A comprehensive survey of forging vision foundation models for autonomous driving, including challenges, methodologies, and opportunities.
- bdfbdf321
- BIRlzThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- chaytonminInstitute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences
- chenlongwhuWuhan University
- ClaireGuo1999
- Ghostish
- Hongbin98
- icemansinaThe University of Hong Kong
- ilnehc
- JieqianyuZhejiang University
- jinhuan-hit
- juanwuluPurdue University
- kwonyoung9120Seoul National University
- ldkong1205National University of Singapore
- LiyaoTangUSYD
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- maysonmaPurdue University
- qianpeishengI2R, A*STAR; SUTD
- qiuwchJohns Hopkins University
- Rinstein四川 成都
- saliteta
- sankin97ECNU
- shanysheng
- smackggBytedance
- TotalVariationAIRC, Ulster University
- w-yiboTsinghua University
- wlc2424762917
- XL2013北京
- yanx27The Chinises University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- yjcaimeow
- YTEP-ZHIThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- zachtianImeprial College London
- zhanghm1995CUHKSZ