- 1
`Error in get("DOLite2EG") : object 'DOLite2EG' not found` when re-run `enrichDO`
#85 opened by zxy0912 - 1
GSEA to discover mixed enriched terms
#84 opened by mauritsunkel - 1
- 1
Error in findPathClusters(enrich, cluster = "hier", minClusterSize = 3) : could not find function "findPathClusters"
#81 opened by MANZHAOHUI - 3
MPO.db/HPO.db installation error
#79 opened by ushione - 6
MPO.db installation error
#78 opened by eudoraleer - 3
- 1
Some problems about 'maxGSSize' parameter in enricher_interval series function
#28 opened by huangwb8 - 0
- 1
- 1
cnetplot for selected gene and GO term
#70 opened by antoine4ucsd - 0
#72 opened by pragathi-sneha - 1
Error installing latest version of DOSE
#69 opened by archanabhardwaj - 1
- 1
- 35
visualizing GSEA results with 'dotplot'
#20 opened by guidohooiveld - 4
Rationale for decreasing order only in GSEA
#58 opened by Nelson-Gon - 0
- 2
#57 opened by GuangchuangYu - 1
reproducibility of GSEA
#4 opened by vladpetyuk - 2
How does showCategory function work?
#54 opened by smk5g5 - 4
setReadable not returning correct gene symbol
#41 opened by alexyfyf - 3
own genelist; too dump top proceed
#55 opened by mocherry - 3
Issues w/expected input genes
#35 opened by jinkinson - 1
Saving separate dotplots with for loop
#48 opened by mirkocelii - 1
enricher_internal.R code may have mistake
#52 opened by tangmaomao16 - 1
setReadable for compareCluster output
#43 opened by GuangchuangYu - 0
No genes mapped by gseNCG
#47 opened by gabrieljmarques - 9
- 2
gseGO through fgsea [ by GSEA_internal() ] is not fully reproducible, but is when running fgsea directly
#45 opened by guidohooiveld - 4
- 2
enrichNCG - update the database
#33 opened by ABanaeiEsfahani - 1
Error: object 'upsetplot' not found
#31 opened by TimJCooper - 0
information content calculation discordance
#27 opened by ieiwk - 3
- 0
- 9
segfault while installing
#25 opened by gaiazaff - 8
- 0
GSEA result p.adjust vs qvalue
#24 opened by mgandal - 2
Update to DisGeNet 5?
#22 opened by tonigi - 3
Some functions documented are not exported
#21 opened by llrs - 5
- 1
compareCluster error
#19 opened by Georgewiggins - 10
gseDO() example doesn't run
#16 opened by guidohooiveld - 7
Unable to plot with enrichMap
#15 opened by llrs - 7
enrichGO() gives incorrect results due to different filtering of gene and universe set
#11 opened by Gig77 - 1
GSEA() qvalue error when using very few terms
#10 opened by Runsheng - 4