Binary alignment (BAM), FASTA, variant call (BCF), and tabix file import
- 4
- 0
Support for CSI indexes
#58 opened by diego-rt - 2
CRAM support - why not?
#56 opened by pd3 - 2
Rsamtools with multiple threads?
#55 opened by junjunlab - 3
`Rsamtools::indexTabix`: Capture console output
#32 opened by bschilder - 6
- 1
Help with pileup
#52 opened by joegeorgeson - 3
Support for delimited tags
#45 opened by joegeorgeson - 1
samtools markdup in Rsamtools
#51 opened by Adnanhashim - 1
Installation issue related to linker files
#50 opened by ShanSabri - 8
Installation Error
#47 opened by cmfield - 1
- 8
Issue with CRAM support install
#21 opened by lmckinno - 2
scanbam, with many reginos in which, is very slow
#44 opened by gevro - 6
Support for more recent HTSlib
#41 opened by matthdsm - 3
Issue with install on using conda
#20 opened by metaGmetapop - 7
installing error
#29 opened by sunnyyakima - 1
ScanBamParams documentation
#25 opened by cmatKhan - 2
Loading bam file in chunks
#42 opened by gevro - 2
Indexing a gzipped fasta file
#40 opened by eggrandio - 3
Using both "yileldSize" and "which" parameters
#38 opened by gacatag - 1
- 22
- 11
- 13
unable to load shared object '/build/r-rsamtools/src/00LOCK-Rsamtools/00new/Rsamtools/libs/'
#35 opened by starsareintherose - 4
Bug in scanTabix
#8 opened by timoast - 4
ScanBamParam: load all tags
#34 opened by gevro - 9
Is there a way to extract part of the sequence that maps to a specific area in the reference!
#31 opened by loukesio - 2
installation error in Microsoft R Open (R4.0.2)
#30 opened by reckonzzz - 5
- 6
example(applyPileups) ... code works
#26 opened by vjcitn - 7
- 1
- 2
Symbol not found: _bcf_float_missing
#24 opened by akhst7 - 9
Error installing
#22 opened by padpadpadpad - 1
cram support
#23 opened by matthdsm - 1
- 0
Rsamtools cannot handle csi index?
#17 opened by Mailinnia - 4
scanBam() crashes when asMates=TRUE and RNEXT is *
#16 opened by hpages - 6
- 0
- 5
CVE_2012_1461-1 FOUND
#11 opened by mmahmoudian - 5
- 2
How to use Rsamtools to extracting reads map into single chromosome from BAM file
#9 opened by Timothy-WANG - 7
scanTabix should return a stream
#7 opened by romanzenka - 2
- 0
- 0
- 11
- 2
Overhaul with new Samtools source code
#2 opened by kjohnsen