[ECCV 2024] Omni6DPose: A Benchmark and Model for Universal 6D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking
- 0nhcNorthwestern University; @hyperplane-lab; @AIR-DISCOVER
- ChaselLau666University of Science and Technology of China
- chenyilun95The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- eclipse0922Connecteve
- hjlllllFourier Intelligence
- hutao0v0
- hwfan@hyperplane-lab @MVIG-SJTU @BUPT
- Jiyao06Peking University
- linden713University of Michigan
- mini-1235Zhejiang University
- Mr-ZhuJunbeijing
- omega-cwGuangZhou
- pmj110119Peking University
- qkqhd222
- sseunghyunsMapo-gu, Korea
- sshwyPeking University
- swords123Dalian University of Technology
- timeoptimal
- xiaofeifei-1
- ZixianGao
- ZzZZCHSZhejiang University