- 1
addHeader does not support multiple calls
#142 opened by rlowe-altoslabs - 1
Out of memory listing entries on one human chromosome on a machine with 300 GB ram and 165 GB BigBed file
#148 opened by balwierz - 1
'zsh: segmentation fault '
#147 opened by violacimatti - 0
pyBigWig.entries() should return empty array, not None when no entries are found
#149 opened by balwierz - 4
Document performance considerations?
#125 opened by alexlenail - 0
Stats Sum Not Working as Expected
#146 opened by atancoder - 0
- 1
Issue Downloading pyBigWig
#144 opened by tdb7dgr - 1
Support for python >=3.11
#143 opened by CodingKaiser - 2
Suppress logging/error messages
#123 opened by EricR86 - 5
Can't enforce numpy features when pyBigWig is used as a dependency in downstream package
#133 opened by EricR86 - 9
Installing through pip not working
#141 opened by callum-b - 2
1-based BigWig file as input
#119 opened by dshan25 - 4
pip installation broken
#138 opened by ABignaud - 7
Writing a nan value should leave a gap
#132 opened by rcasero - 5
- 2
- 4
library import error
#130 opened by chanwkimlab - 2
support for osx-arm64
#127 opened by phylyc - 1
numpy support broken in 0.3.18?
#128 opened by francois-a - 2
- 0
RuntimeError: Invalid interval bounds
#124 opened by Ankita-1211 - 7
BigBed interval problem
#122 opened by jtd032 - 11
Error Installing pyBigWig
#120 opened by pzhang312 - 3
[bwGetOverlappingIntervalsCore] Got an error
#117 opened by wuzhaoqi1015 - 2
Open bw file for appending?
#118 opened by tncowart - 3
Problem installing pyBigWig
#109 opened by beetlejuice007 - 2
Issue installing on macOS: pyBigWig.c:6:10: fatal error: 'values.h' file not found
#114 opened by kevlarr - 4
Write bigwig to BytesIO object
#113 opened by joachimwolff - 1
- 4
File with incorrect header information read as empty
#111 opened by dkoes - 2
Support for GCP bucket access?
#107 opened by francois-a - 1
Failure to install pyBigWig package in python3.8-buster container when numpy is installed
#106 opened by blaiseli - 1
- 3
- 2
How to install pyBigWig in windows?
#98 opened by burcakotlu - 1
pybigwig.values produced negative values
#95 opened by BenxiaHu - 1
- 2
Mismatch in the magic number when trying to open bigwig file to fix chromosome names
#105 opened by WimSpee - 2
Python 3.8 support
#103 opened by joachimwolff - 1
Change chromosome names.
#101 opened by amv33576 - 6
- 4
- 2
get the list of all possible stats
#96 opened by lldelisle - 7
- 4
IGV fails to read bigWigs generated by pyBigWig
#89 opened by pbenner - 1
- 6
Is memory released on bw.close() ?
#91 opened by PanosFirmpas - 2
- 2