OpenLane is an automated RTL to GDSII flow based on several components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization.
Pinned issues
Magic DRC check reporting 0 errors in Openlane and MPW local precheck
#2040 opened by ellen-wood
- 0
Get pin locations
#2173 opened by young03600 - 1
- 1
Question about Automation
#2170 opened by Pxx-X - 3
Warning PDC_FILE
#2167 opened by srknkrdnz - 3
#2166 opened by srknkrdnz - 2
invalid command name set::env(PDK)
#2165 opened by srknkrdnz - 1
Where is "Estimated Congestion(RUDY)" report
#2163 opened by Pxx-X - 8
Errors found by linter
#2162 opened by Thanhdat1301 - 2
Issue with OpenLane 1 and with Klayout and starting correctly from within "make mount"
#2160 opened by ctalar - 4
issue running the make file
#2159 opened by claudiotalarico - 3
Upgrade to rtl_macro_placer
#2158 opened by maliberty - 1
zsh: permission denied: ./flow.tcl
#2155 opened by vijayank88 - 1
- 11
[ERROR GRT-0118] Routing congestion too high.
#2130 opened by Sanchit-Gupta10 - 4
getting max capacitance and max slew violations at some corners while doing sta
#2144 opened by Sanchit-Gupta10 - 8
Issue with installation of OpenLane, while running make cmd "Error: Command '['/home/HP/OpenLane/venv/bin/python3', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1."
#2129 opened by WrathofBhuvan11 - 1
Max fanout violation
#2097 opened by MuhammadWamiq003 - 9
ldpcEncDec Step 18 18-resizer_design.log failed
#2104 opened by manish03 - 5
- 22
- 1
Transition Openroad flowscript Design to Openlane
#2147 opened by Wiki1998-dev - 1
- 3
- 6
Building PDK and Tested PDK mismatch
#2140 opened by ihaziqiqbal - 4
- 7
Yosys ABC Tool crashes with exit code 139
#2124 opened by Fabbboy - 0
Power in metrics.csv doesn't match with power in multi_corner_sta.power
#2125 opened by LucaMartis00 - 4
No via inserted -> Unconnected PDN node
#2102 opened by scorbetta - 12
Make test and make openlane fail
#2122 opened by ssooffiiaannee - 7
Error in step-17 Running Detailed Routing
#2112 opened by Sanchit-Gupta10 - 0
Generating the PDN fails at the "Hierarchical chip design (with macros)" tutorial
#2121 opened by kietuan - 3
Error: multi_corner.tcl line 43
#2123 opened by fazliemre - 0
Enable rtl_macro_placer feature
#2117 opened by vijayank88 - 2
Automatic macro placement fails to complete PDN stage
#2116 opened by vijayank88 - 2
docker/*/Dockerfile has .gitignore removing yum_dependencies.txt from checkin
#2114 opened by dlmiles - 5
Add python `libparse` dependency to `requirements.txt`
#2107 opened by dlmiles - 4
python3 --viewer NOT WORKING
#2113 opened by Baungarten-CINVESTAV - 4
Multiple conflicting drivers
#2106 opened by Aadhithya33 - 0
Flow runtime should only have exit status 0 for success when SUCCESS was achieved
#2110 opened by dlmiles - 3
Unbalanced buffer insertion on high fanout designs
#2090 opened by Dolu1990 - 2
the script being called is missing
#2091 opened by nikitaminiaev - 3
Wire is used but has no driver
#2098 opened by scorbetta - 8
Synthesis warning for out of bounds signal
#2094 opened by scorbetta - 3
OpenLane deleting modules while synthesizing
#2092 opened by Ashutosh-3107 - 4
[ERROR PDN-0179] Unable to repair all channels.
#2096 opened by scorbetta - 5
`FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG` not taken into account
#2089 opened by scorbetta - 2
Using `SYNTH_PARAMETERS` in `config.tcl`
#2087 opened by scorbetta - 4
- 30
PDN unconnected to custom layout(s)
#2086 opened by lrburle - 0
Synth explore broken
#2084 opened by kareefardi