
running crashed with Mid-70+ex-imu

gongyue666 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I use livox mid 70 with a extend imu running fast-lio,and it looks good. but when I run another node in SC-PGO it always crashed at begining, the log in screen is "running isam2 optimization",and after some lines like this, the ros node is crashed. my launch file is below:

<param name="scan_line" type="int" value="64" />

<!-- if 1, do mapping 10 Hz, if 2, do mapping 5 Hz. Suggest to use 1, it will adjust frequence automaticlly -->
<!-- <param name="mapping_skip_frame" type="int" value="1" /> -->

<!-- remove too closed points -->
<param name="minimum_range" type="double" value="0.5"/>

<param name="mapping_line_resolution" type="double" value="0.4"/> <!-- A-LOAM -->
<param name="mapping_plane_resolution" type="double" value="0.8"/> <!-- A-LOAM -->

<param name="mapviz_filter_size" type="double" value="0.05"/>

<!-- SC-A-LOAM -->
<param name="keyframe_meter_gap" type="double" value="0.5"/>

<!-- Scan Context -->
<param name="sc_dist_thres" type="double" value="0.3"/> <!-- SC-A-LOAM, if want no outliers, use 0.1-0.15 -->
<!-- for MulRan -->
<!-- <param name="lidar_type" type="string" value="OS1-64"/> -->

<!-- input from FASTLIO2 -->
<remap from="/aft_mapped_to_init" to="/Odometry"/>
<remap from="/velodyne_cloud_registered_local" to="/cloud_registered_body"/>
<remap from="/cloud_for_scancontext" to="/cloud_registered_lidar"/>   <!-- because ScanContext requires lidar-ego-centric coordinate for the better performance -->

<!-- utils -->
<param name="save_directory" type="string" value="$(env HOME)/sc-fast_ws/"/>  <!-- CHANGE THIS and end with / -->

<!-- nodes -->
<node pkg="aloam_velodyne" type="alaserPGO" name="alaserPGO" output="screen" /> <!-- Scan Context-based PGO -->

<!-- visulaization -->
<arg name="rvizscpgo" default="false" />
<group if="$(arg rvizscpgo)">
    <node launch-prefix="nice" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rvizscpgo" args="-d $(find aloam_velodyne)/rviz_cfg/aloam_velodyne.rviz" />

I check the topics "Odometry" and "/cloud_registered_body", both received the msgs. I do not have a gps msg.

the crash may caused by LoopFindNearKeyframesCloud() in laserPoserGraphOptimization.cpp, but it's strange that I add a log at the end of this function, it show the log, and then crash. By the way, my robot is not moving now.

@gongyue666 have you tried fast-lio-slam?