This is the repository that includes the code material for the ESweek 2021 for the Education Class Lecture A3 "Learn to Drive (and Race!) Autonomous Vehicles"
- 929937690
- 9elmo6Ontario
- abdelhakim96EIVA a/s
- aguenette
- Ahnassef
- Ammarelmoghazy
- asliyigitKocaeli University Computer Engineering
- bitsurgeon
- Cho-HyeongraeKorea University
- cristianfdruta
- dennisonlau
- EricCabrolParis, France
- esraue
- jmcnulty7070
- JohannesBetzTechnical University of Munich
- jongchankKookmin University
- junzengx14UC Berkeley
- lcmj2803
- luigiberducciTU Wien
- meanmeeChina
- mgagvani
- michaelchi08MCKC
- PhoenixDaiUSA
- raushanprabhakar1
- ruoxiangleeHong Kong
- ruredot
- S1mKuTU Dortmund
- sardanian
- straybird-s
- sungwonidaStradVision
- xueminchiZJU
- yapbenzetKocaeli Üniversitesi
- yongen9696FOZ One
- zamantousifSensible 4 Oy