- 1
Failed to ./ at conda setup VerificationError on open_pdk packages.
#2147 opened by trustfarm-dev - 0
- 1
- 2
NVDLA cannot read cache data correctly
#2137 opened by franktaTian - 2
Scala SBT Version Binary Compatibility Error
#2126 opened by suhwanhong999 - 2
- 5
basic design fail to meet timing and a really slow booting linux on VCU118
#2119 opened by Charles-Tang - 6
./ riscv-tools error
#2065 opened by RockyQLuo - 2
Error: Failed to make
#2091 opened by RockyQLuo - 11
Cannot boot linux with RocketChip+Vector Config
#2103 opened by franktaTian - 2
- 5
How to configure asynchronous reset
#2098 opened by AD738560581 - 3
- 1
make run-binary differs from make run-binary-debug
#2089 opened by HazemAlindari - 0
Numpy-1.26.4-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform
#2080 opened by ZechenM - 1
- 0
Add documentation for required dependencies and fix issues
#2073 opened by StephenMoreOSU - 0
firesim debug:using config (Rocket chip+custom Axi4 Peripheral) on fpga, segmentation faullt occurs when accessing Specific peripheral address
#2062 opened by huchensong - 0
Sky130 + openroad documentation doesn't work
#2059 opened by arunlee77 - 4
The current default IOBinder for Debug Module does not punch out the ndreset (and hartResetReq)?
#2048 opened by DecodeTheEncoded - 2
- 0
Add README to tests directory
#2049 opened by jerryz123 - 4
the data writing to SIMDRAM is always 0
#2047 opened by xlgforever - 1
- 6
RoCC Punch Trough Signal
#1987 opened by eric900115 - 2
Error while executing "make buildfile CONFIG=GemminiRocketConfig tutorial=sky130-openroad"
#2035 opened by chihyu-box - 1
- 2
- 4
Build-setup issue
#2016 opened by alsrbok - 1 $(which conda) returns function
#2002 opened by allpan3 - 0
- 2
Tutorial for sky130+openroad vlsi fails due to unbounded memory usage
#1934 opened by TheMichaelGionet - 3
cospike_cosim not checking wdata for validity
#2011 opened by pointerliu - 3
- 0
How to use JTAGDebugBScanOverlayKey in a Rocketchip configuration deployed on FPGA board
#1982 opened by leduchuybk - 3
- 0
- 4
Can not boot linux on Shutle
#1986 opened by franktaTian - 2
- 4
User field of TL Channels does not work (No connection for user fields in Xbar)
#1888 opened by ksungkeun84 - 1
- 4
- 2
Chipyard1.110 version, vcs make failed
#1922 opened by YeyeQian - 5
Is the data in the inclusive L2 cache synchronized with the data in the DDR, or how can I enable the write-through function of the L2 cache?
#1915 opened by Yuxin-Yu - 1
- 11
Segfault running SimNetwork under verilator
#1885 opened by sethp - 1
Facing issue while loading bare metal elf file through gdb debugger with openocd + gdb over virtual Jtag setup on actual fpga emulator on RISCV soc.
#1901 opened by tushar1277 - 2
- 4
Bare Metal VCU118 capability (similar to Arty100T) and Update to VCU118 documentation
#1889 opened by BMorgan1296 - 1
How can we integrate riscv-dv to test boom core?
#1879 opened by Sai-Manish