- 1
#24 opened by khalidtab - 0
- 1
Posthoc for aov with predictor and covar?
#22 opened by MSMortensen - 0
Implement UpsetDA
#21 opened by malcook - 4
Addition of ANCOM and ANCOM-BC
#19 opened by benyoung93 - 2
- 6
Error in rowSums
#20 opened by ofleitas - 1
Phylum level - warning
#18 opened by miakeady - 2
Cannot install
#17 opened by tumu0901 - 0
Add corncob
#16 opened by Russel88 - 2
- 4
Parallelization does not work in R 4.0 + Rstudio
#13 opened by askerdb - 4
Adding interaction terms in DA.neb()
#12 opened by fconstancias - 1
- 1
min.sample argument in preDA function
#10 opened by Morgan-Bragg - 2
Errors in Mac Installation
#11 opened by asulit08 - 1
Best Practices for >2 treatments
#6 opened by jarrodscott - 1
showing p-value on the graphs
#8 opened by saifsikdar - 4
DA.aov/DA.lao and DA.TukeyHSD
#7 opened by DitteOL - 5
adx was excluded due to failure
#5 opened by pwang16 - 2
Fail to install the DAtest
#4 opened by pwang16 - 9
Any ideas about the runtime?
#2 opened by bastian-wur - 1
allDA(): Undeclared reference to function
#3 opened by jberry47