The research project based on Semantic KITTTI dataset, 3d Point Cloud Segmentation , Obstacle Detection
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- afnanahmadYork University
- brudermuellerUniversity of Oxford
- catree
- ClaudiaShuUniversity College London
- daijicheng
- daikunpeng
- Dawn-JN
- dj-boy
- dlotsSWTec
- guigua1AutoX
- gujiaqivadinAlibaba Cloud
- HamRadioDXerShandong Academy of Sciences in China
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- iamilyasedunov@CodeSopranos
- KangchengLiuCaltech, ETH Zurich, CUHK
- lan-sky
- LiangzgJlu
- marknabilFrance
- MashaSS
- michaelchi08MCKC
- orrrrtem
- rageobiDublin, Ireland
- rayonnant14
- RJ2019
- suspicious-iris
- suyunzzz
- taha-elmokademUNSW Sydney; @NXTGEN-Robotics
- teetanghManipal Institute of Technology
- VirtualRoyalty@tinkoff-ai
- yhliao19
- yuan-zm
- YunmeiHuang
- ywj-github
- zoust2018
- zwqnju