Point 5: (0, 1, 1) # Previously point 1
Point 6: (1, 1, 1) # Previously point 8
Point 7: (1, 0, 1) # Previously point 6
Point 8: (0, 0, 1) # Previously point 5

Let's try to visualize it. Below is an example of an image (left) whose pixel grids are shuffled randomly with others. We observe that the original shape in the image is no longer retained. On the right, we have the point cloud data of a cube and when the points are shuffled randomly, we can still observe the original shape- a cube.

Although the order of the points has changed, the spatial relationships between the points and the overall structure of the cube remain the same. It's about recognizing that the order of points in a point cloud doesn't change the underlying geometry or content being represented.

How does PointNet process point cloud data in a permutation-invariant manner?

  • Symmetric Functions: Max-pooling to aggregate information from all points in the input set. The operation treats all points equally, regardless of their order.

  • Shared Weights: The same set of weights using Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is used for all points in the input. This means that the processing applied to one point is the same as that applied to any other point. This shared weight scheme ensures that the network doesn't favor any particular order of points.

1.2 Point Cloud Properties

Let's describe the three main properties of a point cloud:

  • Unordered: A point cloud is a collection of 3D points, and unlike images or grids, there's no specific order to these points. This means that the order in which we feed the points to a network shouldn't matter. It should be able to handle any order we provide.

  • Interaction Among Points: These points aren't isolated; they have a distance metric. Nearby points often form meaningful structures. So, a good model should be able to capture these local patterns and understand how points interact with each other.

  • Invariance Under Transformations: A good representation of a point cloud should stay the same even if we rotate or translate the entire point cloud. In other words, changing the viewpoint or position of the points as a whole shouldn't change the global point cloud category or segmentation of the points.

1.3 Input Transform

From the PointNet architecture, we observe that the Input Transform encompasses a T-Net. So what is a T-Net? The T-Net is a type of Spatial transformer Network (STN) that can be seen as a mini-PointNet. The first T-Net takes in raw point cloud data and outputs a 3 x 3 matrix.

The T-Net is responsible for predicting an affine transformation matrix that aligns the input point cloud to a canonical space. This alignment ensures that the network is invariant to certain geometric transformations, such as rigid transformations.

Let's take a step back and define some of these complex technical terms:

  • Affine transformation matrix: This matrix defines how the input points should be transformed to align with the reference space (Canonical space).

  • Canonical space: It refers to a standardized and consistent reference point for processing 3D point clouds. It's like choosing a common starting point or orientation for all input point clouds. This standardization ensures that no matter how a point cloud is initially positioned or rotated, it gets transformed into this common reference frame. This simplifies the learning process of the neural network.

  • Rigid transformations: Transformation that preserves the shape and size of an object. It includes operations like translation (moving an object without changing its shape), rotation (turning an object around a point), and reflection (flipping an object). Essentially, rigid transformations don't distort or deform the object; they only change its position and orientation in space.

In summary, this means that no matter how the original point cloud was oriented or positioned, the T-Net will transform it in such a way that it becomes standardized, making it easier for subsequent layers of the network to process the data effectively.

1.4 Feature Transform

The PointNet has a second transformer network called Feature T-Net. The role of this second T-Net is to predict a feature transformation matrix to align features from different input point clouds. It captures fine-grained information about point-specific transformations that are important for capturing local details and patterns.

The second transformer network has the same architecture as the first except that this one's output is a 64 x 64 matrix. In the diagram below we used k where k will be equal to 64.

In the paper, the author argues that the feature space has a higher dimension which greatly increases the complexity of the optimization process. Hence, they add a regularization term to their softmax training loss in order to constrain the feature transformation matrix to be close to orthogonal. By being orthogonal. it helps ensure that the transformation applied to features during alignment doesn't introduce unnecessary distortion which could result in loss of information. Below is the regularization term where A is the feature transformation matrix and I is the identity matrix:

In summary, this is the difference between the Input T-Net and the Feature T-Net:

  • Input T-Net: By aligning the entire input point cloud to a canonical space, the Input T-Net captures global features that are invariant to transformations like rotation and translation.

  • Feature T-Net: Operates on the feature vectors extracted from the point cloud after the initial global alignment by the Input T-Net. It aims to capture local features and fine-grained patterns within the aligned point cloud.

1.5 Shared Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)

Since the Input T-Net and Feature T-Net are themselves mini-PointNet, they both contain shared MLPs in their architecture. While MLP is a type of neural network architecture that consists of multiple layers of artificial neurons (perceptrons), we will use 1D convolutional layers (Conv1D) for the shared MLP followed by Fully-Connected (FC) layers in both the Input and Feature Transformation networks. However, we will use only Fully Connected layers for the PointNet after the Feature Transformation network.

Note that the shared MLPs are the core feature extraction component after the initial alignment and transformation by the Input T-Net and Feature T-Net.

In the full architecture of the PointNet, we can clearly see how the Input Transformation Network and the Feature Transformation Network are mini-PointNets themselves.

2. Coding PointNet

Now that we know how PointNet works, we need to code it. Since it is a big neural network architecture, we will divide it into four segments:

1. Input T-Net

2. Feature T-Net

3. PointNet Feat

4. Classification Head

5. Segmentation Head

For this project, we will focus on both classification and part-segmentation.

2.1 Input T-Net

As explained above, the Input Transform section of PointNet contains a T-Net. Below is the schema for the architecture of the T-Net consisting of 1D Convolutional Layers and Fully Connected layers as shared MLPs.

id1[Input Point Cloud] --> id2[Conv1D 64 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id2 --> id3[Conv1D 128 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id3 --> id4[Conv1D 1024 + BatchNorm + ReLU] 
id4 --> id5[MaxPool]
id5 --> id6[Flatten 1024]
id6 --> id7[FC 512 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id7 --> id8[FC 256 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id8 --> id9[FC 9]
id9 --> id10[Add Identity 9]
id10 --> id11[Reshape 3x3]
id11 --> id12[Output Transform Matrix]

We first define the convolutional layers, fully connected layers, activation function, and batch normalization layers needed:

# Conv layers
conv1 = nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1)
conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1)
conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1)
# Fully connected layers
fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512)
fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256)
fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 9)
# Nonlinearities
relu = nn.ReLU()
# Batch normalization layers
bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)
bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024)
bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512)
bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)

The function for T-Net:

def input_tnet(x):
    # Input shape
    batchsize = x.size()[0]
    print("Shape initial:", x.shape)

    # Conv layers
    x = F.relu(bn1(conv1(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv1:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn2(conv2(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv2:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn3(conv3(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv3:", x.shape)

    # Pooling layer
    x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0]
    print("Shape after Max Pooling:", x.shape)

    # Reshape for FC layers
    x = x.view(-1, 1024)
    print("Shape after Reshape:", x.shape)

    # FC layers
    x = F.relu(bn4(fc1(x)))
    print("Shape after FC1:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn5(fc2(x)))
    print("Shape after FC2:", x.shape)

    x = fc3(x)
    print("Shape after FC3:", x.shape)

    # Initialize identity transformation matrix
    iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]).astype(np.float32))).view(1, 9).repeat(
        batchsize, 1)

    # Move to GPU if needed
    if x.is_cuda:
        iden = iden.cuda()

    # Add identity matrix to transform pred
    x = x + iden

    # Reshape to 3x3
    x = x.view(-1, 3, 3)
    print("Shape after Reshape to 3x3:", x.shape)

    return x

We will create simulated data for the point cloud with the following parameters:

  • batch size = 32
  • number of points = 2500
  • number of channels (x,y,z) = 3
    # Generate a sample input tensor (N, 3, 2500)
    sample_input = torch.randn(32, 3, 2500)

Below is the size of the layers after each process.

Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape after Reshape to 3x3: torch.Size([32, 3, 3])

The shape of the layer after T-Net and before matrix multiplication is a 3 x 3 matrix.

2.2 Feature T-Net

As explained above, the Feature T-Net is similar to the Input T-Net except that the output is now a 64 x 64 matrix. Below is the schema of its architecture:

id1[Input Point Cloud] --> id2[Conv1D 64 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id3 --> id4[Conv1D 128 + BatchNorm + ReLU] 
id5 --> id6[Conv1D 1024 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id7 --> id8[MaxPool]
id9 --> id10[Flatten] 
id11 --> id12[FC 512 + BatchNorm + ReLU]
id13 --> id14[FC 256 + BatchNorm + ReLU]  
id15 --> id16[FC k*k]
id17 --> id18[Add Identity]
id18 --> id19[Reshape k x k]
id19 --> id20[Output Transform]

Similarly, we define the convolutional layers, fully connected layers, activation function, and batch normalization layers needed. I defined a parameter k to be equal to the input size of the layer for the T-Net which is equal to 64.

# Hyperparameter
k = 64
# Conv layers
conv1 = nn.Conv1d(k, 64, 1) #input, #output, # size of the convolutional kernel
conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1)
conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1)
# Fully connected layers
fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) #input, #output
fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256)
fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k * k)
# Nonlinearities
relu = nn.ReLU()
# Batch normalization layers
bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)
bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024)
bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512)
bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)

Note that the output of the input T-Net is 3 x 3 (before matrix multiplication) but the input of the feature T-Net is n x 64. We have a shared MLP in order to convert the layer to the correct size before the feature transformation. Below is the function of the Feature T-Net:

def feature_tnet(x):
    print("Feature T-Net...")

    batchsize = x.size()[0]
    print("Shape initial:", x.shape)

    # Conv layers
    x = F.relu(bn1(conv1(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv1:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn2(conv2(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv2:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn3(conv3(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv3:", x.shape)

    # Pooling
    x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0]
    print("Shape after Max Pooling:", x.shape)

    # Reshape for FC layers
    x = x.view(-1, 1024)
    print("Shape after Reshape:", x.shape)

    # FC layers
    x = F.relu(bn4(fc1(x)))
    print("Shape after FC1:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn5(fc2(x)))
    print("Shape after FC2:", x.shape)

    x = fc3(x)
    print("Shape after FC3:", x.shape)

    # Initialize identity
    iden = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.eye(k).flatten().astype(np.float32))).view(1, k * k).repeat(batchsize, 1)
    if x.is_cuda:
        iden = iden.cuda()

    # Add identity
    x = x + iden
    x = x.view(-1, k, k)

    return x

Similarly, we created a simulated data but this time with 64 channels and print the results:

Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 4096])
torch.Size([32, 64, 64])

The output for the feature T-Net is a 64 x 64 matrix.

2.3 PointNet Feat

Next, we will code a function that will encompass the Input Transform, Feature Transform, and output the Global Features (1024). We will define wrapper functions for the input T-Net and feature T-Net.

# Input T-Net
def stn(x): #wrapper function
    return input_tnet(x)

# Feature T-Net
def fstn(x):
    return feature_tnet(x)

Once again, our shared MLPs will consist of 1D Convolutional layers.

# Convolution layers
conv1 = nn.Conv1d(3, 64, 1) #input, #output, # size of the convolutional kernel
conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1)
conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1)

# Batchnorm layers
bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64)
bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024)

The PointNet Feat function:

def pointnetfeat(x, global_feat=True, feature_transform=True):
    # Number of points
    n_pts = x.size()[2]
    print("Shape initial:", x.shape, '\n')

    # Apply Input T-Net
    trans = stn(x) #torch.Size([32, 3, 3])
    x = x.transpose(2, 1) #torch.Size([32, 2500, 3])
    x = torch.bmm(x, trans)
    print("Shape after Matrix Multiply:", x.shape)
    x = x.transpose(2, 1)
    print("Shape after Input T-Net:", x.shape) #torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])

    # conv layers
    x = F.relu(bn1(conv1(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv1:", x.shape)

    # Apply Feature T-Net
    if feature_transform:
        print("\nApply Feature T-Net...", '\n')
        trans_feat = fstn(x) #torch.Size([32, 64, 64])
        x = x.transpose(2, 1) #torch.Size([32, 2500, 64])
        x = torch.bmm(x, trans_feat)
        print("Shape after Matrix Multiply:", x.shape)
        x = x.transpose(2, 1)
        print("Shape after Feature T-Net:", x.shape, '\n') #torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
        trans_feat = None

    # Save point features
    pointfeat = x

    # conv layers
    x = F.relu(bn2(conv2(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv2:", x.shape)

    x = bn3(conv3(x))
    print("Shape after Conv3:", x.shape)

    # Pooling
    x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0]
    print("Shape after Pooling:", x.shape)

    # Global Feature
    x = x.view(-1, 1024)
    print("Shape of global feature: ", x.shape)

    # classification:
    if global_feat:
        return x, trans, trans_feat
    # segmentation
        x = x.view(-1, 1024, 1).repeat(1, 1, n_pts) 
        return torch.cat([x, pointfeat], 1), trans, trans_feat #1088

Again with simulated data, we print our results:

# Input Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape of Iden: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape after Reshape to 3x3: torch.Size([32, 3, 3])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 3])
Shape after Input T-Net: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])

# MLP...
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])

# Feature Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 4096])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 64])
Shape after Feature T-Net: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500]) 

# MLP...
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape of global feature:  torch.Size([32, 1024])

The size of our global features is of size 1024.

2.4 Classification Head

Lastly, we have the classification head function which will complete the whole classification network architecture of PointNet. First, we need to define our output parameter k which is the number of classes our neural network will predict:

k = 5 #number of classes to predict

Similarly, we then defined the last shared MLP which consists of only Fully Connected layers :

# Fully Connected Layers
fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) #input, #output
fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256)
fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k)
# Batchnorm layers and dropout
dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.3)
bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512)
bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)
# Nonlinearities
relu = nn.ReLU()

The classification head function:

def pointnetcls(x, feature_transform=False):
    print("Classification head...")
    # PointNetFeat
    x, trans, trans_feat = pointnetfeat(x, global_feat=True, feature_transform=feature_transform)
    print("\nShape after PointNetFeat: ", x.shape)

    # FC layers
    x = F.relu(bn1(fc1(x)))
    print("Shape after FC1:", x.shape)
    x = F.relu(bn2(dropout(fc2(x))))
    print("Shape after FC2:", x.shape)
    x = fc3(x)
    print("Shape after FC3:", x.shape)

    return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1), trans, trans_feat

With simulated data, we print the output from the beginning:

# Input Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape of Iden: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape after Reshape to 3x3: torch.Size([32, 3, 3])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 3])
Shape after Input T-Net: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])

# MLP...
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])

# Feature Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 4096])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 64])
Shape after Feature T-Net: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500]) 

# MLP...
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape of global feature:  torch.Size([32, 1024])

# Classification Head...
Shape after PointNetFeat:  torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 5])

Our output will be log probabilities. We will need to exponentiate to get probabilities for each point cloud in our batch. We will then select the class with the highest probability to classify the point cloud.

2.5 Segmentation Head

For the segmentation head, our shared MLPs will also consist of 1D Convolutional layers.

m = 3 # number of segmentation classes
# Convolutional Layers
conv1 = nn.Conv1d(1088, 512, 1)
conv2 = nn.Conv1d(512, 256, 1)
conv3 = nn.Conv1d(256, 128, 1)
conv4 = nn.Conv1d(128, m, 1)
# Batch Normalization Layers
bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512)
bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256)
bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128)

Note that since we need to concatenate our output (64) from the feature transform with the global feature (1024), we have an if function in our pointnetfeat function which do so and return a feature of size [batch size, 1088, n]. We then pass the latter through the shared MLPs.

    if global_feat:
        return x, trans, trans_feat
        x = x.view(-1, 1024, 1).repeat(1, 1, n_pts)
        return torch.cat([x, pointfeat], 1), trans, trans_feat

The output from the segmentation head is of size: [batch size, n, m] where m is the number of segmentation classes.

def PointNetDenseCls(x, m=2, feature_transform=False):
    print("\nSegmentation head...")
    batchsize = x.size()[0]
    n_pts = x.size()[2]
    print("Shape initial:", x.shape, '\n')

    # PointNetFeat
    x, trans, trans_feat = pointnetfeat(x, global_feat=False, feature_transform=feature_transform)
    print("\nShape after PointNetFeat: ", x.shape)

    # Convolutional Layers
    x = F.relu(bn1(conv1(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv1:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn2(conv2(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv2:", x.shape)

    x = F.relu(bn3(conv3(x)))
    print("Shape after Conv3:", x.shape)

    x = conv4(x)

    # Post-processing
    x = x.transpose(2, 1).contiguous()
    x = F.log_softmax(x.view(-1, m), dim=-1)
    x = x.view(batchsize, n_pts, m)

    return x, trans, trans_feat

With simulated data, we print the output from the beginning:

# Input Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape of Iden: torch.Size([32, 9])
Shape after Reshape to 3x3: torch.Size([32, 3, 3])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 3])
Shape after Input T-Net: torch.Size([32, 3, 2500])

Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])

# Feature Transform...
Shape initial: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Max Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape after Reshape: torch.Size([32, 1024])
Shape after FC1: torch.Size([32, 512])
Shape after FC2: torch.Size([32, 256])
Shape after FC3: torch.Size([32, 4096])
Shape after Matrix Multiply: torch.Size([32, 2500, 64])
Shape after Feature T-Net: torch.Size([32, 64, 2500]) 

Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 1024, 2500])
Shape after Pooling: torch.Size([32, 1024, 1])
Shape of global feature:  torch.Size([32, 1024])

# Segmentation Head...
Shape after PointNetFeat:  torch.Size([32, 1088, 2500])
Shape after Conv1: torch.Size([32, 512, 2500])
Shape after Conv2: torch.Size([32, 256, 2500])
Shape after Conv3: torch.Size([32, 128, 2500])
Output torch.Size([32, 2500, 3])

3. Data Collection with Polycam

Thanks to Polycam, it is very easy to collect data with your iPhone's LiDAR. The app has a free trial however, we can only export the data in .glb format. Make sure that you move slowly around your object to avoid drift and avoid capturing the facet of your object more than once. Unfortunately, you will not be able to capture transparent objects or shiny objects. For better results, I observed that it is better to choose objects with textures and details. I placed those objects on the ground to scan as when putting them on a table, I would accidentally scan other parts of the room and this would lead to extraneous details.

You will need to convert your files from .glb to either .pcd or .ply for further processing. I used this website: link. You can visualize your result with Meshlab.

4. Data Pre-processing with Open3D

After data collection, the next crucial step is data pre-processing before we move on to the labeling phase. Our current dataset consists of raw data that includes outliers and extraneous information, and our priority is to clean the data before labeling it.

4.1 Segmentation with RANSAC

We are interested only in the cup or the object of interest hence, we do not need the ground plane in our point cloud. How can we remove this? In my previous project Point Clouds: 3D Perception , I talk about how to segment the road and the vehicles using RANSAC. The latter algorithm is widely used as a way to remove outliers from our data. As such, this is exactly what we need. The ground plane is the outlier here.

In our scenario, we choose ransac_n equal to 3, which is the number of points to randomly sample for each iteration of RANSAC, and num_iterations equal to 100 which is the number of RANSAC iterations to perform. We also fine-tuned our distance_threshold to 0.005.

    ### ------- SEGMENTATION
    outlier_cloud, inlier_cloud, = ransac(point_cloud, distance_threshold=0.005, ransac_n=3, num_iterations=100)

The variable outlier_cloud now represents the ground plane as shown in blue below while the variable inlier_cloud represents the cup in red. We save inlier_cloud (cup) as a PLY file and perform the same operation for all data.


4.2 Data Augmentation

Note that we have three object classes and we have around 25 point clouds for each class. In summary, we have a very limited dataset. Of course, we can still collect more data however, this will take a long time and will require more objects to scan. I have a finite number of cups in my house!

Similar to how we do data augmentation on our images - rotation, blurring, brightness adjusting, and so on - we can do the same on the point cloud. However, there is a catch. We cannot do a rotation, translation, or reflection operation on our point cloud, as the PointNet is invariant to rigid transformation as explained above. And we cannot do blurring or brightness changing as we are only concerned with the spatial location of the points and not the intensity values (Also, I don't think we can do blurring). Recall, that the Input T-Net will align the input point cloud to a canonical space so there is no point in doing the rigid transformations anyway. Below we will describe three examples of data augmentation that we can do.

4.2.1 Random Noise

Given our point cloud, we will add a little jitter on each point. That is, we will randomly sample noise from a Normal Distribution and add it to the original point cloud. This will make each point shift a little bit from its original position. We perform the operation for how many 'new' samples we want to create.

    ### ----- Data Augmentation: Noise
    augmentation_noise(outlier_cloud, num_augmented_samples=5, noise_level=0.0025, save=None)
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

4.2.2 Random Sampling

The point cloud for this cup has around 10,000 points. We will first generate a random number between 1000 and 5000 which will represent the number of points we want to sample from our original point cloud. We will then sample indices with range: [min=num_points_to_sample, max=len(point_cloud.points)] using np.random.choice(). With these indices, we will filter out the points from the original point cloud and create a new point cloud - sampled_point_cloud. Similarly, we run the code in a loop depending on how many 'new' samples we want to create.

    ### ----- Data Augmentation: Random Sampling
    augmentation_sampling(outlier_cloud, num_augmented_samples=5, min_points_to_sample=1000, max_points_to_sample=5000, save=None)
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

4.2.2 Random Deformation

The last data augmentation we will do is to deform our point cloud about an axis. We randomly select a bending angle between 10 and 15 degrees. We then randomly select a point in the point cloud as the bending axis. We generate a rotation matrix using that bending axis and the bending angle. We then apply that rotation matrix to the point cloud. The result can be a bit noisy as shown below.

    ### ----- Data Augmentation: Random Deformation
    augmentation_deformation(outlier_cloud, num_augmented_samples=5, min_bending_angle=10.0, max_bending_angle=15.0)
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4

5. Data Labeling with Segments.ai

For labeling, I chose the platform Segments.ai which is a multi-sensor labeling platform for robotics and autonomous vehicles. I find it to be pretty user-friendly and you get 14 days trial.

  1. We start by creating an account and then a new dataset.
  2. We will be asked to name the dataset.
  3. We chose the data type to be Point Cloud from a list of Text, Image, and Point Cloud.
  4. We select the task to be Segmentation among Keypoints, Bounding Box, Vector Labels, and Segmentation.
  5. We will then need to upload our files in the format of .pcd, .bin or .ply.
image image
  1. In the settings tab we can add the labeling categories. For each category, there is an id, a name and a color associated with it.
  2. We click on "Start Labeling".
  3. A new window will open whereby we have the side, top, back, and 3D view of our object.
  4. We choose the "Brush" tool on the left to start selecting the points we want to label as "Handle".
  5. We press spacebar when we are done.
  6. We do the same process for the "body" of the object.
image image

Below is a video of how we label points with the brush tool:


After we label all our objects, we click on the "export" button and a JSON file will be downloaded which consists of all our objects id, points coordinates, reflectivity value, and segmentation label.

6. Training: Classification and Part-Segmentation

Now that we have coded our model architecture, collected our data, cleaned the data, augmented our dataset, and labeled it, it is now time for training!

6.1 Training for Classification

We can train our model for either classification or segmentation at a time. We cannot do both at the same time. Hence, we will start with the easiest one: Classification. Note that for both the classification and segmentation tasks, we will create our own custom Dataset class that will store the samples and their corresponding labels. We then create our train and test DataLoaders as follows:

train_dataloader_custom = DataLoader(dataset=train_data_custom,

test_dataloader_custom = DataLoader(dataset=test_data_custom,

We then create an instance of our model:

# Instantiate model
model_cls = PointNetCls(len(train_data_custom.classes))

We use the negative log-likelihood as our loss function and set the Stochastic Gradient Descent as our optimizer.

# Setup loss function and optimizer
loss_fn = nn.NLLLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params=model_cls.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.95)

We then train our model with a batch size of 32 and 25 epochs. Below are the results from our training:

train_loss: 0.0258 | train_acc: 0.9955 | test_loss: 0.0286 | test_acc: 1.0000

6.1 Training for Part-Segmentation

Now let's train our model for part-segmentation. Note that we will use the same loss function and optimizer as we used for the classifier. With experimentation, I observed a learning rate of 0.001 and a momentum value of 0.95 works best. However, this time we will train our model for 250 epochs. Below are the results of our training:

# Instantiate model
model_seg = PointNetDenseCls(train_data_custom.num_seg_classes)

Below is our segmentation results:

train_loss: 0.0353 | train_acc: 0.9890 | test_loss: 0.0406 | test_acc: 0.9870

7. Evaluation

Now, let's see how our model performs on an out-of-sample dataset.

7.1 Evaluation: Classification

Below are some results we performed on our test dataset. We observe that the model correctly predicts the class of all three objects with high probability.

image image image
image image image

Secondly, we scanned three more objects that were not part of our test dataset and performed inference. We can see that though these objects are not specifically cups, they do have a physical structure similar to a cup. The model wrongly classifies the first object but correctly classifies the last two objects. Note that

image image image
image image image

7.1 Evaluation: Part-Segmentation

Similarly, we test our model on our test dataset and we observe that at epoch 100 we start to segment part of the handle of the cup. However, from epoch 100 to epoch 200, we no longer have proper results. At epoch 250 we have a clear segmentation of the handle.

Epoch 50 Epoch 100 Epoch 150 Epoch 200 Epoch 250
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

With the pan dataset, we have our best results at epoch 150. After that, our results started to deteriorate. This may be due to a lack of data.

Epoch 50 Epoch 100 Epoch 150 Epoch 200 Epoch 250
Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10

We tested the model with the out-of-sample dataset of the mug. Although, we can clearly distinguish the handle of the mug, however, we could not segment any points till epoch 181. At epoch 187, the handle is wrongly segmented as the body. After epoch 188 till epoch 250, we segment our whole point cloud as the handle which is clearly wrong.

Original Epoch 180 Epoch 181 Epoch 187 Epoch 188
Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14 Image 15

Still no luck with the point cloud of the detergent. At epoch 260 we segmented half of the body of the object as the handle. This then decreases will epoch 280, however, we fail to segment the handle of the point cloud.

Original Epoch 260 Epoch 270 Epoch 275 Epoch 280
Image 16 Image 17 Image 18 Image 19 Image 20

At epoch 240, we could see we correctly segmented part of the handle. Alas, similar to the mug point cloud, we are segmenting the body of the object as the handle.

Original Epoch 240 Epoch 242 Epoch 245 Epoch 250
Image 21 Image 22 Image 23 Image 24 Image 25


The PointNet was one of the first neural network architectures that could directly process raw point cloud data instead of transforming first into voxels as previous models would do. What makes PointNet powerful is its permutation invariance characteristic that can handle point clouds with varying order by aligning the point cloud into a canonical space. In this project, we used PointNet for both Classification and Part-Segmentation. We saw that the PointNet has a simple architecture - it comprises of mini-PointNets - and in turn, makes it computationally efficient. However, PointNet is sensitive to noisy data and a limited dataset can be a major drawback.

Collecting our own data with an app like Polycam is possible, but it can be time-consuming and might require multiple attempts for proper point cloud processing. We addressed this by augmenting our point cloud data to increase our dataset size. Although labeling using Segments.ai is user-friendly, it remains a manual effort that consumes time. For classification, only 100 epochs were needed to achieve high accuracy on our test set. However, for part-segmentation, we trained our model for 250 epochs. During the evaluation of out-of-sample data, we encountered challenges in segmenting the handle from the body due to limited data. To improve this, we could consider a transfer learning approach, where we first train the model on the ShapeNet dataset, then use the learned weights to further train on our custom dataset, and finally, perform inference on our out-of-sample data. This approach could be listed as a further improvement to our project.

Our goal to segment the handle of an object has proven conclusive when tested on the test dataset. However, for a zero shot segmentation on out-of-sample data, we still need to train our model on larger dataset. We showed how if we could scan an onject in 3D using LiDAR, we could run inference and detect the handle on the object. Our robot would then be able to grasp the object by the handle exactly how a human would do.


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