
Missing tf_frame from odom to base_footprint while using multi_turtlebot3.launch

maker-ATOM opened this issue · 0 comments

TurtleBot3 platform used - Burger

ROS distro used - ROS 1 Noetic Ninjemys

Reproduction of issue:

  • roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo multi_turtlebot3.launch and
  • rqt to visualise transforms

After launching the multi_turtlebot3 and visualising tf_frames which look something like below


Gazebo should broadcast odom to base_footprint frame for each robot which it does not because spawn_model node from gazebo_ros package uses the same urdf for all the robot which does not contain any argument to set odometryFrame and robotBaseFrame. The frames are required for nodes slam_gmapping to produce map for individual robots.

Expected tf_frame:
