Autonomous Exploration package for a Turtulebot equiped with RGBD Sensor(Kinect, Xtion)
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about the code
#15 opened by pineappleKID - 0
Why the implementation of matern kernal function is deffernet from its equation?
#14 opened by EpsAvlc - 2
- 2
- 1
Exploration in Gazebo doesn't work
#11 opened by flbvieira - 1
[ERROR] [1556805462.218564692]: Very few candidates generated, finishing with exploration...
#9 opened by tianking87 - 2
A question about evaluation of MI.
#10 opened by yxy1996 - 2
No map received . Requesting the map...
#7 opened by MRwangmaomao - 5
hi,Can matlab code be published?
#6 opened by Jimmyzwang-cloud - 4
Rapp Manager : 'rocon_apps/chirp' is not unique and has no preferred rapp. rocon_apps/meow_chirp' has been selected.
#5 opened by wangzhaodong123 - 1
Problem about the code
#3 opened by babe1031 - 2
ROS indigo and kinetic
#4 opened by dwh635584069 - 13
turtlebot_exploration_3d use kinect2
#1 opened by QinZiwen - 2
scan_to_pcl not found
#2 opened by pirobot