- 0xNOYTamagawa University
- akinobu1998@tamukohlaboratory
- balkceMexico
- certafonso
- DeathuraLyon
- dirkholz
- FerazzSweden
- francescodelduchetto@LCAS University of Lincoln
- GuiFornes
- hawkina
- hellososhiThe University of Tokyo
- hibikino-musashi-athome
- ikuzo198Kyushu Institute of Technology
- iocchiSapienza University of Rome, Italy
- johaq
- JuancamsURJC
- juandpenanSpain
- justinhartUniversity of Texas at Austin
- kyordhel
- LeanderVonSeelstrang
- LeroyRUniversität Bielefeld
- LoyVanBeekAigro
- malte3dGermany
- moriartyIndependent Contracting
- MrKeith99@TeamSOBITS
- pulver22@LCAS
- robotijn
- sedelpeuch@eirbot @eirlab @catie-aq
- semeyerzUniversität Bielefeld, CITEC, CLF
- simonernst
- siva-shibaJapan
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- tomkimsourPAL Robotics
- ytbilly3636none
- YuqianJiang