Contains build tools and rosinstall files for Shadow Robot's Software.
- 18981119465CH
- antoanFLOX AI
- atottoFukuoka/Tokyo, Japan
- BenStarmerSmithThe Shadow Robot Company
- dfreiberger
- dmbuck32@thesmartmachine
- dorkamotorkaPrewave
- eborghi10@oxinsmartmachine
- errordeveloper@docker
- follesoeBlueye Robotics AS
- genba
- hoh@Okeso
- hwgaoSingapore
- jacquelinekay
- jonititanCloud Edge Aero
- levinliu
- markpitchless
- milosgajdos@infrahackersuk
- myyerrolICT CAS
- patrickcjhDF Automation & Robotics Sdn Bhd
- rarraisINESC TEC
- reinzor@tue-robotics , @eurogroep
- rpapallasComputer Science, AUB Mediterraneo
- spmaniato@cruise-automation
- StanleyYakeGuangzhou
- tccolestockFAU - BioRobotics Lab Research Assistant
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- trn84
- XuBovey
- zhubeilifeRobot
- zmk5@sandialabs and Sol Robotics