- 1
IMU buffer overflow error in
#143 opened by mczubel - 1
"Unable to load a custom holder type from a default-holder instance" when trying to assign a value to config.imuToGnss
#142 opened by charodziej - 1
Is it possible to load a saved map for replay?
#139 opened by genkv - 2
Question regarding Mapping API
#137 opened by ch-ho00 - 1
How to specify FPS in sai-cli record oak command
#138 opened by genkv - 2
Couldn't find matching GLX visual
#136 opened by divisonofficer - 5
SpectacularAI WARN: Dropping frames with Realsense D435i on Intel Pentium N4200
#85 opened by patrickpoirier51 - 1
- 1
ARM based support? Jetson Orin Nano
#129 opened by Genozen - 4
Could not open data.jsonl
#131 opened by khushalrs - 8
- 1
NerfCapture export depth scale?
#123 opened by wangqinglhc0122 - 9
- 2
Error while starting Gsplat training via Nerfstudio
#121 opened by breezanil - 3
Error running process command on Azure Kinect data
#127 opened by JesseDill - 6
Proper way to reset the Yaw?
#130 opened by mfassler - 3
"SpectacularAI : dropping frames! VIO is running too slow or data is being input too fast"
#100 opened by Contain1R - 4
- 2
SpectacularAI WARN: missing key frame in pose trail, skipping VIO constraint
#128 opened by breezanil - 16
Using AprilTags returns error
#91 opened by mgagvani - 2
- 6
Realsense vs oak D Pro
#107 opened by antithing - 2
- 19
Return point cloud and keyframes from c++?
#105 opened by antithing - 1
[QUESTION] Is their a way to get the VIO offline using prerecorded stereo images and imu data?
#90 opened by y2d2 - 1
Clarification on the oak d wide pro output
#81 opened by shannonwarren - 7
Loading existing map
#61 opened by kekeblom - 2
SpectacularAI ERROR: `ffmpeg` must be installed.
#98 opened by orgicus - 5
Two questions: How can I access all the data points of the camera's pose positions? Can I load a map?
#95 opened by kenhuang1964 - 2
- 1
- 19
ViO cumulative drift on the Z axis
#84 opened by patrickpoirier51 - 1
- 0
Spectacular AI SDK: WARN: Dropped primaryScript frame with sequence number = ...
#80 opened by Jenanaputra - 1
- 1
ARM compatible wheel for spectacular SDK
#73 opened by hrfuller - 2
- 3
Realigning after tracking loss
#62 opened by gseqBE - 2
- 1
#55 opened by RamatovInomjon - 11
Unable to run Mapping_visu with oak-D
#35 opened by MasIgor - 5
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 3 not runing
#27 opened by leizhao3 - 1
Algorithms for the VIO and SLAM
#28 opened by ep51lon - 2
- 4
Cannot download spectacularAI from Pip
#20 opened by VilobatirKedis - 1
Python sdk
#19 opened by poudyalbot