- 0
I have encountered the following errors when using this software. Can you help me solve them.
#83 opened by zhangkaihui1 - 1
How to understad output ?
#82 opened by YuChrming - 2
RuntimeError: Failed
#81 opened by luo123675 - 3
Unconventional Use of RagTag
#80 opened by goeckeritz - 4
- 1
how ragoo to set max_variant_size?
#78 opened by qbdong - 11
New sequence header
#77 opened by vappiah - 1
Unplaced sequences
#76 opened by vappiah - 7
- 4 not corresponding to ragoo.fasta
#74 opened by jun3234 - 2
Difference between RaGOO and RagTag
#73 opened by XMTian - 4
- 1
Input as scaffolds
#64 opened by tk2 - 4
unable to detect data files for Ragoo
#62 opened by jainv45 - 4
- 1
- 1
- 6
Some question about long sequence
#72 opened by AntetokounmJie - 3
Hard-coded output directory
#34 opened by dariober - 9
[morecore] insufficient memory
#33 opened by mictadlo - 5
Why BUSCO reports fewer genes after RaGOO?
#66 opened by Ural-Yunusbaev - 3
SPAdes + RaGOO
#67 opened by francicco - 5
RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
#65 opened by XuewenWangUGA - 6
RaGOO - minimap2 runtime error
#63 opened by RG-UCSB - 2
Output directory name parameter
#61 opened by ViriatoII - 1
KeyError in
#60 opened by maherrl - 10
- 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#57 opened by droeatumn - 1
Estimation of real gap size
#58 opened by soungalo - 6
Output contig locations bed file
#56 opened by soungalo - 1
Liftover reference gff
#55 opened by soungalo - 1
- 3
Why did it go to Chr0?
#53 opened by soungalo - 5
reassembling chr0
#41 opened by mictadlo - 1
Differentiation Pseudomolecules
#52 opened by mwylerCH - 2
- 1
RaGOO Chr > reference Chr
#50 opened by mazepago - 1
Structural Variants Calling
#49 opened by MehmetGoktay - 2
Gap filling with RaGOO
#48 opened by ViriatoII - 3
- 0
option -i doesn't seam to work
#47 opened by lalalagartija - 3
Pseudomolecules creation step error
#45 opened by Yedomon - 6
Super-scaffolding two genome drafts
#44 opened by enormandeau - 4
- 3
Maximum number of breaks per contig
#43 opened by gbdias - 8
Potential chimeric contig persists after RaGOO
#35 opened by gbdias - 8
RaGOO out visualization
#40 opened by Ural-Yunusbaev - 5
- 5
Error in install
#38 opened by shehongbing - 1
Question: contig names in output
#37 opened by reubwn