[RA-L 2023, ICRA 2024, ICRA RMDO 2024] This repository contains the code used in our paper, "TrackDLO: Tracking Deformable Linear Objects Under Occlusion with Motion Coherence." This algorithm is useful for tracking the motion of DLOs, including wire and rope, under several categories of occlusion without physics simulation.
- 2369715751
- Aldhra
- berkgulerKoç University
- buesmaKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- bwm008
- CAN-Lee
- cdrwolfeUniversity of Sheffield
- changhaonanRutgers University
- happygaoxiao
- hhhhhli
- hollydinkel@RMDLO
- jmz3Johns Hopkins University
- Jyler1
- Kaweees@meraki
- kefusongTsinghua University
- KejiaChen
- KyleHuo
- lbhwyyNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- lindseyindevCalifornia
- maxiuw
- Mingrui-YuTsinghua University
- s-trinh
- SavickTsoUTokyo
- Seirius1
- XiaoJake
- yaodix
- yjh14341South Korea
- yuki-inahoinaho Inc.
- yxyang17