- 0
- 3
- 2
arm.get_current_pose() results in ERROR: "Failed to fetch current robot state"
#97 opened by FlurinArner - 2
run on the real robot
#83 opened by hzwuqijun - 2
- 1
run on gazebo simulator
#95 opened by national0587 - 0
failed to fill bcap buffer
#93 opened by Booooooosh - 0
Failed to kill process arm_controller
#94 opened by Booooooosh - 2
Shall we use kinetic level or indigo level?
#92 opened by Booooooosh - 7
URDF file for VS6577-BW*
#89 opened by Booooooosh - 2
ResourceNotFound: denso_controller on Kinetic
#91 opened by 7675t - 2
migrate to ros-control
#68 opened by ompugao - 2
- 2
Reduce build_depends of denso_launch
#78 opened by tfoote - 3
Planning library not loaded
#70 opened by 130s - 3
- 1
Create indigo-devel branch
#55 opened by 130s - 1
release on indigo
#50 opened by k-okada - 5
parameterize the number of actuators
#19 opened by garaemon - 1
realtime mode isn't enabled
#21 opened by 130s - 0
"Slave mode" complaint from robot pendant
#25 opened by 130s - 3
- 2
Indigo release and other questions from industry
#46 opened by 130s - 2
- 0
Tutorial to work with real robot
#30 opened by 130s - 0
denso package works with VS-6577GM?
#28 opened by 130s - 1
- 0
Test on RC7
#29 opened by 130s - 1
Can everybody use MoveIt! through a web site?
#27 opened by wyasuda - 1
Command value delayed error ("指令値生成遅延です") from robot
#24 opened by 130s - 0
- 2
Add tutorial that uses JointTrajectoryAction
#22 opened by 130s - 1
While simulation launching, " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
#8 opened by 130s - 0
vs060 moveit diverges
#7 opened by 130s - 1
Update copyright declaration in source files
#2 opened by 130s - 2
Separate denso_controller/main.cpp into .h and .cpp
#33 opened by 130s - 0
support serial interface
#20 opened by k-okada - 5
- 2
Worth mentioning the tip how denso achieves realtime communication on slave ROS machine
#26 opened by 130s - 8
Announce densowave to community
#5 opened by 130s - 4
Rename repo to denso if possible
#13 opened by 130s - 1
Update representation "Denso Wave" to "DENSO"
#14 opened by 130s - 4
Release into ROS hydro
#1 opened by 130s - 1
release a new patch version 0.2.6
#17 opened by 130s - 1
- 5
missing dependency
#15 opened by k-okada