From search engines, to science, to robotics, this reposity is meant to showcase the use of reinforcement learning in the world..
- Agrover112
- anirudhacharya
- brandontrabuccoMachine Learning Department @ CMU
- cs2716London
- dyth
- erfanMhiUniversity of Alberta
- eytancanziniSheffield, UK
- FelipeMartins96RoboCIn
- fly51flyPRIS
- gognlin
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- Howuhh
- jagtShanghai
- JasonMa2016Philadelphia, PA
- jhurlbutSan Francisco
- jparkerholder
- laventuraMountain View, CA
- mgoulaoNeuralShift
- michaelchi08MCKC
- Miguel-AvalosLima Perú
- MiladInkMila
- NameAtirutUniversity of Strathclyde
- neerajwaghChampaign, Illinois
- NishanthVAnandMontreal
- ntienvuAmazon
- proceduraliaMila
- ptigasUniversity of Oxford
- ryanxhrUT Austin
- santiagomvc
- StoneT2000
- SynapticSageBrandeis University
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- TortillasAlfredQuebec City
- user2212
- vrn25University of Alberta