- 0
#280 opened by chenzhe-tj - 5
computeCommunProb: Error in nn.ranked[idx.i, ] : subscript out of bounds
#236 opened by strawberry098 - 0
Excluding communications
#279 opened by samguttr - 2
Issues installing
#277 opened by samguttr - 2
Different color of the same signal when plot all signals vs one signal in bubble plot
#278 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 2
- 1
Minor suggestion on spatialFeaturePlot()
#274 opened by mvfki - 2
netClustering Error
#235 opened by GischD - 2
- 4
How do you handle merging samples across different tissue arrays, leading to redundant coordinates?
#249 opened by AmosFong1 - 1
Error when use default CellChatDB
#275 opened by Mollyx06 - 1
running the computeCommunProb function. got the error message: Error in integer(n) : invalid 'length' argument
#243 opened by Xingsongli - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Bug: Error in mat[,] : incorrect number of dimensions in netVisual_heatmap
#270 opened by emmanuel-contreras - 4
- 1
- 1
Subsetting Cellchat
#251 opened by Rayan21100 - 1
Cellchat result robustness visium vs snRNA-seq
#263 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 1
BUG, netVisual_aggregate(layout = "spatial") not proper for 2 nodes network
#252 opened by gnilihzeux - 1
Autocrine interactions can not show on the spatial plots when using netVisual_aggregate
#254 opened by liuxiaZzz - 1
netVisual_bubble parameter:
#255 opened by martab0t - 1
- 1
- 1
Error with `future` package integration
#260 opened by lict99 - 1 is working with netVisual_aggregate but is not with netVisual_individual
#264 opened by CroixJeremy2 - 1
- 1
Issue with umap-learn
#267 opened by joaolm01 - 1
Error when running identifyOverExpressedGenes()
#269 opened by JosieCen - 1
SelectK Error with Packages
#271 opened by zacharyjxy2020 - 1
filter out small communication signal
#265 opened by synatkeamsk - 1
Error in createCellChat(object = data.input, meta = meta, = "labels", : spatial.factors with colnames `ratio` and `tol` should be provided!
#262 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 2
Error in createCellChat(object = data.input, meta = meta, = "labels", : unused argument (scale.factors = scale.factors)
#261 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 2
Different cellchat result at sample level
#240 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 1
Error when running netVisual_circle()
#259 opened by JosieCen - 1
fail to install cellChat with install_github() and error: didn't find libc++ <stddef.h> header
#248 opened by ecolip - 0
- 0
Include databases broader than L-R interactions
#246 opened by jgarces02 - 0
Error with netVisual_aggregate in spatial data
#245 opened by yuiko-chan - 0
Multiple spatial datasets comparison from
#242 opened by jvogenstahl - 2
- 2
how to obtain the visium_mouse_cortex_annotated_full.RData in the Spatial vignette?
#238 opened by pcantalupo - 1
Help with interpreting netP_object$prob
#237 opened by Chrisdoan9 - 0
runCellChatApp error and question about multi samples
#234 opened by jiw181 - 1
- 0
number of interactions mismatch with differential interactions between groups
#232 opened by yulchen810 - 0
rankNet error
#231 opened by vma201620 - 1
The spatial location is incorrect
#229 opened by solivehong - 2
could not find function "projectData"
#228 opened by yulchen810