- 2
- 2
I am trying to launch a node to execute an IK solver alone and get the joints values as output
#143 opened by Tommaso2025 - 3
Group 'panda_manipulator' is empty & Link 'panda_hand_tcp' declared as part of a chain in group 'panda_manipulator' is not known to the URDF
#141 opened by upc-ghy - 1
- 2
- 29
Update moveit_tutorials (Noetic)
#97 opened by rickstaa - 0
#140 opened by 888xc888 - 7
- 4
ROS 2 Branch
#133 opened by peterdavidfagan - 5
Run trajopt planner error "Exception while loading planner 'trajopt_interface/TrajOptPlanner'"
#135 opened by ChuGuoqing - 4
- 1
Two panda robots
#105 opened by MahmoudSalem92 - 1
strange self-collision
#121 opened by marcbone - 3
no panda_moveit_config.launch
#127 opened by zehub123 - 1
- 2
remove `groud_plane` in gazebo
#128 opened by chauvinSimon - 16
- 1
rotating the gripper
#126 opened by cnaes93 - 2
How to use Moveit on FR3
#124 opened by BolunDai0216 - 9
Cannot find 'panda_control_moveit_rviz.launch'
#123 opened by fzy139 - 1
Does /franka_control/set_EE_frame service change the end effector of current move group ?
#122 opened by Assets01 - 10
How to control a real franka robot arm?
#115 opened by Franka-Med - 5
No such file or directory:
#120 opened by YXGuan - 19
Noetic release
#96 opened by rhaschke - 1
ROS Noetic Version Broken in Apt
#111 opened by fishbotics - 3
Cannot control gripper in Noetic version
#112 opened by harryzhangOG - 6
- 3
What version do we get when we do "sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-panda-moveit-config"?
#110 opened by Olimoyo - 12
- 4
Melodic-devel release
#75 opened by sgabl - 1
Binary package for Melodic still on version 0.7.4
#113 opened by roefer - 1
How to obtain the pressure of the real Franka's end effector (not gripper) and control it to generate a constant force (such as 0.5kg)?
#117 opened by Franka-Med - 4
How do we set the end_effector_link and pose_reference_frame from within the launch file?
#114 opened by rpapallas - 6
Error when I use move_to_start
#107 opened by xav12358 - 2
- 1
- 2
roslaunch demo.launch fails
#100 opened by orrblue - 21
Noetic release
#89 opened by rickstaa - 6
Noetic Release (0.8.0)
#72 opened by tylerjw - 2
where is demo_stomp.launch
#44 opened by mpatalberta - 8
Release 0.7.x for Noetic
#77 opened by fwalch - 4
run-time error with franka_ros example
#76 opened by christoph-jaehne - 3
[bug] stomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml should contain default_planner_request_adapters/AddTimeParameterization
#58 opened by jsbyysheng - 2
Add variable to demo.launch to control starting rviz for simpler test launch files.
#62 opened by tylerjw - 1
Add documentation for creating this package.
#73 opened by tylerjw - 2
No collision geometry
#71 opened by JhuaDuan - 1
planning_context confusion
#65 opened by swinterbotix - 1
- 1
- 4
missing robot state for virtual joint panda_joint8 - Trying to control panda from RVIZ
#49 opened by FirefoxMetzger