Code release for ICLR 2023 paper: SlotFormer on object-centric dynamics models
- 51616
- aieveryday
- alec-tschantz
- animesh-gargGeorgia Institute of Technology
- ayushchakravarthy@StanfordVL
- BleyddynSouthern California
- dandelin@naver-ai
- DavidPL1Bielefeld University
- Doomjunky
- dsx-aishanghai
- eogns282KAIST
- fly51flyPRIS
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- HaozhiQiUC Berkeley
- HilbertXuUniversity of Edinburgh
- hyunwooguStanford University
- johnnynunezBarcelona
- jsikyoonSAP, @ahn-ml
- kashifBerlin, Germany
- kgourgou
- kinalmehtaQualcomm
- mch5048ECE. Seoul National University
- mhnazeri
- mkofinasUniversity of Amsterdam
- rentainheIDEA
- rish-16@KrishnaswamyLab @Graph-and-Geometric-Learning
- rssr25German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- stsfaroz@beezlabs-org
- tkipfAmsterdam
- tommaoerICT, CAS
- vpmohanty
- Wuziyi616@uoft-isl
- YTEP-ZHIThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- zhengrongzSJTU
- zzx9636