
VLSI Flow broken for OpenRoad+Sky130 on chipyard 1.11.0 or above?

Jerry-Tianchen opened this issue · 0 comments

Background Work

Chipyard Version and Hash


OS Setup

RedHat 9

Other Setup

Ex: Prior steps taken / Documentation Followed / etc...

Current Behavior

Following exactly the tutorial on Sky130+OpenRoad with 1.11.0's TinyRocketConfig.

Multiple places have been broken in the sky130-OpenRoad flow.

  • Clock in Yml doesn't match the actual clock name in the project
  • Macro name and number don't match the actual name of Macro in the project, also the number of Macro in DCache seems completely wrong. Yml file says 4 Macros for DCahce and 2 for ICacahe, but after Chisel to RTL, seems only 3 SRAMs are needed in total?
  • Syn tool complains cells like "DFF_PP0", which seems to be an async reset FF that Sky130 doesn't support.

Expected Behavior


Other Information

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