- ahmedosama07@brightskiesinc || @https-github-com-MiaRoboticsTeam || @IEEE-AlexSB-Technical-Committee || @IEEE-AlexSB-SW-team
- andrew-vorozcovs-ocado
- Arslan-Z
- carlowiesseSingapore
- casiarobot
- chippey
- chopin1998
- craft-zhangShanghai
- csujir
- dfx-rick@haveliuavs
- Eric5709
- fratopa
- gisbi-kimNAVER LABS
- goncalofurtado1Nova School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA
- GradyM2MXidian University
- hardesh@Peppermint-Robots
- haruyama8940Chiba Institute of Technology
- hookttg
- ivrolanTU Delft
- JackyLucifer
- KairongWuGDUT
- manu-kreutz
- nigeltianyRaleigh, NC
- robmasoccodotX Automation s.r.l.
- sarubito
- scheidemanEdmonton, AB Canada
- seo2730
- Serafadam@luxonis
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- Taeyoung96Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- thinvy
- tobi961
- U-AMCRepublic of Korea
- XueSongTap
- yifanyfyf