- 1
Invoking "make -j16 -l16" failed
#286 opened by emirsonmeez - 25
no sonor image
#278 opened by huangbintao188 - 3
Migration to ROS 2 and new Gazebo
#283 opened by mabelzhang - 2
Underwater Drag
#290 opened by BALLLIKEPOPI - 1
Bimanual Manipulation | Project DAVE
#285 opened by utterances-bot - 21
Build Dave | Project DAVE
#260 opened by utterances-bot - 15
Multibeam Sonar | Project DAVE
#267 opened by utterances-bot - 14
3D Underwater Lidar | Project DAVE
#265 opened by utterances-bot - 20
Support for ROS2 humble?
#276 opened by kulkarni-raunak - 1
what‘s error with eca_a9
#284 opened by huangbintao188 - 7
Build Dave | Error
#272 opened by Z8MAN8 - 4
In the folder `uuv_ws/src`, this project cloned `acoustic_msgs` package from to the folder `hydrographic_msgs`. But unfortunately, the package has been updated, NOT compatible. If you just want to run codes, the simplest way is the rollback of the downloaded package.
#277 opened by huangbintao188 - 2
Integrated Demo: demo world not launching
#274 opened by mjsaenz - 16
Get Source Codes | Project DAVE
#257 opened by utterances-bot - 5
Removing dave from dave_sim.repos
#224 opened by bsb808 - 0
black screen
#279 opened by gaoning0109 - 1
- 2
Can't get any of the tutorial robots moving
#271 opened by random-engineer89 - 4
Add object models to ignition/fuel
#195 opened by bsb808 - 0
Errors in from mating plugin in stdout
#227 opened by bsb808 - 1
Teleop interface for applying force/torque to models
#193 opened by bsb808 - 0
Add buoyancy to Benthos float models.
#210 opened by bsb808 - 0
Add airplane wreckage model
#211 opened by bsb808 - 3
Rocker dep
#233 opened by romulogcerqueira - 5
New Underwater Vehicle | Project DAVE
#273 opened by utterances-bot - 1
challenges with tzdata in loading the Docker image
#237 opened by 0-dph-0 - 1
- 2
Plans to migrate Project DAVE to ROS2?
#262 opened by JSaunders97 - 0
- 2
Where are the Virgil files that are used to new underwater vehicle tutorial?
#270 opened by whoi-engineer - 1
- 2
UUV simulator dependancy is now deprecated
#266 opened by magnus-rovco - 2
Object Models | Project DAVE
#275 opened by utterances-bot - 10
Protobuf RepeatedPtrField issue with opertor[] syntax
#258 opened by cs1488 - 2
Update Build Wiki
#238 opened by Yadunund - 1
soft robot simulation
#261 opened by wangcongrobot - 2
Directly on Host | Project DAVE
#255 opened by utterances-bot - 1
Hybrid glider - assembling hull and propellers
#249 opened by bsb808 - 2
Movit_commander package.xml build error
#248 opened by woensug-choi - 1
glider scaling
#247 opened by bsb808 - 0
Use world solver in all demo worlds
#245 opened by Yadunund - 4
GUI rendered dark in some systems
#208 opened by quarkytale - 1
- 1
Add a wiki page as tutorial/demo of the new models
#220 opened by bsb808 - 3
Additional default bathymetry environments
#198 opened by woensug-choi - 1
Integrated World Checklist
#215 opened by Yadunund - 2
A script to incorporate large dataset
#204 opened by woensug-choi - 1
xacro error when launching demo worlds
#200 opened by Yadunund - 1
- 0
Rename the default/production branch to `main`
#192 opened by bsb808