- 1
Bioframe.overlap RAM error
#219 opened by talipzengin - 3
Two tests segfault on s390x
#215 opened by penguinpee - 0
Typo in the changelog
#214 opened by penguinpee - 0
Merging based on unrelated intervals possible?
#212 opened by marade - 2
- 1
feature request
#208 opened by WANGchuang715 - 2
Bring back GTF attributes parser?
#141 opened by nvictus - 0
- 13
Strand-aware expand (bedtools slop)
#144 opened by ivirshup - 1
- 1
make_viewframe takes forever on 100_000 entries
#114 opened by sergpolly - 4
default dtypes &
#188 opened by smitkadvani - 0
overlap between a point and a segment is broken
#183 opened by golobor - 3
bioframe.assign_view drop_unassigned drops all NaNs?
#160 opened by Phlya - 2
- 0
- 1
Change in goldenpath URL
#186 opened by nvictus - 2
to_bigwig: wrong format for chromsizes
#168 opened by rusch-emma - 1
subtract error in windows
#169 opened by meisproject - 1
non-standard column names in checks.is_contained
#126 opened by Phlya - 2
coverage crashes when `cols` is specified
#173 opened by benjaminbauer - 0
Streamlining input validation for ops
#140 opened by nvictus - 0
- 0
reading bigwigs into dataframes
#153 opened by gfudenberg - 0
- 6
Suggestion for updating the closest function.
#163 opened by WANGchuang715 - 1
- 3
make chromarms - broken, or changed?
#175 opened by Phlya - 4
Alternative DataFrame class(es) for OOC + speed
#137 opened by ivirshup - 4
- 2
docs rendering issues
#143 opened by gfudenberg - 3
plot_intervals gives "ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity" exception
#135 opened by gokceneraslan - 2
Move extract_centromeres to extras
#142 opened by nvictus - 0
- 0
- 1
bin-table operations
#116 opened by agalitsyna - 1
strand-aware closest
#129 opened by gfudenberg - 2
Overlapping intervals in single bed
#134 opened by krukanna - 5
Allow start==stop for point data
#127 opened by ivirshup - 7
- 8
updates for schemas
#123 opened by gfudenberg - 0
Option to change bedgraphToBigwig path
#124 opened by agalitsyna - 3
- 4
is_contained for chromosome arms broken?
#118 opened by Phlya - 2
binnify with single chromosome
#119 opened by Phlya - 5
fetch_centromeres without information of centromeres
#115 opened by skytguuu - 1
Patch release for last 2 small fixes
#112 opened by nvictus - 0
motifs_per_peak calculated incorrectly in tutorial_assign_motifs_to_peaks.ipynb
#103 opened by vbchavali - 1
- 3
read_table behaviour with more names than columns
#105 opened by Phlya