Compliant Control: 1) admittance control algorithm 2) impedance control algorithm 3) hybrid force&position algorithm in robotic arm (Universal Robot).
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hello,here is my question
#44 opened by HeiMay - 11
#30 opened by level11111111 - 17
#21 opened by ConnorChungCN - 3
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#14 opened by luding110 - 0
Application (Hybrid Admittance Control)
#42 opened by cheng9911 - 4
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Real UR5e robotic arm's initial pose
#37 opened by liaoziyi0229 - 3
Real UR5e robotic arm
#35 opened by ljc0815 - 3
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#38 opened by zbj165 - 5
Could not load class 'cartesian_controller/CartesianVelocityController': Could not find library corresponding to plugin cartesian_controller/CartesianVelocityController. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
#23 opened by zbj165 - 10
roslaunch admittance Wrench_Fake.launch
#32 opened by zbj165 - 2
#36 opened by NewFishNO1 - 9
Error when catkin_make
#33 opened by ZZWang21 - 9
#11 opened by zouzehua - 3
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#6 opened by cuggx - 1
rostopic: error: Argument error: mapping values are not allowed here in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 12: position: x: -0.10 y: 0.30 z: 0.30 orientat ... ^
#31 opened by daynad - 2
Need published paper
#29 opened by skywoodsz - 1
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#12 opened by Ericyang111 - 1
An error occurred when I ran the statement”roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5e_bringup.launch transmission_hw_interface:=hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface specified_controller:=cartesian_velocity_controller“
#28 opened by daynad - 1
#26 opened by quanfeifan - 2
#25 opened by xibeisiber - 2
#24 opened by zbj165 - 1
#22 opened by zbj165 - 7
Some problems regarding /wrench
#15 opened by YuHoChau - 8
WrenchSignalGenerate.cpp 如何修改 Wrench
#13 opened by YuHoChau - 4
#20 opened by hxqhaoxinqing - 0
#19 opened by hxqhaoxinqing - 2
About Wrench_Fake.launch file
#16 opened by yifeichen2024 - 3
compile error
#8 opened by p1ckpep - 2
Could not load controller 'cartesian_velocity_contraller_sim' because the type was not specified.
#7 opened by jz068 - 2
Problems connecting to a real robot
#5 opened by MZJR - 3
resource not found
#4 opened by zhengboom - 2
ROS version?
#3 opened by zhengboom - 2
Would it be possible to share your paper
#2 opened by HanwenCao - 2
compile error
#1 opened by fengzhongsu