Implementation of Sparse-NCNet: "Efficient Neighbourhood Consensus Networks via Submanifold Sparse Convolutions"
- amlankarNVIDIA, University of Toronto
- chrischoyNVIDIA
- csyanbin
- cv-lab-x
- cvfishLondon
- daoran
- DeriZSYImage Derivative Inc.
- DmZhukov
- doudoublues
- fly51flyPRIS
- frankfan007
- gisbi-kimNAVER LABS
- guohengkaiByteDance Inc
- Ha0TangCVL, ETH Zurich
- haofeixuETH Zurich
- hassony2@willowsierra
- imelekhovAalto University
- JiamingSuenZJU-3DV
- jlevy44
- junjihashimotoJapan
- justimyhxuStanford University; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Zhejiang University
- JXQJWuhan University
- lilujunai
- lixinySJTU-SAI
- qianyizhangbeijing
- RubikplayerNVIDIA
- ruotianluoWaymo
- scholltanTBC
- SergioRAgostinho@NVIDIA
- Usernamezhx
- XuyangBaiHKUST
- ymingxieNortheastern University
- zebrajackpungke
- zhiqwangaxera
- zjhthuBeijing
- zxlzrearth