Clone of the Bioconductor repository for the SingleCellExperiment package, see https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/SingleCellExperiment.html for the official development version.
- 5
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- 5
SingleCellExperiement and Seurat V5
#77 opened by ondina-draia - 1
Mistake Locks R Terminal
#75 opened by DarioS - 1
- 5
- 1
How to install the old version?
#71 opened by mainyanghr - 3
Special field for gene symbols
#70 opened by lambdamoses - 8
- 3
- 3
- 4
version field duplicated in int_metadata after concatenating two SCE objects
#65 opened by lambdamoses - 1
error when using assay()
#64 opened by FionaMoon - 5
Error in rowData(object)
#27 opened by ONeillMB1 - 5
`combineCols()` errors when called via `do.call()` with a named list of objects to be combined
#62 opened by PeteHaitch - 1
Coercion from *SingleCellExperiment* to *SummarizedExperiment* loses rownames
#63 opened by PeteHaitch - 2
Slow load time of package
#61 opened by alexvpickering - 11
- 6
Double validation of the int_elementMetadata slot
#56 opened by hpages - 1
Modify behavior of withColData= in altExp(s)
#58 opened by LTLA - 4
Respecting any mcols() passed to reducedDims<-() if a List is supplied as the value
#57 opened by brgew - 4
SCE-internals man page
#54 opened by FelixErnst - 1
Hierarchical clustering dendrogram
#52 opened by atflores - 2
Remove non-used slots
#51 opened by jgarces02 - 7
SCE class allows assigning a SCE as assay?
#50 opened by HelenaLC - 2
Segregation according to gene name
#48 opened by Hemantcnaik - 2
int_colData method not found
#49 opened by drighelli - 1
could not find function "colLabels"
#47 opened by suvarzz - 2
Rownames stripped when using `reducedDims<-`
#46 opened by LiNk-NY - 5
cbind() hangs if assays don't match
#44 opened by nathancfox - 4
Change in reducedDims slot in Bioc 10?
#43 opened by hpliner - 4
Add tests for altExp error messages
#38 opened by LTLA - 4
could not find function "altExp<-"
#39 opened - 2
updateObject for classes that inherit from SingleCellExperiment has problem with reducedDims slot change
#37 opened by epurdom - 1
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Printing is suddenly slow?
#31 opened by LTLA - 8
Secondary objects for alternative feature types
#30 opened by LTLA - 3
- 8
Provide `as.matrix` S3 method
#26 opened by scottgigante - 14
don’t use “Depends”
#25 opened by flying-sheep - 3
weights accessor
#23 opened by dcellwanger - 4
Extracting counts data as dataframe
#22 opened by DrLucyMac - 2
Test fails in Travis but not on my local machine
#21 opened by drisso - 2
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Make subset() behave more expected
#17 opened by flying-sheep - 3
Requires R version >=3.5
#11 opened by siamakz - 3
- 1
Saving a SingleCellExperiment containing a dgCMatrix with "saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment"
#9 opened by chriad - 8
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Error creating SingleCellExperiment object
#7 opened by campsj