- 2
Abnormal kBET Scores
#80 opened by VishD17 - 3
- 3
is df input kBET a data frame with cells in rows and features in columns or the opposite?
#77 opened by joseale2310 - 1
batch_sil with non-numeric batch codes
#76 opened by jesswhitts - 1
which cell is rejected
#78 opened by wangjiawen2013 - 1
Dose kBET allow normalized matrix as input?
#56 opened by yycunc - 1
Searching for code and corresponding data.
#74 opened by sksarafad - 0
Improve input flexibility for kBET
#69 opened by mbuttner - 2
question about input matirx size
#75 opened by huawen-poppy - 5
Improve runtime of kBET
#68 opened by mbuttner - 16
- 3
Please add license to your repository
#72 opened by HollyRuess - 4
- 3
Extremely long run time
#46 opened by csennis - 2
- 1
Using kBET for methylation and RNA-Seq data
#66 opened by mxdeluca - 2
Using kBET with AnnData object
#71 opened by LeonHafner - 5
- 0
Add cell type label as optional argument
#70 opened by mbuttner - 1
Working on SingleCellExperiment object.
#58 opened by Midsummer723 - 1
kBET for scATAC-seq data
#55 opened by cflerin - 1
- 2
Scanpy Anndata object to KBET?
#67 opened by ShaowenJ - 2
kBET documentation for batch argument
#63 opened by edward130603 - 3
Error when setting nPCs to 2 in batch_sil function
#57 opened by ilcink - 3
Questions about cell type parameters.
#61 opened by HelloWorldLTY - 0
- 4
- 0
Error in batch_sil() and pcRegression()
#59 opened by aditisk - 6
kBET doesn't give any output?
#53 opened by getanid123 - 1
data matrix for kBET evaluation
#49 opened by phoebee-h - 1
Add a release tag
#51 opened by EugOT - 2
Seurat v3 and kBET
#52 opened by rmenafra - 4
cell x feature or feature x cell?
#48 opened by jon-xu - 0
kBET values
#45 opened by vkorobeynyk - 6
- 2
kBET within known cluster
#39 opened by AlemuTA - 2
Seurat CCA
#41 opened by alextamburino - 2
kBET not working (?)
#43 opened by SNRNS - 1
The input data format
#44 opened by nottwy - 1
weird(opposite) result
#42 opened by james20141606 - 1
data.R is missing
#36 opened by wikiselev - 1
Overall Batch Effect
#20 opened by mRcSchwering