Deep Reinforcement Learning (PPO) in Autonomous Driving (Carla) [from scratch]
- 2
- 8
- 0
Not able to run discrete or continous file
#25 opened by SExpert12 - 0
Description issues
#24 opened by Mvp-Evan - 1
pygame.error: Unable to make GL context current
#23 opened by laolinde - 2
Encoder could not be initialized
#19 opened by tangmida - 2
ValueError: Expected parameter loc (Tensor of shape (10516, 2)) of distribution MultivariateNormal(loc: torch.Size([10516, 2]), covariance_matrix: torch.Size([10516, 2, 2])) to satisfy the constraint IndependentConstraint(Real(), 1), but found invalid values: tensor([[nan, nan], [nan, nan], [nan, nan], ..., [nan, nan], [nan, nan], [nan, nan]], grad_fn=<ExpandBackward0>)
#6 opened by zengningjia - 1
Messed up video in pygame
#20 opened by billyAlexio - 26
Couldn't inport Carla egg properly
#4 opened by longziyu - 4
Training does not work properly and agent does not beyond first traffic light in TOWN02
#10 opened by DeLeonOscar - 3
Encoder could not be initialized.
#16 opened by nsliem745 - 0
- 0
checkpoint is not optimal
#17 opened by WangZichen977 - 0
- 1
Why can't agents train using gpu?
#7 opened by heyoupeng819 - 1
pygame show
#8 opened by sgyyds - 3
- 2
[org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut] ("Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.secrets': timed out (service_start_timeout=120000ms)",)
#11 opened by Arachne0 - 1
There may be some errors in your code
#12 opened by GGGQAQ - 1
Couldn't import Carla egg properly
#13 opened by nsliem745 - 3
How long training takes?
#5 opened by DeLeonOscar