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How do I add a gene track for hg19?
#1921 opened by dexon9109 - 2
TypeError when running removeBrowser
#1918 opened by bartcharbon - 10
No data for chrX and chrY for GRCh37
#1912 opened by 1pratham - 0
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith') in v3+
#1913 opened by lpryszcz - 1
Broken hs1 genome config in 3.0.7 pre-built
#1911 opened by guillaumecharbonnier - 0
HtsgetReader should not send HTSGet ticket server headers in data server requests
#1908 opened by andaca - 2
Color by base modification resets Group by tag
#1877 opened by northwestwitch - 11
`flanking` argument isn't applied to the locus when `search` parameter is also supplied
#1892 opened by audsc - 8
Losing labels when zoom in/out
#1898 opened by felipefahrion - 6
Variant Track Custom change between V2 and v3
#1903 opened by jpofmars - 1
Locus search is case-sensitive in 3.0
#1904 opened by ajw725 - 3
Variant tracks not displaying useful information
#1902 opened by rponte-ionis - 9
- 4
Float tags in BAM files interpreted incorrectly
#1901 opened by Ally-Vella - 7
Hub missing cytoband
#1900 opened by Kahl84 - 14
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Shift of -1bp in insertions displayed on igv.js
#1889 opened by gemmabv - 1
turning autoHeight = true requires users to set the track height twice using the gear icon
#1897 opened by edlynhaynes - 3
Issue in RefSeq reference
#1893 opened by aardes - 2
Can't see any alignments on "M" chromosome when using chromosome alias tab files
#1896 opened by northwestwitch - 1
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CORS policy for
#1887 opened by youknow16 - 2
Question: Testing and data-testid for elements
#1882 opened by PeterKnealeCMRI - 5
Loading from dropbx url is slow
#1883 opened by aardes - 5
contrib: devcontainer config
#1881 opened by PeterKnealeCMRI - 5
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How can I get the search errors?
#1879 opened by felipefahrion - 1
Track gene name for v2.15.13
#1878 opened by ozlem-sevri - 5
IGV in a secondary tab does not show initially
#1856 opened by VidJa - 5
Baseline shift for spliceJunction tracks?
#1863 opened by dnil - 7
Htsget Bam support broken since v2.9.0
#1870 opened by jmgenomics - 13
IGVweb not loading GFF compressed and index files when served from a server
#1871 opened by r78v10a07 - 3
Issue with searching consecutive regions with .search() in same IGV browser since v3.0.0
#1864 opened by efgstone - 1
VariantTrack header.INFO undefined
#1868 opened by nictru - 5
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Inquiry About Highlighting SNPs in IGV.js
#1833 opened by yrjia1015 - 3
a lot of tracks are blank at first and only appear when you change the locus.
#1848 opened by eternal-flame-AD - 2
loadTracks example not working
#1841 opened by mukamel-lab - 0
customize a reference genome
#1839 opened by faezehma - 0
Add option to display alignments arranged 1 per line
#1836 opened by jrobinso - 5
- 5
The YC tag in bam does not work and does not display the corresponding color
#1811 opened by windforclouds - 3
IGV renames "chromosome_1" to "omosome_1"
#1832 opened by shelkmike - 6
Issue with Loading Large GWAS Data Track in igv.js
#1825 opened by yrjia1015 - 2
copy sequence from selected region as in IGV desktop
#1814 opened by MiqG - 1
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