
Incomplete or Erroring Workshops

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Dear Workshop Contributors,
@mikelove @lwaldron @PeteHaitch @risserlin
@sa-lee @drisso @zhaleh-safikhani @kstreet13
@lgeistlinger @npcooley @Simon-Coetzee @nturaga

A few items are still unresolved for getting a complete workshop build.

  • Please check the _bookdown.yml file and the assigned issue for the status of your workshop
  • Make sure that you are using the appropriate Rmd file for your workshop (there should be no duplicate workshop files)
  • Ensure that you are modifying the DESCRIPTION file and your package list accordingly so that all dependencies are documented

Best regards,

cc: @mtmorgan @lshep

Hi @LiNk-NY ,

it looks like for a couple of workshops (including ours) the problem is that aroma.light is failing its checks in bioc-devel and hence biocLite won't be able to install it. Any workaround? Or should we ask @HenrikBengtsson to fix it? :)

It looks like this devel branch of princurve was merged into the master branch, so I'll try just adding dynverse/princurve to the Remotes: .

We don't need the devel version of princurve. The latest version should be good enough (2.0.4).

I can confirm that aroma.light passes R CMD check --as-cran with the princurve 2.0.4 that just hit CRAN. I've/Travis CI/AppVeyor CI verified on Linux and Windows with various R versions - as soon as macOS binaries are rolled out, I'd expect it to also work there too. This means that aroma.light should build and pass all checks on Bioc release & devel at the next round of Bioc builds.