
This repository contains the link to the code tutorial programs prospoed in the book: Mastering ROS for robotics programming Second Edition

Mastering ROS for robotics programming 2nd edition

Design, build and simulate complex robots using Robot Operating System.

Book source code main repository.



Jonathan Cacace, PhD.

First edition of the book by Dr. Josep Lentin: Mastering ROS for robotics programming.

About the book

Todays era is gaining a lot of traction towards robotics in various industries where consistency and perfection is mattered the most. Automation is playing a major role today, and most of it is achieved with robotic applications and various platforms that support robotics. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a modular software platform to develop generic robotic applications. This book will be focusing on the most stable release of ROS (Kinetic Kame) and will discuss the advanced concepts in robotics and how to program using ROS.

Paperback: 660 pages.
Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account.
Language: English.
ISBN-10: 1788478959.
ISBN-13: 978-1788478953.

Difference between first and second edition

The first edition was based on ROS Indigo and Jade. In this edition we update concepts and source codes eventually deprecated or outdated. New fundamental topics for robotic applications and two completely new chapters have been added in this 2nd edition.


This repository contains one sub-module for each chapter source code, in this way you can directly clone and pull repository to be updated with the last version of the software of the whole book.

Click on the repository name to directly get the code use in the chapters.


Download all the submodules in the src directory of your ROS workspace:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jocacace/mastering_ros_2nd_ed

To pull the submodules in case of remote repository update, run the following command in the mastering_ros_2nd_ed directory:

git submodule update --init --recursive
git pull


catkin_make -j1


To compile the workspace with this meta-package you should installa the following dependencies
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-controller-manager ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller ros-kinetic-joy ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control ros-kinetic-moveit-*

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